Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 88: v2 Chapter 87: The second hero is born

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Li Cha was stunned when he saw the level of the troop lair, and subconsciously read it several times.

After confirming that he was not mistaken, a strong joy flooded into his heart.

His face was full of excitement.

Rare-level troop lair, and there are still two! !

Blood earned, blood earned!

After taking a few deep breaths, he suppressed the excitement in his heart, and immediately checked the remaining attributes of the unit's lair.

Gargoyle's Lair (Sealing)

[Level]: Rare 3 stars

[Recruitable troops]: Dark Gargoyle (rare 3 stars)

[Number of recruits]: 20

【Weekly production】: 10

[Recruitment conditions]: 4000 gold coins, 4000 wood units, 4000 stone units, 10 gems

[Introduction]: A special construct made of ancient magic and powerful enough to be a dark being has good power. It used to be a brilliant class, but under the erosion of time, its power has degraded to a rare level.


Weekly production up to 10?

And now each lair can recruit 20!

The two troop nests together can recruit 4 squads.

This is a rare class of troops. How much energy did he spend to cultivate the Axe of the Dead?

After reading the introduction, Li Cha narrowed his eyes.

Constructs made with ancient magic? Is it similar to the principle of the dwarf's mechanical arms?

However, this thing turned out to be brilliant?

It's a pity, if the power does not decline, this wave will take off directly.

After a long time, Li Cha calmed down from the excitement.

"But this thing needs to be unsealed before it can be recruited... But, how to unlock this seal?"

He pondered and turned on the black gold system.

"Gargoyle Lair (Rare 3 Stars) - Consume 10 Rare Construct Lair Cores to boost it to Brilliant 3 Stars.

Note 1: In the current seal, promotion is not possible.

Note 2: It can be watered with a lot of blood to unlock the seal. "

A lot of blood poured out... Unseal the seal.

Li Cha's heart was instantly filled with surprises... Is there a way to break the seal?

The eternal **** of the black gold system...

But this seal is special enough. Construct, sealed with blood... Its owner must be a bubbling evil guy.

Looking back and thinking, "I just experienced a **** battle, aren't those demon corpses the best material for unsealing?"

In a good mood.

These demons are really generous, sending him several waves of warmth in a row.

Let the army search carefully in the ancient tomb.

After confirming that there was no other gain, Li Cha left the ancient tomb and continued to walk towards the depths of the Devil's Valley.

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On the way, I encountered several squads of fallen demons and horned demons, apparently the demon heroes stayed behind to guard the base camp.

However, even the large army was killed by him, and these squads can only be regarded as tooth sacrifices.

After being easily annihilated, he reached the deepest part of the Devil's Valley.

The Devil's Base Camp is hidden in the cave, but the space inside is dozens of times larger than that of the ancient tomb.

After Gray took people in to explore safety, Richard entered.

The light of the torch fluctuated, and it was slightly dim in the wide underground space.

After seeing the picture in front of him, his heart froze.

The floor of the cave was covered with human corpses, which were pale and seemed to be deprived of all blood.

If you look carefully, you can see that their vital points have been punctured by sharp weapons.

And in the center of these countless corpses, there is a huge blood pool.

The faint light of the torch made the scarlet liquid extremely terrifying and creepy.

Mysterious and twisted black runes were imprinted in the blood pool, looming and looming, adding countless gloomy auras.


"Lucy, I'm here to save you, where are you??"


In the underground space full of corpses, only Barry's voice echoed.

Holding a torch, he looked down at the pale corpses on the ground, unwilling and extremely frightened.

It seems that he is afraid of the next moment, that dreamy face will appear.

Seeing this scene, Li Cha couldn't help shaking his head.

This silly child, there is still hope of survival?

But the blood pool made him think.

What is the purpose of these demons to create this blood pool?

For the troop lair in the tomb?

No, Barry said, the demons had attacked other human villages, so he and his little lover came out to find out the news.

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Back then the demons had not yet discovered the tomb.

That is to say, the blood pool was built in the front, and the ancient tomb was found in the back.

And if it is to unblock the troop lair, why not build the blood pool directly in the ancient tomb?

Although demons are chaotic, they are not stupid, and the cunning of higher demons is no worse than that of demons.

The blood pool must have an extra purpose.

After thinking about it, on the route that the mummy had determined to be safe, he walked over the corpse step by step and walked to the blood pool.

The peaceful blood pool looked like a deep pool, indifferent, but it made one's heart feel cold.

No one knows what's hidden inside.

Opened the properties panel, but didn't see any prompts.

Li Cha frowned slightly and looked at a bandaged mummy.

"You enter the blood pool and see what's underneath."

The bandaged mummy acted as soon as she got the order.

The undead life does not have the concept of fear. If it is replaced by a human being, I am afraid that the legs will become weak.


After the bandaged mummy entered the blood pool, its body quickly sank and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The air was immersed again.

At this time, Barry walked to the blood pool with a torch, his eyes were full of despair.


Those eyes were now lifeless.

Li Cha ignored this guy and stared at the blood pool. This is the devil's biggest back-up, it is impossible to have nothing...

Three minutes, five minutes, ten minutes later, the scene was still calm.

Richard was reluctant to give up, just when he was going to let the second mummy go down.

goo goo~

Suddenly, huge bubbles appeared in the blood pool.

The sudden sound was like muffled thunder in the silent cave.

Li Cha immediately raised his vigilance to the extreme.

"Go back!"

The troops retreated more than twenty meters in unison, leaving only a few torches and Barry, who was squatting on the ground.

goo goo~

The bubbles are getting bigger and bigger.

Then, under the watchful eyes of Richard.


The sound of water suddenly sounded, and a corpse suddenly floated into the blood pool.

The scene made my scalp tingle.

But the next second, the horror movie immediately turned into a love tragedy.

Barry raised his head subconsciously and exclaimed in surprise when he saw the corpse floating up in the blood pool.


The whole person slumped on the ground as if struck by lightning.

The eyes were red, and the mouth kept opening and closing, but there was no sound.

Staring straight at the corpse, UU read www. At this moment, it seems that the whole person lost his soul and became a puppet.

Li Cha was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect such an ending.

Glancing at Barry, he said nothing.

Under the **** of the mummy, he stepped forward and took a closer look at the corpse, and found that the other party's chest was still heaving.

Not dead yet?

Subconsciously open the properties panel.


[Status]: Transformation failed.


Li Cha's pupils shrank, and he immediately opened the black gold system.

Sure enough, more detailed information appeared.

"The Crimson Pool - Strengthen those who enter it with blood, transforming them into powerful heroes.

The use of blood to strengthen themselves comes from the higher demons, and when building the Crimson Pool, they will inject their own blood into it.

After the strengthening is completed, the other party will be eternally loyal to himself, which is a rare sacrifice in the abyss.

The greater the blood power consumed by the Crimson Pool, the higher the potential of the hero unit after the transformation is successful.

Note: The enhancement has been interrupted. The current replacement enhancement object is the bandage mummy. You can put corpses and blood into the blood pool to increase its potential. The current gestation time: 1 day. "

After reading the instructions, Li Cha's expression became extremely exciting.

Crimson Pool? Strengthen heroes? ?

No wonder the devil wants to build a blood pool...

However, he interrupted the process by accidentally sending a bandaged mummy to search.

Now, his bandaged mummy is a sacrifice to be transformed into a hero...

Ha ha ha ha.

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