Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 60: 60: Hidden Attribute: Popularity reaches 80

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After Richard left the gold mine, he continued to scan the map with a bit of excitement.

The most direct manifestation of a unit's strength is its level and potential.

Level: Each time you increase one level, you can gain a certain amount of power.

Potential: Represents how much power can be obtained after upgrading.

Hunting can not only get supplies, but also gain a lot of experience.

Leveling is an eternal melody.

It was not until it was dark that Richard returned to the territory with a somewhat tired body.

Tired is a little tired, but in a good mood.

Today's work has been busy, and I have gained a lot.

The first is to occupy a medium-sized gold mine that can produce 14,000 units per week. Although it is not comparable to the harvest of hunting, it is a fixed income and it is quite fragrant.

Secondly, the metal giant was hunted and killed in the frontal shock, which once again verified the combat effectiveness of the army.

It gave him an intuitive understanding of the power in his opponent.

Once again, I got an architectural blueprint of a food workshop from the gold mine, which gave the city of Dusk another direction for future development.

This is a building with added heritage.

In the end, today's scan has harvested a lot of prey and experience.

The Scorpion Warrior, the Cursed Pharaoh, and the Axe of the Dead have all reached level 4 and are on their way to level 5.

The system space was also filled with prey, and at least 2,000 units of food could be processed.

Full harvest.

Back in the territory, Karoo was waiting for him as always.

But today the other party seems to have a lot of thoughts.

After Li Cha asked, he learned that the water level of the wells in the territory had dropped sharply in the past two days, which made Karoo very anxious.

"Mr. Richard, the water output from the wells in the territory has decreased again may decrease in a few days..."

Richard also had some headaches. Water represents life in the desert, and lack of water is fatal to the territory.

He has already accumulated 9 spring water fragments in his hand, and there is only one left to be able to synthesize medium-sized spring water.

But he hasn't seen any movement on the bounty these past few days...

"I will resolve this matter in two days at most."

If there is no transaction tomorrow, the price will be increased and a reward will be offered.

As for money, spend a little bit, it's not shabby.

Karoo was relieved after hearing this.

After Richard put today's harvest next to the well for the residents to handle, he returned to the lord's mansion.

After dinner, I opened the forum and took a look.

Only then did he realize that he had become the object of countless people's discussions, and his expression suddenly became strange.

These sand sculptures haven't changed their personalities anywhere. They are busy every day, and they still have the strength to fight each other.

Glancing at the bounty that he still hadn't sold, he went to search again for the spring water fragments that were being sold.

He found that the other sellers of spring water fragments were all black-hearted guys, and their bids were more ruthless.

After thinking about it, I directly added 30,000 units of resources.

He still doesn't believe it. Five desert horses and 30,000 units of resources have not yet sold a piece of spring water...

A few minutes after hanging up, a private message suddenly rang.

"Ding~ Your bounty has been dealt, you lost 5 desert horses and got spring water fragments*1."

The corners of Li Cha's mouth twitched. The deal was so fast, how could he feel that he lost money?

However, I was also relieved, and finally collected enough fragments for the upgrade.

3 pieces of spring water can be combined into 1-star treasure spring water, 10 pieces can be combined into 2-star treasure medium-sized spring water, and 30 pieces can be combined into 3-star treasure large-scale spring water.

The problem of water shortage in Dusk City has been dragged on for a long time, which is not a problem.

According to the estimation of the spring water in Shazaolin, the medium-sized spring water can be used by three to five thousand people without any problem.

For a long time in the future, there is no need to worry about it.

After the matter that had troubled him for a long time was resolved, his mood improved again, and he went to sleep happily.

It's not too late to put it away tomorrow morning.

May 10, early morning.

Li Cha was awakened by the noise from outside.

With some doubts, after a brief wash, he walked out of the lord's mansion.

Following the sound, he came to the area where the well was.

At this time, a large group of people were gathered by the well and were discussing something frowning.

After seeing Li Cha, he woke up and hurriedly saluted.

"Good day, Lord."

However, the tone has lost the spirit of the past, like an eggplant beaten by frost.

Li Cha raised his brows.

"Early in the morning, what are you talking about here?"

A resident said with a sad face.

"Lord Lord, for some unknown reason, the well suddenly ran out of water this morning..."

Out of water?

Li Cha was taken aback.

He took a few steps forward, and came to the well from the gap where the crowd was separated.

Looking down.

I saw a wooden barrel tied with a rope half-wet, and drops of water slipped from the side.

In the wooden barrel, the water only submerged the bottom of the barrel, and it was still muddy water with countless sediments, and it was impossible to drink at all.

"Last night Karoo said he could last a few days, but today the water will be cut off..."

Li Cha instantly thought of Monday's system prompt... This week is a special week: drought week.

At that time, he also complained about the impact of drought on the desert.

Now that even the water source is cut off, why not be so unreasonable...

"Is this the power of the drought week? It's absolutely amazing. We can't underestimate these special weeks in the future."

The surrounding residents started talking again at this time.

"Lord Lord, what should we do?"

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"Is it possible that in the future, I can only go to the sand jujube forest to fetch water..."

"Why did the well dry up suddenly?"

"It didn't dry up suddenly, I found out yesterday that the water has become smaller..."

"Let's dig a new well..."


A group of people were a little bewildered.

The dry well hit them hard.

This is a desert, water represents life, and nothing can be lacking in water.

Carew also arrived in a hurry at this time, and the wrinkled face like an old tree became even older after seeing this scene.

"Good day, my lord..."

After bowing to Li Cha, he wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything. The worry on his face was almost overflowing.

Li Cha looked at everyone's eyes and smiled. Isn't this a shot at the muzzle?

He bought the last piece of spring water at a premium yesterday.

"Don't be nervous, I have a solution."

The calm voice immediately quieted the crowd.

Leadership skills, with strong personality charm, can easily persuade subordinates.

A strong trust rose in the hearts of the residents, and it seemed that after he opened his mouth, all difficulties could not stop him.

Li Cha stretched out his hand and waved, and 10 crystal-clear fragments appeared in his hand, like broken crystals, but they would not cut his hands.

The fragments of the spring water are only one-third the size of a palm, like broken crystals. They look crystal clear but do not cut hands.

"Spring Water Fragments - Can consume 10 pieces to synthesize medium-sized spring water. Is it synthetic?"


The moment he made his choice, the fragments of spring water in his hand suddenly burst into a dazzling light.

The surrounding residents were all stunned. What happened?

Those old residents who had seen the birth of jujube forest and spring water were excited at this moment.

"I've seen this scene before, it's a gift from God... The lord even has it in his hands!"

When the crowd heard this, there was an uproar.

"A gift from God?"

"Is that the treasure bestowed by the gods?! The gods are on top, I didn't expect that I would have the chance to see this kind of treasure..."


They opened their eyes one by one, wanting to see what the legendary god-given thing was.

The light gradually condensed in Li Cha's hands, and the fragments of the spring water merged into a crystal ball that exuded a cool breath.

And in the middle of the crystal ball, there is a spring water gurgling.

Full of unique atmosphere.

Richard dragged the crystal in his palm and walked towards the well.


The crisp sound of leather boots stepping on the floor seemed to be stepping on everyone's heart at this moment.

He came to the front of the well water and flipped his hand.

The crystal ball fell directly into the well.


The crowd subconsciously exclaimed.


There was a sound of a stone smashing into the water.

Then, the situation returned to calm.

Li Cha glanced at the crowd.


After talking nonsense, he turned around and left.

The residents subconsciously separated from left and right, looking at the silent well, their faces were a little stunned.

Why doesn't the God-given thing move?

Lord Lord just left like this?

Just when they were puzzled.


From the water well that had just dried up, a water column ten meters high suddenly spewed out. UU Reading

After the clear water rose to the top, it crashed again.

The clothes of the surrounding residents were all wet.

But at this time, no one avoided or felt unhappy.

Looking at the water splashes in the sky, endless joy arises in my heart.

"Hahahaha! There is water!!"

Under the great sadness and joy, everyone seemed to be crazy and started to run to the well.

After the high water column fell, the seemingly endless spring water in the well water gurgled out of the well.

After the depression, people laughed and splashed water on their friends, releasing the fear and anxiety just now.

Under the first ray of sunshine in the morning, there was an unprecedented sound of laughter.

The water in the desert is hope, life, and everything.

Those who have not experienced desert drought will never be able to experience the preciousness of water.

Lord Lord, once again gave this land life, hope and future.

After a long time, the crowd exhausted from fighting quieted down.

A young man turned his head to look in the direction that Richard left, and was speechless for a long time.

In the end, he slowly supported his chest, and bowed in salute in the direction where Li Cha was no longer there.

This scene touched countless residents.

At this moment, everyone's eyes are scorchingly saluting towards the empty trail.

"Ding~ Your actions have conquered the residents of Dusk City, and your leadership skill upgrade progress has been increased by 50%."

"Ding~ The hidden attribute of the city of dusk: the people's heart reaches 80, and the acquired characteristic: a place of stability.

Place of Stability: The people are united, the happiness is high, the attraction to refugees is increased by 30%, and there is a higher probability of attracting high-level talents or low-level heroes to come to seek refuge. "

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