Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 544: v2 Chapter 516: half a month later

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Remember [New] in a second! Li Cha has not yet escaped from the excitement.

The system prompts continued to sound.

"Ding~**The scope of the swamp has been expanded by 10 kilometers, and the current scope is 30 kilometers in diameter."

"The number of auto-produced troop lairs increased to 3 each week, the upper limit of self-produced troop lairs increased by 10, the current troop lair number is 30, the upper limit: 40, and the number of troop: 600 (brilliant 3 stars)."

"The level of self-produced troop lairs has been increased from brilliant 3 stars to crown 3 stars. Produced troop lairs and recruited troops can be upgraded to crown 3 star levels after consuming flesh and soul energy."

"Ding~**The swamp has acquired a new characteristic—corroding will, the decayer."

"Corrosion of will: In the swamp of corruption, you will always be eroded by the aura of corruption. Once your will is corroded, you will be transformed into a servant of corruption by the swamp of corruption and become a member of the swamp of corruption."

"Corrupter, the **** swamp automatically recruits more than 1,000 units, and a hero unit will be automatically born. This hero will become stronger with the strength of the **** swamp. After death, it can consume flesh and blood to be resurrected in the **** swamp."

Li Cha read the reminder several times in surprise.

The upgrade of the ** swamp this time has not only obtained a basic improvement, but also obtained two new characteristics-corroding will and decay.

One can corrupt a unit that enters the swamp, turning it into its own unit, and the other can spawn hero units.

There are two levels of combat power for units with and without heroic leadership.

This wave of upgrades directly made up for the shortcomings of the ** swamp.

As for the third-level ** swamp, the upper limit of unit lairs has also reached 40.

This is the lair of crown-level troops.

In other words, as long as the number of units is full, only enough flesh and soul energy will be provided every week to produce 40 squads of crown units.

This is free whoring, no money!

It’s fun to go whoring for nothing for a while, and it’s always fun to go whoring for nothing.

Ha ha ha ha!

A deep smile hung on the corner of Li Cha's mouth.

What satisfies him the most is that the arms of the ** swamp are the same as his black gold system, which can continuously improve the potential of the arms.

Now the 600 brilliant 3-star high-level troops in the ** swamp will become the crown 3-star top-level troops in a short time.

** After the swamp was upgraded this time, the power directly ushered in a wave of skyrocketing.


Countless planes, countless lives were fighting day and night, and Li Cha couldn't figure out how many lives died in the battle in the **** swamp.

But what is foreseeable is that the plan of killing people with a knife and sitting on the mountain to watch the tigers fight is arranged so that it can be perfectly described.

"According to this kind of high-intensity battle, it may not be long before the ** Swamp is upgraded to level four, and all the Huiyue units will be fully staffed."

What Li Cha is looking forward to the most is that the ** Swamp will be upgraded to level 5 and be able to recruit extraordinary troops.

Extraordinary, at the absolute top of the food chain in "Age of Glory".

Even if it is a huge city on the edge of the death desert like Solan City, with top forces sitting in the hands of the legendary elder, the number of extraordinary troops is limited.

And on the next level, the ** swamp can even burst out legendary units.

He hasn't seen what the legendary arms look like until now.

**The growability of the swamp makes this treasure a value comparable to that of an artifact.

The **** of dwarves gave him a big gift.

After calming down, Li Cha continued to return with the army. Not long after, the Land of Quicksand was far away.

Li Cha seemed to have thought of something, turned his head to look at the side, the God of Deceit and Lies standing behind Alves with him.

"Your Majesty Tai Long, have you found any believers?"

Tai Long's old and illusory face glanced at him with some subtle emotions, and shook his head.

"There are already several goals, but they haven't been settled yet."

Li Cha looked at him meaningfully.

"Your Majesty Tai Long, what do you think of the Immortal Monarch?"

The God of Lies didn't understand the purpose of his question, but after thinking about it, he answered sincerely.

"The Immortal Sovereign is a core member of the Undead Pantheon, and is quite famous for his stubborn pursuit of immortality."

"However, because I was too stubborn, I have always been in the middle level of divine power...This time I broke the seal, maybe I can become a high-level divine power."

Having said that, the tone is a bit complicated.

"I...should quicken my pace too."

After sighing softly, he returned to the topic again.

"As for the character... No one can guess the character of the undead. These beings who don't know what death is, one day want to destroy the world, maybe it's just because they are bored."

"When dealing with each other, you need to be cautious...the undead are not reliable allies."

Li Cha smiled noncommittally, and looked directly into his eyes with deep eyes.

Word by word.

"I always hope that Your Majesty Tai Long can become true friends with Twilight City."

This response, which didn't match the previous article, stunned the God of Lies for a moment.

Before he could speak, he saw this heroic figure shrouded in yellow sand, stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder.

Then signaled the door of space in the eternal land.

"**The swamp, I'll leave it to you."

"In the future, I hope that Twilight City can overcome obstacles with Your Excellency on the way forward."

As he said that, he turned and left, and fell directly from the sky onto the quicksand land.

The God of Lies looked at Li Cha's back, his eyes moved slightly.

The mood is a little strange.

Did the other party intend to recruit him?

Subdue a **** into a subordinate?

It's really... courageous.

Shaking his head, he didn't think about it anymore. Although the potential of Twilight City was considerable, it hadn't reached the level that would make him surrender.

The other party, unless it is a god-level master of the gods.

After withdrawing his thoughts, he didn't linger any longer, turned around and stepped into the eternal land, and returned to the **** swamp shrouded in crimson mist from the other side of the space gate.

At this moment, the Naga plane has become a place where seven or eight planes fight in chaos.

Next, there will be more planes to open channels.

He's going to find the right believers in it... He's been out of history for too long.

He can't wait to explore higher levels of power.

Li Cha just said one more sentence with a little emotion, and didn't pay much attention to the God of Lies.

It is enough that this **** can be used by him now, what will happen in the future, it can only be left to time to speak.

Looking at the quicksand entrenched in front of him, it was like seeing a void sandworm on a giant city wall.

As this void life gradually grows, its effect becomes greater and greater.

Now the time that can open the door of space every day has increased to 16 hours.

This allows him a huge operating space and room for maneuver.

Although the Eternal Land can also open the door of space, it is far less convenient than the Void Sandworm, and it can't last long at this stage.

His plane is more suitable to operate as a rear base, and the flexibility of the void sandworm is unmatched.

He asked the ancient tree of the gods and whether there was any news from the El plane. After receiving a negative response, Li Cha told the ancient tree of the gods to guard the area.

As he put several important space gates in this area, the tasks on the Quicksand Land became heavier and heavier.

Only the godly evil ancient tree, an invincible boss guarding him, can feel at ease.

Moreover, given the huge size of the Ancient God's Evil Tree and the life characteristics of being a treant, it is most suitable for this kind of work.

After the simple instructions, Richard let Lorena return to the Vampire Castle, and he brought Emerida back to the Twilight City.

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In the next few days, except for the fierce fighting on the Naga plane, everything was fine.

The outside world became turbulent due to the appearance of a large number of planes.

In the Twilight City, apart from the plane of El and the plane of the abyss exuding the aura of blood, no other planes appeared.

The Twilight City, which had been preparing for a series of **** battles, calmed down instead.

Obtained a rare development space.

A few days after the situation stabilized, Richard reassigned the residents from the Eternal Land.

Production resumed.

But at the same time, the construction of the new city of Eternal City, the Eternal City, which is the second hand, has not stopped.

Bloodhoof City provided more than 10,000 prisoners of war and became the main labor force.

These prisoners of war were all captured during the resistance against Bloodhoof City during the process of Bloodhoof City unifying the underground world.

Some extremely extreme dungeon races have been eliminated, and the ones left now can obey the command.

In addition, Furnace City also sent two thousand gray dwarves driving mechanical puppets to join the construction of the Eternal City.

With these new forces, the residents who left the Twilight City, this newly built city is rising at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Unlike the Twilight City, which can be directly upgraded using the attribute panel, the construction of the Eternal City follows the rules of the aborigines in "Era of Glory", and requires the lord to do it himself.

The downside is that it takes a lot of labor and time. The upside is that you don’t need technology, population, and building levels as prerequisites for city upgrades, and you can build whatever you want.

Twilight City is still stuck in the third level and the city cannot be upgraded, mainly because the technology level does not meet the requirements.

Anyway, there are pros and cons to each.

The Twilight City is his foundation, and it will not reduce its importance because of the Eternal City. For the Eternal City, Richard does not intend to develop as a normal city—he intends to build it into a war fortress.

The eternal land of the future is the rear of safe production, and it can also be a war fortress that opens the door of space, and the war fortress is directly at the enemy's door.

When going out to fight in the future, others open the door of space to summon soldiers, and when he opens the door of space, a war fortress armed to the teeth will appear.

What kind of alchemy cannon and siege crossbow are equipped with 30,000 to 50,000 pieces.

At that time, there is no need for his army to be dispatched, and a round of salvo can make the enemy feel the thrill of ascending to heaven.

As the eternal place of the plane, as long as it can continue to grow, it is entirely possible to achieve his goal.

For several days in a row, Li Cha stayed in Twilight City to handle government affairs, arrange development and farming plans in the turbulent situation, and had no time to care about other things.

A few days passed in the blink of an eye, and it was Monday, January 8, 7601 in the Age of Glory.

News came from the plane of El—the two princesses of El, contacted a heavyweight in the kingdom of El—the Duke of Lion.

The duke, who controls more than 100,000 troops, is willing to stand on the side of the royal family of El and send troops to crusade against the Grand Duke of Raging Blood.

After hearing the news, Li Cha didn't hesitate, and directly dispatched Emirida, who had already broken through the extraordinary, into the El plane to protect the two princesses to meet the Lion Duke.

On January 10, the two sides met at the Lion Duke's Castle - Lion Castle.

But what the two princesses didn't expect was that although the Duke of Lion didn't join the camp of the Grand Duke of Raging Blood, he was not loyal to the royal family of El.

The other party was peeping at the ancient summoning array controlled by the royal family of El.

He successfully lured the two princesses here by using the trick of pretending to take refuge.

But at a critical moment, Emerida stood up, showing a 10-meter-high fighting form, and single-handedly smashed through the army of the Duke of Lions, suppressing the 19th-level Duke forcefully.

In the end, Emerald made a contract with the soul of the Lion Duke, completely controlling his life.

Later, under the suggestion of the two princesses, Emerida used this as a medium to control the entire upper level of the Lion Duke in just five days from the 10th to the 15th.

Emerald took over the power of the Lion Duke.

The first step of the Kingdom of El's revenge has been successfully taken.

January 16.

While the Raiders of the El Plane is in full swing, good news has also come from the underground world—

The blood dwarves sent to Furnace City successfully helped the gray dwarves develop the first generation of automatic seed harvesters.

Integrate sowing and harvesting.

This alchemy machine is a collection of alchemy technology, magic spells and some other top technologies in the furnace city.

Only one driver is needed to easily control this alchemy creation with a height of 5 meters.

This sowing and harvesting machine named Furnace No. 1 is extremely suitable for the production of the main raw material of Hei Ning Sorbet—the Frost Grass.

In other words, this machine was originally developed for planting and harvesting Frostgrass.

However, this is not the whole of this alchemy machine. It only needs to be slightly modified, and other crops can be planted and harvested.

After the successful development of Xinxinniannian's machine, Li Cha decisively ordered to directly expand the planting bases of Frostgrass to 30, with a total area of ​​more than 30,000 mu.

Each planting base has an area of ​​a thousand acres.

Almost all the areas in the underground world that can be used for planting Frostgrass have been used.

Next, if you want to expand, you can only develop into eternity.

With the sufficient supply of raw materials guaranteed, Richard immediately started to build a new food workshop in Twilight City.

In just a few days, the number of food workshops reached an exaggerated 20.

In the open space of Dusk City, these buildings have been connected into one piece.

Those new residents obtained from the plane of El became the best labor force and began to dedicate their strength to Twilight City.

And on the same day, a major event happened on the forum that caused players to talk about it.

A top player guild, in the process of scrambling for a plane, fought a big fight with an aboriginal force of the orc empire.

This aboriginal force is the median tribe of the orcs, with a superhuman presence, the power is incomprehensible to the players.

But the top guild was unwilling to give up the fat that was on its lips. After promising many benefits, it finally pulled hundreds of guilds, large or small, to join the battle.

According to incomplete statistics, more than 500,000 players participated in this war, and nearly 100 million troops were directly mobilized.

This battle for hegemony in the planes ended with the orc forces retreating in defeat.

In the end, even if Chaofan stepped forward, he couldn't stop the situation from collapsing.

The player, in an unprecedented way, won the war against the aborigines.

For players, this is like a thunderclap exploding in their ears.

For the first time, players realize that they already have the ability to influence the battlefield situation.

Working together, they can even defeat the aborigines forces with supernatural powers.

Players are inexplicably excited.

For several days in a row, the forum was full of discussions about the war of the century.

Lords contend for supremacy, ten thousand races battle, it turns out that at the beginning of "Glory Era", the hints they heard were not lies.

Also, for the new expansion pack, the plane exploration in the first chapter of Crimson Resources has also become more active.

An inexplicable commotion rose in everyone's heart.

With the in-depth exploration of planes, many players on the forum have obtained huge benefits from those planes, and it is not an exaggeration for many people to describe it as getting rich overnight.

Treasures of giant dragons, lairs of unowned top troops, high-level strategic treasures, rich rare resources and minerals... There are so many of them.

During the exploration of a large number of players, the Obelisk that UU Reading was highlighted by the system also surfaced.

And what surprised the players was that the guardians of the obelisks of each plane possessed abnormal strength.

The strength is so strong that it even exceeds the average level of that plane by more than 5 levels.

What's more, some people even saw legendary heroes guarding them.

For a time, the obelisk became mysterious.

In addition, there is another thing that makes players want to move... The crimson moon rises, allowing the reappearance of the ancient gods remaining in various planes.

During the player's exploration, many lucky ones obtained the power of the ancient gods scattered in various planes.

They were surprised to find that those ancient **** powers can enhance the potential of heroes and enhance the strength of arms.

Some players were even transferred directly by the power of the ancient gods to become ancient rare professions.

In such an environment, the player's exploration of the plane is gradually increasing.

And related conflicts are happening every day.

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