Glutton Berserker ~The One That Exceeds The Concept Of Levels~

Chapter 183: 181

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Chapter 181

Translator: Raizu

Editor: Mirp

Episode 181 – Quiet Morning

I was alone, watching as dawn came over Hauzen .

The sun usually rose from the beyond the horizon . But now, it’s different .

The sun was covered by the rising Gallian continent this time, illuminating it like a halo . The scene looked majestic, nevertheless .

For those who didn’t know, they would probably get captivated by such a sight .

[Hey, Fate . ]


[What’s with that surprised look?]

[I mean, it’s rare to see you up this early in the morning . ]

[I do get up early sometimes . I just want to see the rumoured scenery this time . ]

I was sitting on a bench in the mansion’s courtyard .

Raine took a seat besides me .

[I already heard . You lost Greed . And yet here you are, looking fine and all . I thought you’d take it really hard . ]

[I guess it’s all thanks to Myne . She told me to not give up just yet . ]

[I see . Then, this is for you . ]

Raine handed me an envelope .

[From who?]

[Your father…it’s from Dean . ]

[From Dad!?]

I unconsciously put more strength than needed to my grip, causing the enveloped to be crumpled .

[He also told me that he’ll be waiting for you at the depths of Gallia . What’ll you do next?]

[Isn’t it obvious?]

I gave Raine a look .

She let out a bitter smile as if she had done something wrong .

[Already itching for a fight? You two are really similar . ]


I used to feel some happiness when recalling the past .

Now that feeling was replaced by repulsion .

Dad had opened the Door to His Land .

Now, monsters started resurrecting everywhere, causing pain to the people .

Only last night I heard that a small village was annihilated by monsters’ attack .

Monsters had also gathered around the capital, probably attracted by the smell of living humans . There’s a possibility that a death march will occur some time soon .

Aaron and the White Knights desperately defended the capital . It’s fairly safe right there at the moment .

Being told that I’m similar to the person that caused all that, I was left speechless .

[Your father, he was born with Divine stigmata . ]

[Just like Snow… . . ]

[The Divine mark . It’s like the will of God, it can’t be resisted . ]

[Are you telling me that the order Dad was given is to open the Door to His Land?]

[Judging from the situation, that should be the case . Whenever he was committing himself to the effort of opening the Door to His Land, the mark on his cheek would glow . ]

Even so, there’s something strange about it .

Libra, for better or worse, was trying to prevent the Door from opening .

But on the contrary, Dad was trying to open it .

[What Libra and Dad were doing was a total opposite . ]

[Perhaps, despite being similarly sacred beastkin, they received different orders . ]

[You mean!?]

[There may be more than one God’s will . I’m pretty sure of this . Each of them might just be trying to fulfill their given mission, but your father hates Libra on a personal level . Perhaps they had a connection in the past . ]

Multiple God’s will… . . ?

Now that I think about it, if all the sacred beastkin were given the same mission, they should’ve been able to achieve it more effectively .

Why does it have to be like that? If the commands they were given are conflicting with each other, won’t there be a chance that none of them would be fulfilled?

[I simply don’t get God’s intention in all these . ]

[Indeed . Our life would probably be a lot easier if we could understand the God’s intention . On the other hand, there are more than one way to achieve something, and we are left with the ability to choose how . ]

[More than one way…]

[That’s what makes being a researcher fun . ]

[In the end it’s just for your amusement after all . ]

[Fufufu… lots of research materials awaits . ]

[Good grief… Raine, you really]

Before I could react, she placed her hand over my chest .

[Wa… . . ]

I was taken aback by the suddenness, but I realized that Raine had a serious look on her face this time .

[How are you feeling recently?]

[I’m fine . ]

[Lies . ]

[But I’m not…]

[Fate is not good at lying . ]


I was stunned since she hit a sore spot .

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Apparently she could tell since she’s directly touching my body .

[Arghh, alright, alright, you’re right!]

[I thought so . When did this begin? What caused it?]

I didn’t mean to hide it from her .

She’s been observing how the Gluttony skill affected my body for a while after all .

I mean, it’d be bad if there was a visible change to my body .

Although I was forced into this, I actually felt grateful .

[Perhaps from a week ago?]

[Aaaah . Then why didn’t you tell me earlier . ]

[I was busy . ]

[Geez, this will give me a lot to do now . ]

Raine pulled my at shirt, trying to strip it off from the front .

[Come on, take it off . ]

[Right here!?]

[There’s no other person here . Rest assured . ]

[As if!]

And yet she still tried to take my clothes off .

It’s her bad habit .

If she needs to know something, then she has to look it up right away .

At this rate, I’ll end up naked in the morning at my own courtyard .

But she stopped as soon as she saw my back .

[I see . Like parent, like child after all . It’s the same as what your father has . ]

[Dad has one as well?]

[His was bigger, and more powerful than yours . ]

[Which means?]

[This isn’t the effect of Gluttony skill . Your sacred beastkin lineage is also taking form . ]

[Why now of all times though . ]

In response to my question, Raine turned to the floating Gallia continent and replied .

[Back then your father told me . You’d awaken your sacred beastkin lineage soon . And that it was the Gluttony skill which made it possible . ]

[The skill does?]

[Right . Normally a human’s body is too weak to support the sacred beastkin’s power . However, you achieved Area E thanks to Gluttony skill . This finally awakened the dormant power within you . ]

My mom was a human . But my dad was a sacred beastkin .

I’m a half breed who inherited the blood of both .

I was mostly human since I was born . But now the sacred beastkin blood in me started to awaken .

[It probably acts as a counterbalance to Gluttony skill . You’ve been feeling really well lately, haven’t you?]

[Yeah, you’re right . I thought that it’ll be more difficult now that Luna, who had been keeping it at bay, is gone . ]

I don’t know if it’s a good thing .

After Luna disappeared that day, I no longer saw the spiritual world .

And the shadow me that the Gluttony skill made hadn’t appeared again since last time .

I managed to beat it back then, but I don’t know what will happen next time .

Gluttony skill has been laying low recently .

At least I thought so . Perhaps it was wary of the awakened power of the sacred beastkin .

[In any case, Fate’s body is a good source of information . Please give me a moment . ]


[Your father entrusted me with an Ether blood crystal . He said that it was a stone capable of miracles since it was a crystallized blood of God . Using that power, I was able to purify the Philosopher’s stone he stole from the Capital . ]

[Philosopher’s stone!? The fragment of the collective lifeform Shinn?]

[Yes, I saw it with my own eyes . The blood crystal purified the will inhabiting that stone . Perhaps we can use it to purify the Gluttony skill in your body . That way it should be even more manageable for you . ]

[That’s like something coming out of a dream . ]

[But it’s not . He entrusted the Ether blood crystal to me because he knew that I will use it for you . He’s a man who won’t lie when it comes to you . ]

Dad actually did something like that…?

[But it’s too early to feel happy . It’ll take some time to truly understand how the blood crystal works . And the required equipment is located in Grandeur, just under Hauzen . So I’ll be staying underground doing research for a while . ]

[You look happy though . ]

[It’s what I do . When you feel like it, come visit to clean the place up . ]

[Can’t you just do that yourself?]

[But, I don’t want to take over Fate’s job . ]

[Oi, I’m still the lord of Hauzen, you know?]

As soon as I replied to her, Raine got up from the bench .

[Alright then, I have research waiting for me . ]

Before she went far I called her out .

[Oi, have you told Mugan that you’re alright?]

Her father, Mugan had been worried sick ever since she was kidnapped by my Dad .

It’s Raine we’re talking about after all . She only cares about research, so I’m afraid that she hasn’t contacted her father yet .

Thinking so, I asked just in case .

And then, Raine turned around . Her face was blank .

[Ahh! I forgot!!]

[What the hell are you thinking! Mugan is crying back in the capital . Get in touch with him soon!]

He’s just a worried father .

But, it’s Raine we’re talking about after all .

Even so, knowing that she’s doing all this to help me out, I’m honestly happy .

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