Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 83: 83: Devil's Valley, Overbearing Axe

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Li Cha did not expect that there would be an unexpected harvest.

Immediately asked.

"What type of strategic treasure? Where is it?"

Young Barry exclaimed.

"A magic ball that contains special magic power... Lucy and I found it in an ancient tomb!"

"Not far from that ancient tomb, we found traces of demons..."

"Those **** demons sensed the breath of the magic ball and kept chasing us. Lucy asked me to come back to report. She lured the demon away with the magic ball..."

"My lord! I am willing to take you to the valley where the devil is! But please save Lucy!"

From the excited tone of the other party, Li Cha understood.

There is also a love scene here.

"Apart from you, who else knows the exact location of Devil's Valley?"

"There's no one left! Only I know that the devil is in that valley!" The young man was even more excited when he heard that Richard was thinking of taking action.

"My lord! Lucy and I also found a few dusty troop nests in that ancient tomb, but we haven't had time to check them out."

"The ancient tomb is too close to the valley where the demons are located. I'm afraid it has been occupied by the demons at this time. You must clear the demons before you can enter it to explore..."

Dusty troop lair?

Li Cha became more interested.

That ancient tomb is so advanced? There are not only strategic treasures, but also troop nests.

"Is there a map to the Devil's Valley?"

"No!" Barry bites to death.

"But I can personally lead the way for you!"

The voice fell, and a system prompt sounded in Li Cha's ear.

"Ding~ Trigger the side quest - Lover's Pain. When Barry, the son of the village chief of Lanye Village, was dating his lover Lucy, he accidentally discovered the trace of the devil.

In order to protect Barry, Lucy lured away the devil with the treasure she got from the ancient tomb. After Barry came back to ask for help, she was imprisoned by her father in the name of guarding the village.

At this time, he finally found the opportunity to ask you for help to save his lover.

Do you accept this task?

Note: It is currently in free exploration mode, and the rewards for side missions are unknown. You can make any choice, and every choice you make will affect your next encounter. "

The corners of Li Cha's mouth twitched. Isn't this a common pattern in Hollywood movies?

However, under the temptation of strategic treasures, he spoke sternly.

"It is incumbent upon you to eradicate the demons!

"Barry, I promise you, as long as Lucy is alive, we can save him, but before that, you must obey my orders."

Barry was immediately surprised and reassured that he would obey the order.

After finding a guide, Li Cha looked at Jill, who wanted to say something but didn't say anything.

"Your Excellency Jill, let someone go to Baita Town for help, and inform Baita Town of all the information here.

In addition, when we came, we also encountered a group of undead, no weaker than demons, we must let them be careful..."

Although the undead has not yet appeared, it does not prevent him from warning Baita Town first, so as not to be caught off guard.

Jill looked at his son Barry, who had a firm look, and wanted to say something, and sighed deeply.

"Lord Richard, I hope you can take good care of Barry..."

"It's natural."

Li Cha nodded, thinking in his heart.

This sub-line that can get strategic treasures is the reward for helping the village resist the devil?

After all, it seems to be pretty good.

The value of strategic treasures is not comparable to ordinary items.

After getting the information he wanted, he didn't stay in this village where there was obviously no oil or water.

Under Jill's complicated gaze, let Barry lead the way and set off directly to the Devil's Valley.

Seeing the backs of Li Cha and his group disappearing from sight, Jill seemed to be ten years older, and most of his energy was drained.

"Uncle Jill, the lord who commands the undead, will he keep his promise?"

Genn shook his head after being silent for a long time.

"This is Barry's own choice, and the other party doesn't seem to be someone who will break the contract..."

After speaking, he turned his head and glanced at the residents behind him, forcibly raising his spirits.

"Bring a few people and immediately go to Baita Town to report the situation here, Master Priest, we are in big trouble!"

After leaving the human village, Richard led the army from noon to dusk.

Hurrying through the parched forest is rather boring.

Everywhere is a dead black and gray, and even the chirping of birds is a luxury.

The seven-to-eight-hour journey made Barry, who was leading the way, exhausted, but he didn't complain at all, instead he gritted his teeth and walked forward quickly.

When the sun fell to the top of the mountain, the trace of the devil was finally found.

When Li Cha heard the report, he was refreshed and immediately took the army to investigate.

After walking for five or six minutes, I came to a hill.

Under Gray's gesture, he used a dark tree trunk to cover his figure.

Looking ahead.

In the valley five or six hundred meters away, a large number of wicked demons are walking back and forth.

Because of the distance, only a thumb-sized figure could be seen.

These demons with curved backs are constantly moving the rocks on the side of the valley and digging the mountain.

The sound of bang bang rang out a great distance.

The moment Barry saw the demon, he clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

"My lord, the place where the demons excavated is where the ancient tomb is..."

"What about Devil's Valley?"

"This is the Devil's Valley, and those devils come from the deeper part of the valley."

Li Cha narrowed his eyes slightly.

Looking at it roughly, the number of bad demons is probably more than one brigade.

And in the depths of the valley, I don't know how many demons are lurking.

However, the strength of the enemy did not make him retreat, but his fighting spirit increased.

These evil demons are all the experience of Bai Huahua...

And not to mention the strategic treasures and the two dusty troop nests that interest him a lot.

However, with such a hard A, I am afraid that I will suffer a big loss, so I still have to use a strategy.

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I thought about it.

Turning his head to look at Gray, "What would the devil be attracted to?"

The mummified hero thought thoughtfully, "Blood?"

"It's the breath of life!" Barry exclaimed excitedly.

"My lord, I am willing to be the bait and help you lure those demons out!"

"Lucy is still waiting for me to save her!"

Li Cha glanced at the guy.

Are you so desperate to die?

He decided to meet the needs of the other party.

With a wave of his hand, let the troops leave first.


What is the taste?

The tip of the bad devil's nose, who was digging out the rock, twitched and sniffed wildly.

It's blood...

Smelling the smell of food, his stomach immediately growled.

The hidden desire in the body began to rise.

It's been a busy day, and they haven't eaten yet.

Hunger made them turn their heads frequently and frantically sniffed the smell in the air, just like ordinary people smelling the aroma of meat.

In the end, the devil's hero's whip could not suppress the wicked demon who gradually fell into chaos.

Looking at these subordinates whose work efficiency was greatly reduced, the annoyed demon hero waved his hand and separated 5 squadrons of inferior demons.

Angrily, he hurriedly left the Devil's Valley, looking for the source of the breath of blood.

After walking a few hundred meters, the flame demon with a long flame whip stopped abruptly.

He stared wickedly ahead.

I saw animal carcasses full of scars hanging from a dry tree branch on a rocky steep slope.

There was still warm blood on it that seemed to have just been smeared on.

Just over there is the upper air vent, the wind is blowing continuously towards the Devil's Valley, and the smell of blood spreads out a great distance.

What makes the demon hero angry is that there is a squadron of undead under those animal carcasses!

"Despicable undead! You dare to provoke the great demon?!"

The demon hero is enraged.

After doing this outside the demon base camp, he felt that these undead were courting death!

waved his hand.


"Kill them!"

Under the stimulation of blood, the starving evil demon surged up in an instant.

Li Cha, who was commanding at the rear, had cold eyes.

Another D-level hero, these demons are really unusual...

"Bandage mummies and scorpion warriors alternately defend, don't put any enemies up, the axe of the dead is free to attack!"

The terrain he chose was very favorable.

On the right → is an alpine rock wall, hundreds of meters high.

On the left is a steep cliff, fifty or sixty meters deep.

There is only a passage of about twenty meters in the middle.

Completely cut off the possibility of the enemy swarming up and attacking by taking advantage of numbers.

And there are many passages in the back, so you can retreat while fighting, and you are not afraid of being double-teamed.

In the battle to obtain Gray in the underground desert, he took advantage of the terrain to eliminate thousands of undead, which gave him great inspiration.

At this time, the previous experience was brought into play.

The inferior demon roared and rushed up.

But the first line of defense is the scorpion warrior.

The terrifying iron pincers and tail spines make this unit a pure killing machine.

The combat power that erupted with less than 3 squads was extremely exaggerated. UU Reading

The iron tongs opened, and those inferior golems that rushed up seemed to actively jump into the traps laid by the hunters.

Rare 3-star, level 6, against elite 2-star, level 4 inferior demons, it is like a massacre.

Kacha~ Kacha~

The iron tongs opened and closed, like a big knife tying grass, the corpse of the evil demon was broken into stumps, and blood erupted, splashing all over the ground.

No matter how the opponent attacks, the scorpion warrior cannot be shaken.

Seeing this, the demon hero let out a low roar.

The blood-colored light flashed on his body.

Magic - Bloodthirsty Rage.


The inferior demon's body suddenly turned scarlet.

Immediately became irritable.

The speed was extremely fast, and the slaughtering speed of the poisonous scorpion warriors was not even comparable to the speed of the opponent's rushing up.

Just when the pressure on the defense line increased sharply.

The battle axe that flashed with cold light ripped apart the void!


Suddenly, a sound like shattering glass sounded.

The battle axe that flew into the swarm of inferior demons shattered directly.

Countless fragments swept around frantically like knives.

The wicked demon shrouded in debris exploded, and blood spurted out like a faucet with countless gaps.

The ground was emptied directly...

The Axe of the Dead is a new skill learned after being promoted to the rare level—Axe Smash, which causes huge magic damage to enemies within a 10-meter diameter range.

The two squads broke out in one round, directly killing the bad demons of the nearly two squadrons.

The results were remarkable.

Seeing this exaggerated scene, Richard laughed.

It's worth the effort he spent to upgrade the Axe of the Dead!

This is the real trump card, a peerless killer.

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