Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 564: v2 Chapter 535: Devouring the body of the gods, the advanced path of the corrupt swamp

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ps: The attribute of the greedy lion is in the free chapter of the previous chapter.

After reading the attributes of the Lion of Greed, Li Cha was thoughtful.

The Lion of Greed is obviously not extraordinary in the conventional sense, and it doesn't have the skills of Lorena or Emerida, two extraordinary people who directly rush up to fight the enemy.

Looking at it as a whole, there are only four words - greed and desire.

This level 24 is extraordinary, and all skills serve this word.

Provoking the greed of the enemy, magnifying the inner desire, and devouring their reason, this is the most powerful point of the lion of greed.

If confronted head-on, this golden lion is definitely no match for the 23rd level Lorena, and even the 20th level Emerida can overwhelm it.

If it is used to assist... then the role that the Greedy Lion can play is not comparable to these two fighting supernatural beings.

Especially since he is now preparing to upgrade the Corrupted Swamp.

The most important thing is - this is a gift from Windsor, and he got it for nothing.

He watched the whole battle, and the only thing he did was provocatively, luring the Lord of Greed to the plane of El.

He didn't do anything else, and even a soldier under his command didn't die.

Thinking of this, a smile could not help but hang on the corner of his mouth.

He reached out and rubbed the majestic mane of the greedy lion under his seat.

Outsiders would probably never have imagined that these sideburns were transformed by souls devoured by greedy desires.

At critical moments, these souls can also be used to attack the enemy...but this skill does not seem to be so practical.

If all of this is used, then the lion will not be bald?

Programmer-specific skills?

Looking at the majestic and handsome Greedy Lion under his buttocks, Li Cha thought of the picture of the opponent's bald head, and decided not to let this guy use this skill unless it was a critical moment.

After a few laps on the Greedy Lion, he was satisfied with his new mount.

Alves, the undead dragon, is good for traveling, but with a wingspan of 40 meters, it is too large and not suitable for riding in the city.

The Lion of Greed is 6 meters tall at the shoulders and 10 meters tall. Although it is also a terrifying giant, it is quite good as a mount in the city.

He intends to use a level 24 Transcendence as a mount... If the player knows this idea, his face will be twisted with sourness.

They don't even have a level 15 hero, you **** use Transcendence as a mount?

So what should they sit on? boar?

Li Cha, who was in a particularly beautiful mood, suddenly thought of something, and asked curiously.

"Barbosa, do you know where the treasure of the Lord of Greed is hidden?"

The Greedy Lion shook its huge head and said in a naive voice.

"My lord, the treasure of the lord of greed has never been told to anyone, and I don't know."

Even under the control of the other party, the abyssal blasphemy still has a palpitating aura.

As a high-level language, Abyssal Blasphemy has the general characteristics of all high-level languages—everyone can understand it.

Li Cha smiled helplessly.

Windsor acted too quickly. He wanted to dig out more things, but he had no chance.

But I didn't have high expectations, and I can't say I was disappointed.

Not entangled in this, I turned my head and glanced at the entrance of the Corruption Swamp in the north, thinking silently in my heart.

Whether it is treasure or not, it is secondary, even if you tell him where it is now, he may not be able to get it.

And the benefits brought by the death of the Lord of Greed are what he can gain now.

The victory of this war marked the official inclusion of the plane of El into his ruling territory.

The harvest was a blast.

First, the plane of El itself.

This is a plane with a large population, technology, economy, and resources, all of which have not suffered much damage.

As long as it can be developed, it will definitely provide huge benefits to Twilight City.

Even if you don't want all other gains, as long as you have the plane of El, this war can be called a blood profit.

With the underground world first, he is full of expectations for the plane of El.

Second, the lion of greed.

This is a level 24 extraordinary!

The level alone is enough to explain everything.

When most of the top players haven't been able to cultivate a level 15 hero, speaking of this level will definitely make countless players envious and explode.

Although the Lion of Greed is not a combat hero, but if it is used well, its effect is even greater than that of a combat hero.

Third, the corpse of the Lord of Greed.

This is the body of a mid-level god. Although the power of greed has been taken away, its own divinity still remains in the body.

After passing through the new expansion pack - Rise of the Crimson Moon, the Ancient Godly Tree has been promoted to level 18 after devouring the rain of blood that filled the sky.

There are only two steps left in the distance.

This complete divine body may be the opportunity for the other party to advance.

Once the ancient tree of evil breaks through the extraordinary, judging by the strength of this boss, the opponent's combat power will definitely increase explosively.

By then, the extraordinary in his hands will reach an exaggerated 4!

This power is absolutely unimaginable among players.

Even those powerful aboriginal forces dare not underestimate them.

Fourth, the huge number of corpses.

Whether it's the soldiers who died in the previous attack on Lion City, or the army that just turned into a demon and became a corpse.

At this moment, everything has become the nourishment of the corrupt swamp.

The hero units that are still being bred in the swamp of corruption have accelerated their speed with the help of this huge power.

It won't be long before we can see the birth of heroes dedicated to the swamp of corruption.

Finally, it has reached a legendary degree of 11 points.

This thing seems inconspicuous, but it works very well, and he has experienced it deeply when he was in the underground world.

Next, Twilight City's talent strategy plan can be launched.

He needs more heroes to consolidate his background.

At this point in his thoughts, the smile on his face became brighter.

Next, when Raedel regains control of the entire El Kingdom, this plane will be on the right track.

He has already designed a series of development directions for the plane of El in his mind.

In the future, there are infinite possibilities.

After regaining his senses, Li Cha waved to the empty place beside him.


In the next moment, a silver-haired and silver-eyed figure slowly emerged with a glamorous temperament full of Yu Jie's aura.


Looking at the powerful blood prince in front of him, Li Cha said lightly.

"What the God Lords said before, is hidden in a special area in the middle of the plane of El - the Obelisk, where extremely precious treasures are hidden."

"You immediately summon the army and prepare to go out."

Lorena should be the last, and said slowly.

"Then Your Highness Raedel?"

Li Cha waved his hand.

"The remnants of the El plane are no longer to be feared, and Raedel is enough to deal with it."

The tone of the speech was a little dignified.

"In that obelisk, there is an exceptionally powerful guard force, which must not be underestimated."

"After capturing the obelisk, you can return to the blood castle first."

"That unknown evil plane, I don't know when it will come. Once you connect with the blood castle, there may not be time for you to purify your blood."

If it wasn't for the fact that a supernatural person had to be in command to attack the El plane, he wouldn't have dispatched Lorena from the vampire castle.

It is rare to see good things that can increase strength without consuming any resources.

Lorena at level 23 is not far from being a legend.

If Twilight City could have a legend... then the situation would be completely different.

But before that, the Obelisk, which was highlighted by the system, had to be taken down.

Originally, he planned to use the military power of the plane of El after the victory of the war.

But I didn't expect that there would be so many troubles in the middle. The prodigal Duke Raging Blood had already ruined most of the army in the plane of El.

Now only the army in the hands of Raedel is left on the plane of El.

Moreover, the situation has not yet settled down, and the army is still needed to recover the lost ground and punish the rebel remnants.

By the time Raedel was able to summon enough strength to come out, I don't know how long it has been.

He doesn't have much time to grind now.

Lorena held her chest respectfully.

"As you wish."

After the voice fell, without hesitation, he immediately turned and left, and began to gather the army.

The soldiers who stayed behind in Lion City watched the army of Twilight City gather and were about to leave, and they felt quite reluctant.

Although the rebellion has been cleared, the Twilight City army is stationed around, which brings a sense of security.

Richard only let Gunter stay in Lion City, and took away all the other troops.

With the void sandworms, they can provide immediate support in case of any accidents.

After the Lord of Greed tore the plane of El, the power of the plane in the whole world has weakened a lot, so the time for the void sandworm to open the door of space has been greatly extended, so there is no need to worry too much.

Li Cha rode the lion of greed in the space where the army gathered, and entered the swamp of corruption from the space crack in the north of Lion City ↑.

Before attacking the Obelisk, the plan to nourish the Corruption Swamp must first be activated.

No one is sure how long it will take to capture the minaret. If it is delayed for ten days and a half months, it will be a waste of time.

The moment he passed through the space gap, a strong smell of blood rushed into the tip of his nose, giving people a strong sense of smell.

Blood mist enveloped the swamp with a diameter of more than 30 kilometers. If you looked around, it was already hazy tens of meters away.

The earth is like **** mud, and large pieces of floating white bones can be seen on it.

This is a terrifying place of death, a true portrayal of the abyss and purgatory.

The greedy lion's eyes showed vigilance, and its tail was raised high.

I am afraid that there will be fierce monsters around.

But at this moment, the blood mist in front of him began to distort, gradually forming a figure.

In this environment, the picture is chilling.

The greedy lion exploded in an instant, the muscles on his body tensed to the extreme, and the extraordinary coercion surged out.

The **** mouth has been opened to the maximum.

One second before this 24th-level Chaofan was about to attack, Li Cha held it down with one hand.

"Don't be nervous, this swamp is my territory."

The tense muscles of the greedy lion gradually relaxed, but its eyes were still vigilant and cold.

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After the dense fog rolled for a while, a translucent old figure appeared in front of his eyes.

"Your Excellency Richard."

The **** of deceit and lies - Tai Long, who has lost his divine body and can only rely on Richard's power of the ancient gods to protect himself.

At this moment, he looked at the figure riding on the Greedy Lion with rather complicated eyes, and the meaning in it was difficult for outsiders to understand.

Li Cha sensed something strange in the other party's gaze, and asked curiously.

"Your Majesty Tai Long, have you found anything in the Naga plane?"

The God of Lies withdrew his mind and smiled lightly.

"The past few days have been fruitful, and I just discovered a race that is very suitable for spreading beliefs."

Li Cha glanced at the other party meaningfully, but didn't ask any further questions.

"I hope you can recover your strength as soon as possible. If you need my help, I will do my best."

After hearing this, the God of Lies fell into an abnormal silence, and spoke slowly after a long time.

"Your Excellency Richard, if possible, I would like to manage the Corruption Swamp for you... This revitalized land has great potential."

"Used well, it can explode with infinite energy."

The attitude of the God of Lies?

Li Cha narrowed his eyes slightly, and immediately sensed the subtlety in the other party's tone.

The other party is showing their favor.

Originally, he asked the other party to come to the Corruption Swamp, and the God of Lies only agreed to help her cover the space door leading to the underground world and the eternal land, and did not take the initiative to ask what to do for him.

Although the other party has been doing it, but actively speaking and passively accepting arrangements are two different concepts.

Turning his head to look at the crack in space thoughtfully, the fall of the Lord of Greed, this guy who is notorious in the outside world has seen it all, right?

"So, that would be the best."

Said quite profoundly.

"Your Majesty Tai Long, the future is still very long. I hope that the friendship between Twilight City and you will last forever."

The God of Lies took a deep look at him.

"Your Excellency Li Cha, I believe it will."

Li Cha smiled, and didn't get entangled in this aspect, and turned the topic to the serious business.

"The ancient tree of evil can bear fruits that increase the potential of life, which has a strong temptation for any intelligent life."

"I will let the opponent station in the corruption swamp, and use the fruit to lure armies from other planes to fight each other."

As he spoke, he patted the greedy lion who sat down.

"Barbosa, born from the power of greed, has the power to amplify the inner greed of intelligent life."

"I will keep it here to assist the ancient tree of evil."

"Since His Majesty Tai Long wants to help me take charge of the Corruption Swamp, you will arrange these two people."

Said meaningfully.

"The divine body of the Lord of Greed is in my hands, and I plan to use it to feed the ancient tree of evil..."

The God of Lies smiled lightly.

"Your Excellency Li Cha, there is no need to test too much. Since I have decided to help you, I will not go back on my word."

"Besides, we have a contract."

Li Cha didn't feel embarrassed at all when he was pointed out by the other party, and smiled lightly.

"That would be the best."

At the moment, I stopped talking, and drove the lion of greed to pass through the space crack on the other side and came to the eternal land.

Then leave the space gate of the Eternal Land, and appear in the Quicksand Land.

The extremely oppressive figure of the divine evil ancient tree is swaying in the long yellow sand.

Li Cha didn't rush forward, he took the greedy lion back to Twilight City first, and anchored the opponent's soul in the hero altar.

This is the land of quicksand.

Looking at the boss he had cultivated by himself, he didn't talk nonsense, and briefly described the plan to let the opponent go to the corruption swamp and use the fruit that can increase the life potential to lure the enemies of the Naga plane.


"Our enemy is still eyeing, waiting to devour Twilight City"

"The Swamp of Corruption has extremely high potential for war. I need the fastest speed to upgrade its level to deal with the enemy!"

"Corps are the best nourishment."

"I believe you can do it, Treebeard."

Immediately, the ancient tree of gods and evils responded with an angry voice.

"Master, your will is my direction!"

For Li Cha's orders, no matter whether it is the ancient tree of gods or other subordinates, there has never been anyone who disobeyed them.

The soil of Twilight City also has no chance to produce underlings who are rebellious.

The huge divine body of the Ancient Godly Evil Tree rose from the ground, and the intertwined roots squirmed like the tentacles of an octopus, blowing up dust all over the sky.

The entire land of quicksand began to shake.

Even after seeing similar movements countless times, Li Cha was still filled with emotion.

No matter what kind of life, once the body size is too large, it can bring a huge sense of oppression.

This is even more the case with the Ancient Godly Evil Tree.

Dragging a large area of ​​roots, this level 18 boss passed through the Eternal Land and entered the Naga plane.

In the blood mist, the God of Lies with a translucent body looked at the towering ancient tree of evil, with a subtle expression on his face.

I have been in contact with Li Cha a lot, and the power he possesses is no longer so unfamiliar.

But if you jump out of the sight of your companion and look at it from the perspective of a bystander, then the other party can be described as a pervert.

Not to mention having a number of extraordinary, there are also a large number of heroes with high potential under the extraordinary, and they may go further at any time.

And the power in his hands has even touched other planes, with unlimited potential.

What's even more exaggerated is that the other party even has an ancient **** as their trump card.

This is not a dead ancient god, but an ancient **** that can be summoned!

A fallen **** proved the strength of this hole card.

What made him feel suffocated was that the lord of grace had only come to the main plane for less than a year!

After more than half a year, he has accumulated such a rich net worth... Even if he is a god, a genuine **** with the priesthood, he still feels quite a shock.

If he started from scratch, could he have accumulated all this in less than a year?

Every time he thinks about this question, he falls silent.

In truth, he, the **** of deceit and lies, really has no face to speak of in front of this 16th-level human lord.

The Lord of Greed, the mid-level god, would kill as soon as he said he would, so what was he worth?

Although this was not done by the other party, is being able to summon ancient gods an ability?

Otherwise, why didn't the ancient **** take the initiative to protect him? Or bless others?

Thinking of this, the God of Lies straightened his waist, and subconsciously bent a little...

Li Cha didn't know what the God of Lies was thinking at this moment, so he brought the ancient tree of evil to the center of the swamp of corruption.

Under the concealment of the God of Lies, no outsiders set foot in this area.

Not far away, you can hear the sound of armies fighting each other.

"Treesbeard, stay here."

"Yes, master."

The godly ancient tree stopped immediately after receiving the order, and the next moment, the black dragon's twisted roots slammed into the depths of the swamp.

Gululu~ Bubbles popped up one by one, and the mud made of flesh and blood kept tumbling.

After the Ancient Godly Evil Tree took root in the ground, its figure gradually declined. After a while, there was no longer any root on the ground, and it was firmly rooted.

Looking down from the sky, in the endless blood mist, a terrifying giant tree looms and sways in it.

The dry branches are like the twisted palms of corpses after drying, and thin blood-colored threads slowly flow through the gaps in the bark.

The hideous and terrifying faces on the tree trunks make the picture even more intrusive.

The ancient tree of evil is a perfect fit for a **** and dark place like the corrupt swamp.

When Li Cha saw this scene, he immediately felt that it would be a bit of a waste to put the ancient tree in the desert, and this kind of place is what the other party should stay in.

After everything calmed down, with a thought in his mind, a bloated body that bulged up his robe, as if about to split, appeared directly in the void.

Next to it is a head with wide-eyed eyes, and the expression of shock and disbelief can still be seen.

The surrounding energy immediately became irritable because of the appearance of the corpse.

Space began to fluctuate.

The godly ancient tree that had just taken root immediately felt a different kind of aura, its distorted face looked straight at the sky, and a strong desire surged in its heart.


Intuition tells it that as long as it devours that corpse, it can gain huge benefits.

The trunk turned his head and looked to the side.


The tone was a bit pitiful, with a strong sense of contrast.

Seeing this, Li Cha couldn't help laughing, and waved his hand.

The body of the Lord of Greed fell directly in front of the ancient tree of evil.

"This is the corpse of the abyss god, the food I gave you. UU reading"

"Our enemy is staring at us, I need you to become stronger..."

The ancient tree of divine evil immediately showed great joy.

The sound of urn and urn was filled with rare excitement.

"Master, Treebeard will never let you down!"

Puff~ A root tendril surged out of the swamp, directly rolled up the body of the Lord of Greed, and pulled it into the swamp.

A moment later, the aura of the ancient godly tree began to rise at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, on the dry branches, more than a dozen tiny golden fruits began to grow.

Immediately, a special aura floated in the air...

Golden fruit.

The fruit condensed by the power of the soul of the ancient tree of evil can increase the potential of life.

It has a strong allure to any life.

In the desert before, the ancient tree of gods and evils used its golden fruit to lure countless lives to hunt and kill them.

As its level increases, Twilight City becomes stronger. Coupled with the duty of guarding the Quicksand, this boss has not been used for fishing for a long time.

At level 18, the ancient **** tree, the golden fruit produced is more than ten times more attractive than when it was at level 10.

As the golden fruit gradually grows, the heart-pounding aura becomes more and more alluring.

Behind, the God of Lies saw this scene without hesitation.

Dim and feeble energy flickered on his body.

After a while, that seductive aura began to drift around...

The lives that were still fighting in the blood mist suddenly lifted their spirits.

Subconsciously looking in a certain direction, his eyes became hot, and his spirit became extremely high.

They smell something that makes their souls!


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