Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 554: v2 Chapter 526: Flame Guild: Qingqiu, keep your eyes open, this is the end...

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"Boss Qingqiu, the Flame Guild has started the live broadcast again..."

In the conference hall of Lion City, Li Cha, who was discussing military affairs with the senior officials of Lion City, turned his head to look at the players who spoke.

He waved his hand to let the people who stopped continue to discuss, and he opened the forum.

The first place to click in is the live broadcast of the Flame Guild.

The live broadcast room is open to everyone. One party can use the live broadcast room to transmit information, and the other party can also use its live broadcast room to understand the enemy's situation.

It's a fair thing that anyone can use.

Seeing more than four billion viewers, Li Cha's eyelids twitched.

If tickets can be collected, a person can make a fortune with only one unit of rare resources.


Looking intently, the screen in the live broadcast room is a young anchor of the Flame Guild.

Behind the other party is a forest made of frost and snow, and it is impossible to judge where the other party is just from the screen.

After watching for a while, Li Cha was a little surprised.

This guy didn't talk about the offensive deployment of the Flame Guild this time, but kept touting Lion City and his strength.

"Boss Qingqiu, what is the plan of the Flame Guild, is it paralyzing us?"

Several players looked at this scene and were a little confused.

There is no one who keeps blowing the enemy.

After Li Cha looked at it for a while, he smiled lightly.

"What do you think is the higher reputation gained from defeating an enemy that is so powerful that it is almost suffocating, or the higher reputation gained from defeating a weak enemy that has no sense of existence?"

Several people thought about it.

After recovering, the female player was the most annoyed.

"The Flame Guild is determined to eat us?"

Although the other party is a top-level guild, you can't ignore them like this, right? !

They have the top boss in front of them as their backer!

Li Cha's eyes moved slightly.

"It seems that they have something to rely on..."

As he spoke, he turned his head and looked at the little man on the side.

Emerald was standing in front of the French windows in the hall at the moment, looking at the clouds in the sky through the glass window with a chuckle.

From time to time, take a breath to fog the glass, and then draw all kinds of strange patterns on it, and repeat this action after the fog disappears.

This extraordinary boss has never known what sorrow is...

"There is a high probability that the other party knows about the existence of Emerida."

Several players were surprised.

"Didn't Lion City block the connection with the outside world, so you can only get in and out? Could it be that some players have sneaked in?"

"Some time ago, we caught a spy of Grand Duke Raging Blood."

Ruidell on the side interjected, with a tone of self-blame.

"After all, Lion City is the city we took over. Although most of the resistance forces have been eliminated, the spies are buried too deep, and it is difficult to find it in the first place..."

When several players heard this, they couldn't help being very puzzled.

"Since the Flame Guild knows the true strength of Lion City, why is it so swearing?"

Li Cha said slowly.

"Presumably, some means have been prepared to deal with Emerald."

As he spoke, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"If the opponent can capture Lion City and kill Chaofan while all players are watching, the reputation of the Flame Guild will be exaggerated... If I am the leader of a guild and want to grow the guild, You can't resist the temptation."

"Co-author, do these guys use Lion City as a pedal?" The faces of several players were not very good.

Now they are both prosperous and prosperous with Lion City, and both are lost.

Being so ignored by the enemy, it's hard not to be angry.

Li Cha's eyes fluttered, and he looked at the empty side.

Lips move slightly.

'Go and see what the Flame Guild's cards are. '

'Yes, master. '

Quietly, slight ripples appeared in the surrounding space, which did not attract anyone's attention.

"Boss Qingqiu, should we do some preventive work?"

"No, defend as planned."

The enemy didn't even play their cards, so take precautions now and fight wits with the air?


After bragging a lot about Lion City, the anchor of the Flame Guild, his eyes fixed, and his face suddenly became serious.

"Next, let me take you to Lion City...Look at how Qingqiu was burned by the Flame Guild!"

"Only the flame is eternal!"

"Praise Lie Yan!"

After the words fell, she turned around abruptly.

The viewing angle of the live broadcast room also changed direction accordingly.

In the next second, a huge space crack appeared in the screen, and at this moment a large number of troops were already waiting on the frosty white grass.

The anchor of the Flame Guild joined the last row of the team, and then switched to the first-person view, immediately bringing everyone into the Flame Guild's side.

"Set off!"

Following an order, the troops marched out in neat steps, passing through the gate of space.

The audience's line of sight suddenly widened.

Looking up, a large number of troops have gathered in front of them, and at the end of the line of sight, a towering city can be faintly seen.

lion city.

The second attack is on.

At this moment, the fixed perspective is elevated.

It reveals the massive army around it.

Looking around, you can still see seven or eight equally wide cracks in space.

Seeing this scene, although the players in the live broadcast room were amazed, they didn't buy it.

[It seems that there are a lot of people. If it were my territory, a charge would be gone, but I don't think your army is stronger than the one led by the Grand Duke of the Mountain. 】

[Only this army? Unless you have some backhand hidden, you will definitely not be able to capture Lion City. 】

[The Flame Guild is here? 】

The anchor of the Flame Guild looked at the disdain and suspicion of the barrage, and his heart was full of anticipation.

His praise just now made everyone have extremely high expectations for Lion City.

This will see an army that is not much stronger than the last time the Grand Duke of the Mountain, so naturally he will not have expectations.

But how pessimistic they will be, how shocking it will be later.

The trump card of the Flame Guild is an extraordinary flame lord!


His eyes are full of hotness.

The fighting power of elemental life forms is much stronger than normal life forms.

Not to mention the fire element, which is known for its irascibility.

If the opponent tears the void and connects the fire elemental plane with the main plane, the monstrous flames can destroy the huge city in front of him in an instant.

This time, there was no reason for them to lose.

Lion City will definitely become the land of Qingqiu's destruction.

After calming down his excitement, the anchor of the Flame Guild turned around and walked in another direction.

Not far away, a middle-aged man with firm eyes appeared in the screen wearing the priest's robe of the Flame God sect.

[Eternal Flame, President of the Flame Guild, Level 16 Flame Priest]

The barrage immediately sent out all the other party's information.

[Holy shit, the top master of level 16! 】

[Priest Lie Yan, is the hidden profession of the Flame God Sect, it's a fierce comparison]

[I don’t know if this big boss can challenge Qingqiu one-on-one? 】

"President, what do you say?"

Eternal Flame nodded, looking at the translucent live camera.

The tone is calm and powerful, and the voice has a strong appeal.

"Qingqiu is a difficult enemy. It is no exaggeration to say that this is the strongest opponent that the Flame Guild has faced so far."

"Qingqiu has not only the title of the number one player, but his strength... has far exceeded the scope of ordinary players."

"Even some aboriginal forces cannot match it."

"Looking at the entire player group, those who can compete with Qingqiu..."

Speaking of this, he raised his right hand and spread his five fingers.

"You can count with one slap."

The tone was a little heavy.

"I'm talking—including all the Great Guilds!"

This remark caused the audience to discuss in an instant.

Although the anchor of the Flame Guild blew a wave of Qingqiu before, but after all, their identities are different.

This one in front of him is a top level 16 boss, not only has a hidden occupation, but also is a big man who is the leader of the top guild.

The status and status are different, and the weight of words is completely different.

[Qingqiu is already so powerful that there are no guild forces to compete with him? 】

[Fuck, how strong is Qingqiu? 】

[What did the Flame Guild find out, and why is it so afraid of Qingqiu? 】

Billions of viewers are crazily curious at this moment, why each and every one of the Flame Guild has a deep taboo on Qingqiu and gives such a high evaluation.

It stands to reason that they are all opponents, and belittling is the right way. This guy doesn't play his cards according to common sense.

Eternal Flame did not answer their questions, and continued after a short pause.

"Qingqiu's strength, you will witness it with your own eyes later."

"What I want to say is that today, the Flame Guild will end all of this."

"The first year of "Glorious Age" led by Qingqiu will end here."

"In the future, there will be a collision between the big guilds and the big guilds. It is difficult for a single player to survive the surging tide."

"Even Qingqiu is no exception!"

"Everyone should feel that the situation has changed since we defeated the aborigines last time."

"After the fall of Qingqiu this time, a new era will come - the guild will become the leader among players."

"In the future, everyone will join the guild and hold together for warmth. Only by gathering collective strength can the player's influence be brought into full play."

The more he spoke, the higher the tone became, full of fan power.

"As for the Flame Guild, all people of insight are welcome to join us and join us in this grand event!"

"My goal is to build the Guild of Flame into a force that will affect the situation in "Glory Era."

"At this time, as the president, I invite everyone to join—regardless of belief, race, age, or gender, as long as you are a lord and own a territory, the Flame Guild welcomes you."

After saying this, the audience immediately became agitated, and the discussion became more intensive than before.

Will the guild become the leader among players?

Many people have subtle expressions on their faces.

Is that really the case?

After thinking about it for a while, it made sense again.

Compared with guilds that integrate a large number of player forces, individual players have no advantage at all.

Once targeted by the guild, it is almost impossible to resist.

If it weren't for geographical restrictions, perhaps a large guild like Blue Star with hundreds of thousands of people would have already been formed.

It is human nature to huddle together to keep warm.

The words of Eternal Flame affected the billions of viewers in the live broadcast room in the most direct way.

After being startled, many casual players began to think about whether they should join the guild.

The anchor of the Flame Guild took up the topic at the right moment, letting the eternal flame out of sight for the time being.

After moving away from the camera, someone from behind immediately came to report.

"President, public opinion has been stirred up, and posts about the guild on the forum are increasing rapidly."

Eternal Flame smiled slightly.

Individuals are smart, but when placed in a group, they become stupid.

People have a herd mentality, and as long as influential people give a little guidance, the situation can easily change dramatically.

Guild, from today, will officially become the most important part among players.

And the Flame Guild, which proposes that guilds become the mainstream, will definitely eat the most fat piece of meat, ahead of all guilds.

But all of this has a premise... Today, the Flames Guild can flatten the city in front of them.

Let Qingqiu become history.

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As long as Qingqiu is defeated in front of everyone, even if he can't kill the opponent, he will fall from the altar.

Let him open the chapter of the new era, the Flame Guild will surely become the leader.

"The whole army obeys the order... towards Lion City, move forward!"

With an order, the flame guild's army of more than ten legions began to move.

As far as the eye can see, there are people's heads covered in darkness, giving people a great sense of psychological oppression.

The audience in the live broadcast room immediately raised their hearts.

Without the words of Eternal Flame, most people still only regard this war as a battle between the Flame Guild and Qingqiu.

After those words, this war became a collision between guilds and individual players.

If the Flame Guild wins, there is no doubt that what the Eternal Flame said is really the direction of future development.

Even Qingqiu was defeated, and there are still individual players who can compete with the guild?

If Qingqiu wins, then the words of the Flame Guild will undoubtedly be greatly discounted, and the reputation of the number one player will soar to an exaggerated height.

Among the various emotions that everyone is expecting, nervous, and apprehensive.

The army of the Flame Guild gradually approached the Lion City, and set foot on the yellow sand land.

Before the audience in the live broadcast room could say anything, a legion of spellcasters behind them swung their scepters violently.

The majestic magic power surged out.

The sand in front of it directly turned into rocks.

Petrified land.

An uncomplicated legion spell, avoiding the mistakes of the Grand Duke of the Mountain.

After leaving half of the army behind to support, Eternal Flame led the army to a distance of 500 meters from Lion City.

After stopping the army, Eternal Flame stared at the towering city wall as high as a mountain.


The body seemed to be ignited after being splashed with gasoline, and suddenly ignited a raging flame.

The whole person turned into pure flames.

Then, amid the exclamation of the audience in the live broadcast room, it floated into the sky.

A person flew alone to a hundred meters in front of the city wall.

One person alone faces a city.

This picture is quite impactful.

A heroic and fearless character immediately appeared in front of all audiences.

Under deliberate construction, Eternal Flame carried out the steps of the plan in sequence.

After coughing lightly, he said loudly.

"Qingqiu, I don't intend to be your enemy, but the camps are different, so we won't conspire with each other."

"The victory of this war will only belong to the Flame Guild."

"I know that you not only have a level 19 hero who can kill the Grand Duke of the Mountain, but also have extraordinary level subordinates—centaurs."

"But, no matter how powerful you are, today, you can't stop the pace of the Flame Guild!"

"I will bury your life, and I will continue to write your legend!"

The audience in the live broadcast room exploded instantly.

【what did he say? Qingqiu...has a superman as a subordinate? 】

[My day, did I hear correctly, Chaofan is a subordinate and not Qingqiu's backer? 】

[Am I outdated? Can transcendence be subdued? 】

They didn't expect such explosive news from the Eternal Flame.

No wonder the other party is so afraid of Qingqiu, having Chaofan as his subordinate is simply against heaven!

That **** is extraordinary!


Many viewers are going crazy, I haven't even touched the edge of level 15, you **** subdued Chaofan?

Are we playing a game?

Just when many people doubted whether the Eternal Flame was lying.


In Lion City, a figure shrouded in yellow sand floated up.

In the eyes of everyone, it stood horizontally in front of the city wall.

Facing the eternal flame that turned into flames.

Looking at the familiar figure, all the audience immediately confirmed its identity.


But before the barrage could be released, a majestic mountain-like aura suddenly rose up. Through the live broadcast, it was like a huge boulder oppressing everyone's hearts.

At this moment, everyone's soul is trembling.

That is the coercion brought by higher life, the breath that cannot be exempted.

In the next second, a centaur carrying a long-handled battle ax was seen stepping out of the city wall.

He came directly to the side of the yellow sand figure, half a step behind the opponent.

Honor and inferiority stand out.

【Fuck, Qingqiu really subdued Chaofan? ! 】

[I'm **** going crazy, why? How could Chaofan be subdued by players! 】

【What level is Qingqiu? Why that Chaofan surrendered, I can't figure it out! 】

The barrage exploded again.

When the mainstream player level is still hovering between level 10 and 13, extraordinary is pressing on their hearts like a god.

They suddenly found a player with the same identity as them, who enslaved the ultimate existence who didn't even dare to breathe after they met.

The strong impact made them almost lose control of their emotions.

It's like I got a score of 60 in the exam and thought it was not bad, but I didn't expect that the same table got 1000 points in the exam, and was recommended to the top university, and an extra sports car was included. Compared with it, it is completely unacceptable.

‘The Lord of Grace in front of us is just a special phantom, the body will not die, and the phantom will not disappear. '

'And the opponent's body is covered by a special force, as long as we take the initiative to attack, that force will be triggered...this is a trap'

Li Cha frowned slightly when he heard the words that sounded directly in his mind, staring at the unscrupulous eternal flame ahead, he dispelled the idea of ​​making a move.

'Continue to investigate and find where the other party relies...'

'yes. '

The Eternal Flame turned into a flame raised his brows when he saw that Li Cha, who was standing horizontally in the sky, had no intention of doing anything.

He came out alone to provoke with great fanfare, but the opponent's extraordinary didn't make a move?

Too cowardly, no!

As my mind turned, I felt a sense of crisis in my heart.

Did the other party see something?

"Qingqiu, you..."

Before he could speak, an indifferent voice directly interrupted him.

"You talk too much nonsense."

Those casual words made Eternal Flame's chest feel tight.

"Qingqiu, I..."

"Can you shut up?"

"I say......"

"Shut up!"


"Shut up!"

Fuck your lousy shoes!

The Eternal Flame, who wanted to irritate the opponent, was irritated instead.

I can't help it, wow!

The body suddenly burst into endless light, instantly turning into a scorching fireball.

It's like a second sun has appeared in the sky.

The terrifying heat distorted the surrounding space, and the sight below gradually blurred.

The transformation of the eternal flame seems to have opened Pandora's box.

next second.


A series of cracks are like spider webs, centered on the eternal flame, spreading in the void.

Fiery red rays of light could be faintly seen from the cracks, and at the same time they carried endless heat.

‘Master, the other party is opening the Fire Elemental Plane! The phantom of the Lord of Grace is the coordinates, we have to destroy the coordinates to prevent the other party from coming! '

After the words sounded in his mind, Li Cha was stunned when he saw the scene that seemed like a natural disaster that would destroy the world.

After perceiving it carefully for a moment, his face became quite strange.

‘Master, we must act now! '

Li Cha shook his head subtly.

'No, don't stop. '

"No, don't stop?"

The voice was obviously taken aback for a moment, and then fell silent after confirming that he was right.

"Hahaha! Qingqiu, you can't stop me!"

"This space has been anchored by an extraordinary existence from the fire elemental plane!"

"You will usher in destruction!"

The Eternal Flame that turned into a flame was full of joy at this moment.

The lord from the Fire Elemental Plane, what a stalwart life that is, the other party can destroy this city by himself.

No one can stop the endless pouring of flames!

This time, the rise of the Flame Guild is unstoppable!


After the space rift reached a certain limit, it exploded suddenly, as if being crushed by a boulder.

Under the tense gaze of billions of players.

Billowing flames and magma poured out from the crack in space like a waterfall, and the temperature of the entire world skyrocketed instantly.

Even if they are thousands of meters apart, their hair is curly and scorched.

In the endless fiery red flames.

One head is more than 30 meters tall, with two horns on the head, completely made of flames, and even the space is distorted by the high temperature, making it impossible to see the terrifying existence of the specific shape.

Descended from endless flames.

The moment the opponent appeared in front of Lion City.

The whole world fell silent.

The heat that can melt steel, the exaggerated body shape, and the flaming magma surging from the huge mouth that was split behind made this monster shocking.

It was as if the God of Flame came to the world, which brought a huge impact to everyone.

When billions of players saw this exaggerated picture, their mouths became thirsty and their minds were shaken.

This is the true power of the Flame Guild?

Who can kill this kind of life?

The flames billowing out from the other party might be able to boil Jianghe dry!

After they came back to their senses, they immediately looked at the centaur beside Qingqiu.

Both are extraordinary existences, but the centaur has no deterrence at all compared to the fire elemental lord who appeared on the scene.

Can that centaur stop it?

After thinking about it countless times, I finally came to a negative conclusion... I can't stop it!

A centaur fighting a fire elemental lord? How to fight this? I'm afraid I can't even do it close!

A thought grows wildly like a weed.

Qingqiu, is he really going to die like this?

Perhaps, they are about to witness history...

"Qingqiu... This is the great existence that will end your life, UU Reading from the Fire Elemental Plane—Your Majesty Klose!"

Eternal Flame's emotions have climbed to the extreme at this moment.

The dream is only one step away from him at this moment, no, he has already touched it!

Starting today, the Flame Guild will become the new overlord under his leadership!

No one can compare with him!

After the words of Eternal Flame fell, the scorching heat emanating from the Fire Elemental Lord rose again.

Afterwards, under the nervous gaze of everyone, this terrifying extraordinary existence slowly turned around and faced Richard in the void.

next second.

The four eyes are facing each other.

The air suddenly froze.

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