Global Reincarnation: Knowing The Plot From the Start

Chapter 3: 3: Chutian's thoughts

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According to some memories in this body, Chu Tian learned that under normal circumstances, when Infinite Space issues a dungeon task, it will explain the task very clearly.

Killing is killing, and there has never been a concept of elimination.

and many more……

Chu Tian thought about the plot of the movie carefully.

In the movie "I Am Legend", it mainly tells that in a certain year in the future, human beings invented a virus to treat cancer, but I never thought that this virus would suddenly mutate, and people infected with this virus would become covered in blood. Daredevil without any follicular tissue.

This virus can be spread through the air, and once infected, within an hour, there is no doubt of death!

In the plot of the movie, Night Demon is amazing in terms of attack power, fighting ability, or flexibility.

But the biggest Achilles heel is the fear of light. Once exposed to light, the body will be burned.

At the end of the movie, the male protagonist Robert Nefer found a way to cure the virus in his own blood, gave the healing serum to the female protagonist, covered the female protagonist to escape, and died!

Chutian has a plan in mind.

Since the mission released by Infinite Space is to eliminate rather than kill, it must be related to the male protagonist!

Infinite space allows reincarnators to enter the city at random locations.

Except for those who are allied, everyone's location coordinates are different.

After Chutian opened his eyes, he appeared in the center of New York City.

This was originally a world economic center, but now it has lost its former vigor.

Even though it is daytime and the sun is shining, it still feels eerie.

The first thing he has to do is to find the male protagonist Robert Neff.

But in such a huge New York City, it is difficult to find someone!

He glanced at the vehicles parked beside the street. Although the Ford car in front of him looked a bit shabby, what made his eyes light up was that the car keys had not been removed.

This is great news for him!

Chu Tian took the brick by the roadside, went down with one brick, smashed the car window, and then opened the car door with the car key inside.

Insert the car key and twist to the right.

The engine roared.

Slam on the accelerator and go!

Chutian drove from the city center all the way to the suburbs, and then ran back to the city center from another road in the suburbs.

While driving, Chutian frantically honked his horn, trying to attract Robert Neff's attention.

Unexpectedly, Robert Neff did not appear for a long time.

Instead, they met a few reincarnations who were traveling with them. They looked at Chu Tian with puzzled faces, with mockery on their faces.

It seems that Chutian's behavior is a bit silly.

And Chutian didn't bother to care about him, and continued to go his own way.

After a while, the same car came galloping towards Chutian.

The car stopped in front of Chu Tian, ​​blocking his way!

A black man got out of the car with a dog by his side.

It is the male protagonist of this movie, Robert Never!

"Hey buddy, you...what are you doing?! My God, where did you come from?"

Nefer was very emotional.

The city was deserted, and he was with the hound every day.

He is lonely.

Lonely enough to sometimes pretend to go to the supermarket to "buy" things, talk to the models inside, and try to create an image that the world is functioning normally.

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Now, for the first time in the past few years, he saw a living person, and he was very excited.

I was so excited that I didn't know what to say.

The dog next to him was still barking at Chutian.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Nefer, I'm from Boston. Let me introduce myself. My name is Andre Sean, Chinese!"

This is the identity that Chutian made up in advance, he said in that unskilled English.

"How do you know my name?"

Nefer looked surprised.

"I've seen your information in the Boston files, Mr. Nefer."

Chu Tian smiled slightly.

"Oh god, I've finally seen a living person, and I've had enough! Hey, Sean, how's it going over there in Boston, isn't it bad?"

Naifu came up to give Chu Tian a hug, his eyes were red with excitement, "This is over, it's over, the whole world is probably over!"

Chutian could understand Naifu's excitement, but his English was only CET-4, so he had to think for a long time before he could say it.

"Listen, Nefer, the world is not over. I came here after hearing your broadcast at noon every day."

"Although Boston is over, there are not only the two of us in this world, but also other people!"

Nefer shook his head again and again: "No no no, Sean, maybe you don't know, I am a virology expert, I understand this virus, and now the human beings in the world may be really finished..."

Nefer felt a little nervous.

He hadn't seen a real person in years, and he had forgotten how to socialize normally.

He always thought that people all over the world might be doomed.

But in the second half of the plot, the heroine and her son appeared and told Nefer that there were still many shelters in the United States, which is why at the end of the plot, Nefer would give the serum sample to the heroine.

Chu Tian smiled slightly: "Naif, if I guessed correctly, you are still studying how to overcome this virus, right?"

Nefer was stunned, his face was full of disbelief: "How do you know?"

"I've talked to your former colleagues from the Boston Institute, and they think you must still be working on how to beat this virus."

Chu Tian lied and said without blushing.

Nefer was even more surprised: "My God, are they still alive? Can you take me to Boston to meet them?"

Chu Tian shook his head and said, "Unfortunately, Mr. Nefer, as I said just now, Boston has completely fallen and become a paradise for Night Demons."

"I am the only survivor in Boston, and your colleagues told me a way to completely solve the Night Demon before they died!"

"any solution?"

Nefer was ecstatic, and he dreamed of restoring society to its original order.

His wife, his children, all died because of this disaster!

"We survivors carry antibodies themselves, which is why we survived this airborne virus. If the serum of the antibodies is injected into the body of the Night Demon, there must be unexpected gains!"

Chu Tian smiled slightly.

In the plot, Nefer has been conquering these viruses, and he has developed many antidote, but those are all experiments with infected animals, and each experiment results in failure.

He had never experimented with night devils.

But in the second half of the plot, Neifu, in desperation, used his own blood to attract a Night Demon, captured him, and after experimenting with his own blood, he found that it had a surprising effect!

Hearing Chu Tian's words, Nefer hesitated: "But, Sean, you don't know... Night Demons are very scary beings, and they are very difficult to catch."

Chu Tian nodded and said, "It's hard to catch, but the blood of living people is what makes them excited. You can use this as a bait to make traps to catch them!"

Chutian knew that Naifo's hesitation was not because the night demon was difficult to catch.

Rather, he was doubting his own identity.

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