Glyph Magyster a life around Creation.

Chapter 2: The Helping hand given to cover the Blood covered one.\ The Work.

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In the end Ellie decided to join the party of four.

The work seemed easy and secure enough with an over the middle reward even after counting it would be shared into five cuts.

While she knew little to nothing on how to survive in the wild and barely knew how to use a knife to maintain one human away long enough to flee in a too crowded place with too many witnesses for the deal, the group did not seemed to mind attesting it was enough for her to pull around some of the equipment and miscellaneous stuff in their stead while they take care of everything else.

They even seemed “okay”.

Ellie did not remember the last time she actually thought someone was okay. Ilda, the brawler woman seemed the one in command and the three boys seemed righteous and good enough to not only accept her as the leader but being even take it willingly enough instead and Ellie for the first time felt that she could stay near a man without suffering any abuse or aggression for the time the muscular woman was around.

Moreover once they realized she wasn’t the big deal Gary thought she was and that in fact she was just a runt trying to scrape by, they offered to cover her for the food and gifted her the minimal needed during the exploration so she would not risk to suffer the hunger, the thirst and the colds nights they would stay away from civilization.

They even went as far to told her that at the end of the mission they would feast and they would cover for it with their shares.

To the naive girl that looked like he luck turning finally around so she accepted.

The “papers” were soon made and they separated after deciding to met the next morning outside the south gate around dawn.

For then the party of four would have prepared everything. Comprised a fifth backpack for her.

Ellie was the happiest she had been in months. She almost run back immediately “home” to prepare for the coming journey but realized she had nothing to prepare and nothing she owned that could be of use.

Instead, she tried her luck going directly to some of the places she had worked with some success in the past in an attempt to at least get enough to eat that day.

While she thought she would need to rest and save her strength she doubted that after a full day without food and the preceding just barely better off she would be heed strong until the end. So she needed to eat and to do that she had to get paid.

The hour was late so no one would have taken her in but maybe there was something that could come up. A tavern that needed an extra late hand. Someone with a dirty floor no one could sweep. A latrine suddenly filled to empty.

At the end of the day she didn’t get more than a couple of cyril but in one place where she cleaned they offered a bowl of soup with some bread. Which to her seemed a lot better than some money she would lose to some overpricing asshole. Then in the afternoon she ended in a shop where the owner needed someone to sweep at the end of the day because his trainee who was the one normally doing it, today was ill.

Today was a good day.” Ellie whispered once at home.

She got food for lunch instead to skip, passed the first part of the afternoon in a relaxing walk, got a couple of little coin to sweep with the owner that only stared at her ass when he thought she did not notice it but nothing more and no one stalked her home.

The worst she got were just a couple of drunks that whistled and leered at her on the way but they did not try anything.

It really was a good day and she started to really think her luck turned.

The next morning Ellie woke up even earlier than needed and presented herself to the gate even before the sun rose ending to attire suspicious look from the guards on her mantled self.

If this had happened at another gate then they would have thought she was up to something but here, to the gate that gave on the slums things worked different.

How much?” asked a guard that got near while looking to her form under the cloak.

I’m not a whore sir.” replied Ellie trying to be polite to the guard’s man.

She did not want for the guy to take any hint to take her in a cell and have his way while at it. “I’m an adventurer and I’m waiting my party.”

The guard stared at her for a minute. It was unknown if the guy was doing it while brooding if under the old and consumed cloak she had a more adventurish equipment or simply still checking the parts of her that protruded.

In the end the guard seemed to at least accept she wasn’t here to whore herself and turned heels after telling her to stay out of the way and don’t alarm the guards by dressing like a smuggler. As if to say it was her shady appearance that started their exchange, not him thinking she was a prostitute.

When the sun rose the party of four arrived.

Hey little fawn! Have you been waiting for long?” asked Ilda not losing time and hugging her in a bear crushing hug.

N-not at a-all!” she answered flustered and a bit out of breath “I j-just a-arrived.”

In no time the greetings were made and a backpack was given to her.

Is it too heavy?” asked Gary seemly worried it was too much for her petite physique.

N-no, I can.. do it.” answered Ellie trying to not look crushed under its weight.

It was quite heavy but she saw the others had one identical too with Ilda having the bigger one.

She couldn’t be the let down of the group; She did not want to let them down after accepting and treating her so well and she wouldn’t bail out forcing them to fail the quest at the start because of her.

They all needed the reward, Ellie the most.

The group moved out passing through the gate.

The day passed quietly if not easily.

The road was long and impervious, the sun cocked her under the cloak while the backpack weighed her down sapping her energies and digging in her shoulders.

The party of four demonstrated to be a caring one from the start.

From offerings to stop to take a breather to the offer to take something from her backpack to lighten her up even if that would weigh someone down. Thing she refused to let happen. They treated her like she had not been for years

That day prospected to be her best from the time her father died.

They reached the first clump of trees at mid-afternoon and by sundown they were already in the thick while following an approximated route based on what Gary heard from the traveler and the guards he asked information from.

They would go in for another half day or more and then they would start to look around moving up and down in a way that Ellie did not understand but she trusted the others to know how these things were done.

They were nice and caring to her and nothing bad had happened to her so far even the rare attack from one of the creature inhabiting the woods was solved in moments thanks to their ability and coordination.

They camped with the last light of the day in a fast to make fast to dismount way.

A little fire got lighted inside some stones and Ellie made herself useful giving around blankets, salted meat and some bread she found in her backpack and then sat near the camp-fire quietly eating with the others.

The dinner was a cold and fast one without a lot to talk about after they already passed the day chatting on the road.

As a result of that, she came to know the others a little better.

Ilda for instance came from another city and became an adventurer after having been an illegal fighter in near-death matches for a time after falling in debt with a loan shark. But after winning a number of match and betting always on herself she had gained enough to pay the debt off and had enough spare to be able to move in another city.

Robert was the son of a smuggler and when he was little he was learning his father’s work when his old man got caught and hanged by the guards. Luckily for him he wasn’t there at the time so he did not got a problem, but losing his father and with his mother dead of illness after catching something from a client (she was a prostitute) years before his father got the rope, teach him that it was better to leave the occupation and learn to do something more legit before it was too late.

Manfry, who horribly was his full name, was the son of a pelt hunter in a village in the north and lived most of his life there until he had enough of trees, traps and pelts all day, every day. So he left his family to come south and try his luck in the city.

Surprisingly, in not part of his life story he crossed some kind of cult or a cultist -aside the priests in the church- that explained his fixation of them. Yet he was sure everything that happened in the world was the doing of some cult.

A thought which made the other three lift their eyes to the sky and sigh exasperated in a barely audible sound.

Gary on his own was the one with the most normal life.

His father was a soldier now retired owning a tavern and his mother worked in said tavern cooking in the kitchen and he had a younger sister that worked there too.

When he was little his father narrated his “adventures” in the militia to him before bed and the then young boy grew wishing to live the same adventures as his father. One day even he asked him to be teach him how to use a sword and years later understood he wanted to actually live adventures, not pas days training with other dudes to become some patrol walking around a wall and stopping some petty theft. So he became an adventurer instead with great consternation of his mother who knew he would go into dangers of every kind and a mild delusion for his father when he learned his only son would not follow his steps.

But in the end, they still loved him even if they nagged about his dangerous profession from time to time.

Ellie too in the end had opened a bit and admitted to be some orphan and a street runt who lived day by day, scraping by. At first she though the others would have been deluded of her pitiful and monotone life but they took it as it came and did not treated her any different after her admission. Ilda even went out of her way to hug her again.

After eating and deciding on the guard duty Ellie was about to wrap in her blanket and go to sleep seen how the others preferred her out of guard duty but got stopped by Ilda who came near her.

Hey, what do you think about sleeping together?” she asked in a low voice.

I know they seem good guys and I know they are but…” she said before stopping a moment like she was trying to find the right words.

I would feel more at ease if you slept near me, you know. Girls’ faction.” she proposed.

Ellie locked to the three guys.

Gary was wrapping himself and apparently was going to sleep, Manfry was near a tree with his bow in hand and the quiver near while Robert was near the fire and doing something to it with with a stick.

She thought they did not seem interested in her. Sure, Gary had stared at her boobs at first but he didn’t insisted and she never caught him doing that again. Robert had been a mix of gentle, snarky and funny at random all the way but he did not seemed flirty or in general attracted to her.

She turned to the woman considering reassuring her that she did not think there was a need but when she looked her she seemed a bit worried.

“… well, I don’t they…. Well, okay, I’ll take that offer.” she said unable to say no to such gentle and caring woman.

In the end they laid over one blanket and used another to cover themselves.

Ellie stared for a moment at the woman laying near her and then closed her eyes falling asleep really fast after the long day of marching.

Some hours later she woke up feeling something moving between her thighs. Surprised and afraid she opened her eyes and looked around ready to scream… but there was no one.

The blanket was still around her and Ilda was sleeping on her side while turned toward her and practically pressed against her shoulder.

Ellie lifted herself up slowly in an attempt to not wake up the woman and took a few moment to breath trying to calm herself.

But she must have been to loud or moved to much because Ilda seemed to wake up.

Ellie? Dear what is it? You seem agitated.” she sleepily asked opening her eyes and lifting herself on one arm.

What?.. oh nothing, just a bad dream I think.” she half lied not having an answer to what had waken her up.

Maybe I only dreamed of being touched…’ she thought.

Oooh, poor dear, here.” she said going supine with he arms open toward her.

Lay here on my chest sweety. I’ll protect you.” she said encouraging.

Are you sure? Won’t I impede you if you need to rise fast?” Ellie asked thinking that in that position the woman would be founding hard stand in case of attack.

Don’t worry, I can always roll you down before that.” she said with a playful smirk and winking at her.

Oh… okay then…” Ellie replied sheepishly before laying down on the muscular chest of the woman.

Good girl.” said Ilda hugging her and starting to pat her back and caressing her hair.

In a few minutes Ellie felt so secure and relaxed that fell in a deep sleep.

Ellie was back in that alley when the first time happened. She was only thirteen while the man seemed as old as her father before he died.

She was pressed against a crude wall of stones. Her front against the wall and her back exposed to the men she could not see.

He was pressing her with an arm while with the other was ripping away the gown of her dress.

When nothing remained covering her the man moved against her and she felt…

something slide against her ass.

Ellie opened her eyes feeling something touching her back and sliding between her butt-checks.

She looked around from her position but no one was there so she turned a bit her head and realized she was still sleeping over Ilda who was peacefully sleeping while acting as a pillow for her.

The young girl took a couple of deep breath thinking it as all a dream and closed her eyes.

Moment later she felt again something slide on her lower body.

This time Ellie did not stir and instead paid attention to the feeling and noticed that one of the arms of the woman had actually slide down her back and she could fell it against her hip and ass.

She must have moved while sleeping. She isn’t doing it on purpose.’ she said to herself trying still to fall back to sleep but couldn’t while a sense of unease started to make himself known.

After some time she decided she could not stay like that any more so slowly moved out of the embrace without apparently disturb the sleeping like a log woman and after having covered her again moved away under the eye of Gary who was now awake and on guard while the other two were asleep.

Ellie told him she had to go and he nodded understanding what she meant.

When she came back Gary was still were she left him but when she turned toward the place where she slept with Ilda she noticed the woman was mysteriously gone.

The girl covered herself with one of the blankets and sat near the fire now a small heap of tepid ashes.

She could not sleep any more that night.

She stared for a moment at Gary who was silently surveying the place, at the two sleeping guys and at the remaining empty blanket while the first trickle of doubt started to seep in her heart.

The morning came and Ilda came back with some fruits found somewhere and the water canteen filled from a source of water of some kind she found while she was gone.

Everyone seemed cheery.

Gary and Robert were chatting and joking with her, Ilda was loving and caring while still being somehow severe when needed and Manfry chatted of his knowledge on putting traps and game that would most likely be caught in them.

All seemed Joyous and happy. Manfry to the point of never mentioning the word “cult” all day.

But Ellie was uneasy.

They stopped for “Lunch” and then went on walking into the thick.

Something is wrong.’ she thought while listening, smiling and asking questions or answering when asked about something.

The more time passed the more she had the feeling something was changing.

She thought she was starting to see “looks” passing from one member of the party to another. She started to see gestures that had no reason to be made.

But she wasn’t sure. She was still thinking it was her the one to be acting strange, the one being paranoiac and that in trut nothing wrong was actually happening, that it was all in her mind and nothing more.

They stopped to camp for the night.

The guys walked away on their own leaving Ellie and Ilda alone.

Where have gone Gary and the others?” the young girl asked when after some time they did not come back.

Oh. They went searching for some dry wood to pitch the fire.” answered Ilda while bent on her backpack.

Oh, Okay.” said Ellie taking out the blankets but realizing immediately she did not have someone to give them and finding herself not knowing what to do in that situation.

For the last two days her only works were moving around the backpack and distributing the blankets and the salted meat that was the main part of their rations.

Not knowing what to do until the others came back with the wood for the fire and feeling exhausted after two days of weighed march and a broken night of sleep she sat down against a tree with her cramped legs distended.

You know?” asked Ilda coming near with a smile on her face before bend on her legs so she could be at her eye level.

W-what?” Ellie asked feeling nervous for some reason.

She couldn’t put her finger on but it had to do with the way Ilda was looking at her.

The smile of the woman grew revealing more of her teeth.

I’m really happy we have found you...” she said with a twinkle in her eyes and the woman passed her hand on the girl thigh.

Ellie, who stared in the eyes of the woman the whole time saw the twinkle change from a dangerous one she always saw in people taking her measure to the one she saw in the eyes of those that wanted to have her…. And tried.

“… so happy!” Ilda said moving her hand up and from over her thigh it went rapidly in between and against her femininity. Squeezing it.

Ellie paled in shock while the pieces got together but the fear to relive again that torment permitted her to broke the shocked state she was in moments.

NOOOO!!!” she screamed with conviction and tears in her eyes slapping away the hand of the woman and standing before running away.

Ilda did not stand. Just stared at her running away…. and waited.

Ellie run for but a few moments. She was almost far enough to not see the person she thought she could trust.

Then her foot caught into something and she felt it lock on to her. Pushed by her run she stepped onward but the leg didn’t.

Instead, she bounced back and fell with the feeling of something tightening painfully around her ankle.

She turned only to find a rope around her leg which extended into a near bush.

Ellie realized she had fall into one of Manfry traps.

Moments later she heard something moving toward her and looking up she stared at the same Manfry who looked down at her by a near tree.

Look, look, look. What have I caught today?” he asked with joy and false surprise while out of reach and the girl stared in his eyes…. And moved back, away from those crazed eyes fixed on her.

The rope around her leg moved with her at first but in no time it stopped following and her with it.

You shouldn’t have run.” said a voice and when she turned saw Ilda moving toward her.

It’s not nice abandoning your party suddenly you know?” she asked while a tensed smile replaced the gentle one she wore all that time.

And it’s not correct toward your party to run away in the middle of a mission.” said a voice from another direction and when Ellie turned she saw Gary coming their way.

His eyes too were filled with anticipation and lust.

Ellie turned again trying to run the other way but couldn’t because of the rope and because unsurprising Robert was there. A frown on his face.

Seem Manfry will have the first round…” he commented.

“… no….” the girl whispered feeling her heart sink while a shock after another came.

Not a chance!” replied Gary with anger “we worked too hard to let him ruin her before we can have our fill!” his voice had lost any form of warmth ad was now more similar to a growl than speech.

“…. why?…” Ellie could not believe her ears. From all of them she really thought at least Gary and Ilda would have not been like that.

Gary seemed such a shy and honest guy and Ilda… Ilda was a WOMAN!!!

Then someone grabbed her by her hair and she got pulled back against the owner of the hand.

Why? Of course it’s because we like you.” Ilda said before grabbing one of her tits from over the shirt. And squeezing hard.

We like you oh-so-much!” she continued groping her and pulling painfully Ellie’s hair out of her scalp.

And we will have a lot of fun with you!” she whispered causing a series of chuckles from the presents and new tears to form in the girl eyes, both for the physical abuse and the humiliation of being lied, manipulated and at the end betrayed.

Ellie screamed and someone hit her in the face, hard enough to stun her. Only the pain of the hit and the one coming from the hair separating from her scalp caused by the energy of the hit stopped her to go completely unconscious.

This way she felt the rope being removed from her ankle and someone lifted her from the ground.

She felt they were moving but it was a fast walk for a moment later she was back on the ground.

Then her arms got grabbed and lifted over her head while someone still continued to grope her tits as if it was an enjoyable pastime.

Then a shout came and the groper let her go… and started to unbind the cloak from her neck. Next, she felt her shirt moving up until her chest was nakedly exposed and a moment later…. Her pants followed.

Oh look at that! She doesn’t wear anything under it! What a little whore!” said a voice.

Of course she wear nothing under, she do not have even enough money for a decent cloak, look at that shit! It must have been old the day she was born!”

No….’ whispered Ellie in her mind while the world spinned around her with everything being unfocused and confused.

Poor? With those hips and that enormous ass?” said another voice “seen how big and juicy they are I would say she had a lot to eat.”

“… she has become like this because of the cult! I must make her tell me all she know about it! Everything she know!” said another voice and this time Ellie knew who it was. Only Manfrey was fixated with the cult thing.

‘… but I know of no cult and what it have to do with my body?…’

Yeah, yeah, you can interrogate her but you have to be soft on it until we had enough of her! Did you hear me Manfrey? No deep cuts! Don’t touch the nice parts! No broken bones! If she die before this shitty mission is done I’ll skin you alive! You hear me?” shouted someone that Ellie realized was Ilda.

Interrogate? Deep cuts? Brocken bone? Until… they had enough of me?’ thought the girl terrified while the world was getting back into focus.

Oh! She is coming back! I’m first!” said the same voice.

I agree for Manfry to be last but why you always go first?” asked Gary.

Because I’m the one that labored her into joining?” she replied with a tired sigh while already bent onto the girl and caressing her legs and tummy.

What labored her? I’m the one who baited her first and convinced her into coming!” he replied clearly angry.

Yeah, you talked to her first and gave her the impression of being a lecherous idiot! You did even forgot to tell her which mission you were BARELY hinting about! She could have searched for hours! If I didn’t approached and convinced her to join in we would have lost both of them! So stop being a pissy children and shut up. I’m not gonna break her yet and you can have all that disgusting and perverted fun of yours later!” she shouted back while pushing her finger’s nail so deep in Ellie’s stomach to draw blood.

Ellie yelped in pain but none turned to her and break the stand off they were in the middle in.

Silence remained for a moment longer and then everyone apart from Ilda lowered their eyes in defeat.

Having win the stand off she turned toward her with a ferocious smile.

Well little fawn. I will be the first to play with you but don’t worry…” she said taking out her bloody nail from her and licking them making the girl flinch and try to move away from her as much as the painful position in which she was tied permitted her and once she noticed it wasn’t much she pulled back her legs trying to cover her intimacy from the crazed woman.

But Ilda did not seemed to accept any of that and grabbed her ankles and force with strength her legs spread open while the girl cried and screamed for her to stop.


And Ilda stopped to fight with the girl legs.

Because I love break women more beautiful than me.” she said simply with a neutral expression.

Then she slapped Ellie in the face with such strength sparkle of light appeared in her vision.

Using the moment the girl was stunned from the hit the woman forced her legs open and pushed herself in to stop them from closing again.

Now you better be a good girl. After all, you don’t want to suffer more than needed, right?” she asked with a sweet voice that yet was hard and commandeering like a blade pressed on the throat.

Ellie could only slowly shake her head side to side to communicate that no, she did not want to suffer.

That’s right. She did not want to suffer. But she did not want to experience what was to come too for she knew that did not matter how “good” she was. The woman would make her suffer horribly and at the end she would break her because she loved to do it.

Good. Now relax, you will enjoy it in no time. I know I would!” Ilda said the same way all her past rapists had.


“… so based on the calculus of the density of the air based on the pressure of the celestial energies deriving from the classification of number and type…” mumbled Disciple Duke while scribbling on a book filled of representations of the celestial corpses visible and not visible by mortal eye.

For the last “few” days he did not move away from the place he arrived.

He did not move a step outsides preferring passing his time meditating, drawing schemes, calculus and classifications into empty books he seemed to make appear out of thin air.

He did not sleep or ate even once from the moment of his arrive.

The drawings and the incomprehensible mumbling has been his only activity that lasted at times for more than a few consecutive minutes.

* .ggghrrrrrrrrreeeeeeerrrrr *

Growled something behind a bush but Disciple Duke did not loose his concentration, did not move from the place he was seated, his hand did not even flinch from his writing on the paper and his mumbling went on without a change in cadence.

You are reading story Glyph Magyster a life around Creation. at


As if offended by being ignore the hidden creature growled again, louder this time but...

“… considering the estimated level of the Dimensional Bubble related to it’s position and it’s deepness in the Void’s Planes I can theorize...”

It still got Ignored!

Deply offended the creature jumped out of the bush revealing itself as a creature similar to a jaguar with the height of a horse. Its mantle was of a purplish red with black and pink spots on it, four eyes green and sparkling like gems, two long canines protruded from it’s lower jaw and strangely enough they weren’t your common teeth for their external side was actually sharpened as if they were blades.

The formidable creature run toward the youth who still ignored it.

The beast was almost upon him while it anticipated the satisfaction to kill that insolent thing that did not run from it giving him the joy of the hunt.

No. The little, insolent thing remained on the ground scratching something with his finger.

No!’ realized the jaguar a moment prior its last pounce.

The little creature was scratching something with another something! Which implied that scratching things on one another was more important than fear him?

Such offense cannot forgive!!!’ crudely thought the creature before pouncing one last time.

The Jaguar left the ground.

The next thing it would touch would be the body of the insolent thing and then blood would flow.

But he was wrong.

The jaguar never touched the thing and he would never touched the ground again.

Half-way on its leap his body stopped mid-air without apparent reason and before something more than the vague sense that there was something oh so very wrong passed in its head a loud crack got heard.

All strength in the body of the jaguar disappeared with his life like death has came for it.

No blood splashed nor horrendous wound appeared. It’s body still intact remained suspended in the air while the twinkle in the eyes of the predator dimmed until they became of a duller green.

Then, still in its position mid-leap, the body floated aside until it leaned on a growing mound of corpses formed by the other creatures that attempted to attack the youth.

All of them were intact and not a drop of blood or even the prickle of a mosquito’s bite could be seen that justified the strange event.

But what was curios was that some of them had in common that their head dangled in a bit too unnatural and free way.

Even self-defending did not took the youth more than a few seconds for each attack received and this was counting the time needed to put aside the corpses on the mound.

But even while the cracks sounded, his mumbling never stopped, even while the mound gained another sacrifice the scratching never stopped.

To Disciple Duke the happenings around him had no meaning. Dangers had no meaning. Time itself had no meaning.

All it mattered….

Was what awaited him at the end of his nonsensical mumbling.

ELLIE POV: FIRST PERSON. (Extremely violent and sexually descripted scene. Reading is not recommended for sensitive readers, if you are, pass over until the next divider for the next POV.)


Everyone come back to the same ending again and again and again.

I was crying again, screaming for someone to help, for someone to stop this, for someone to kill me so I would never live it again... remember it again… dream of it again.

My eyes opened only to see Ilda’s face hover on my chest while leering down at me like so many times before I had stopped to count.

I stared at what once was my own body but now was no more than a naked mass of meat covered in bruises and bleeding cuts while the pebbles in the soil under my back dig in it’s skin. My skin it was. Now I’m no more a person, I’m just an object, a plaything, a way for them to vent their more perverted desires.

My only dress was in piece all around me. Cut with a knife and torn by the superior strength of my captors. It was in the way and it did no matter if I once cared for it and wished to wear it again. No it wasn’t of use, so it was thrash.

Please…” I cried for the umpteenth time, more out of habit than anything else. I knew they wouldn’t stop and instead loved hear me beg. It made them happier and if they were happier they maybe would end faster or at least hit me less.

A rope was binding my arms over my head and around a young tree, two daggers were driven in the ground at the sides of my head so i was forced to remain immobile and look at what they were doing to me one at a time.

Worse of it, the knives were positioned in such a way so that every time I ended up moving my body, will it be recoiling or being pushed and pulled the bladed part would cut in the skin of my face to entice me into make and effort to stay immobile and when I could not do it… it was my punishment for failing.

I could not move or i would injure myself even more and had to give my all to stay still while being abused and tortured.

A new push followed by pain and Ellie screamed and arced in response causing one of the blade to cut in the side near her eye and a hand grabbed her naked tit and she was pressed with force back down toward the ground hurting her even more where the thing that made her hurt first was. Her back slammed on the ground and caused a new cut on the other side of her face when she recoiled the other way.’

Ellie closed her eyes feeling herself grow faint but a stronger squeeze at her tit and a convulsion inside of her body did stop her from actually loosing consciousness.’

Oh no no no dear. We can’t have you sleeping right now. The night is young and we have so much more funny things to do.” said a cheery voice over myself.

I opened my eyes and saw Ilda’s face floating over mine.

Isn’t it better little fawn? I feel you are loosening up. In no time at all I would get in up to my elbow!” Ilda singed with joy and excitement.

Now” she continued “your are ruining half the fun when you don’t look, so…” she said while moving the arm that wasn’t grabbing my outside and provoking into my body a stronger feeling of invasion and another burst of pain. “… take a good look at yourself.”

And I did even if i did not want to, even if I knew already what i would have seen for this was going on for some time now and i could feel every minimal movement inside of that part of myself so much it has became sensible….

And it HURT!!!

But I knew i must look so Ilda wouldn’t take a reason to do worse things to me.

I looked down to my body in defeat.

Ilda’s hand was grabbing with such strength my already ruined tit that her nails had already cut in tens of time drawing blood. Both of them were covered in blood and over them, at the other side, i knew all of my body was covered in blood and wounds accumulated during this demon’s trap journey.

For once, I was glad my tits were so big they obscured my sight.

Their hugeness had been one of the greater reason and the cause of all suffering in my life but right now they proved to be somehow helpfull by covering the worse part of the “show” I was forced to look at.

But it would have been too merciful if it had stopped there.

Oh! How thoughtless of me! How did I not think that from this position you could not have seen the best part because of those hills of fat?”Ilda exclaimed with glee and amazement.

The hand that strangled my tit let it go and a moment later i felt it grabbing my boot-check while Ilda dug her nails in it.

“… no…” I cried understanding what she meant to do.

Are you ready for the lift?” she asked with an expression of pure, unadulterated joy on her face.

“… Nooooooo….” I cried again louder with please to spare me from that.

Here it come!” she said uncaring while instead sounding even more motivated than before.

And I felt the thing inside myself contract and grab my insides like it intended to rip them out once it would have come out.

NOOOOOOOOOOH!!!! STOP IT!!!” I screamed in pure agony, anguish and despair.

Then Ellie’s lower body got lifted in the air while her torso was forcefully moved up and two more cuts appeared on her shoulders when she was pressed back against the blades which sank in them but in comparison to what Manfry had done to her body and particularly to her hands and what Ilda had done and still was doing down at that part of her they were such marginal cuts Ellie did not even notice the two newly opened wounds.’

I there saw my lower body in the air. Upside down and with the sight of it gruesome show in front of my eyes.

The entire forearm of Ilda was inside my vagina with my stomach bulging out while drawing the silhouette of it. By my horrifying point of view I saw that it was inside of me up over her elbow while blood was pouring out of me every time she would pull it out before slamming it back inside of my body with such vigor my entire body rocked with it.

The scene was so bloodcurdling I could not scream and even my breath stopped.

All I could feel was agony… and Ilda laugh.



I woke up somewhere with no thought aside the bass rumble of emotions inside my deepest self.

I was under a pinkish black sky covered in stars.

I realized I was alive and only then my first real thought took form.

Noooo… I don’t want to live.’

My head cried for the end and my heart begged for it.

But still.

I was alive and I hated it.

I screamed, I begged, I cried and cursed. All for it to end.

Until it stopped at some point and I turned on my side only barely realizing I was on something soft.

And then, vomit came.

I threw up.

And continued to until I had nothing more to take out but still I continue to retch.

Until I lost consciousness.


In a scorched opening in an imprecise point in the forest the night came but the mumbling did not stop.

The moon raised but the scratching on the book did not stop. Nor the mumbling changed in any way.

Disciple Duke only lifted his head staring at moon in the night sky like he was checking on a particular book about an information he wasn’t sure about and then he lowered it back without losing a beat.

Mumbling and Scratching on the book.

Then the moon set leaving only the pinkish black sky and the stars.

And for the first time… a different thought appeared in that place….

And the Mumbling STOPPED. The Scratching got PEACE.

The clearing was silent.

But to Disciple Duke. The silent screams of despair, agony and pleads that came were so very real and oh so absolutely deafening that for a moment he thought to help the thing have peace.

He could set them free from their curse. Lift them from their pain.

But he didn’t. For it wasn’t his must. It wasn’t his obligation or his duty…. and it wasn’t part of his work.

So the youth sat still. Not moving. Not mumbling. Not breathing. Not thinking.

Only focusing the tendrils of his soul to surround the screaming Thing and exhausting it by giving it something to focus on, to bite on instead of its own misery but always out of reach for he knew that he could not risk himself by giving the Thing a hold on himself.

The only thing he could do in that moment was to wait.

And wait he did for the screaming to finish. For the agony to end. For the despair to collapse on itself once even the fumes were consumed and for the pleading to stop once it was clear that it’s wish would not be fulfilled.

Disciple Duke waited a long time.

He waited until even patience stopped to exist.

But Disciple Duke did not know patience for He did not need it.

So he waited.

The sun raised but the soul still screamed.

The sun set and the Thing still screamed his hate to everything that existed.

The moon raised and the soul did not know peace.

The moon set and the body that housed the soul started to break and throw out the dark things inside itself.

Black rotting water came out like a river.

But Disciple Duke didn’t let his grasp falter and continued to wait.

When the black water ended, blood took it’s place.

But Disciple Duke didn’t panic, he saw it coming.

There still was time.

Because the soul had yet to stop to torture itself.


The first light of the third day appeared at the horizon.

The blood stopped to flow.

And finally the soul found acceptance.

The Thing let it’s grasp on it relent.

So Disciple Duke could stop to wait.

He stood from the ashen earth and walked toward the broken soul.

It was empty now but one day it would start again to scream, one day it would start again to torture itself and it would start yet again to seep black water.

But it didn’t matter. It wasn’t the Disciple duty to save it from its fate. It wasn’t his need to heal it and it wasn’t his work to teach it peace.

For Disciple Duke there was not must in the Creation.

Only WILL.

And right there only one mattered. His own WILL.

And his, wanted for him to heal the body of the broke soul whose for now was no more trying to end itself.

Now, that it was suspended over the void of death by a rope no thicker then the thinnest spider thread and it was trying for the first time to not let go.

For this reason . Disciple Duke wanted to help.

The youth was standing now on the empty air over the broken body like he was standing on solid ground.

Because he knew that there wasn’t real empty.

So he stood there.

Around him the morning light and air.

Under the new light of the day and air there were the trees of the forest.

But under him. There was a great pile of corpses high almost as much as the treetops that encircled it.

And at the top of it. A not yet one.

The youth that wasn’t stared at it, uninterested to it’s nudity for he was untouched by carnal desires.

He had let go of them a long time before to reach that point.

To be completely honest. Even If he didn’t in his first life then he would have in his second.

Even If he didn’t in his second then he would have in his third one before his coming to that place.

Because he gave away all the things that weighed him down away… all for his Passion… all for his Work.

But now. His great work would manifest itself for the second time in that world.

Both times. To permit to the body housing the broken soul to continue to exist.

Disciple Duke lifted his hand over the not yet corpse and light sprouted from it.

Like ropes, like waves, like living beings and like power itself the light draw in the air. Took life in the air. Forming the banish of death. Giving form to a nascent new beginning.

The first time, he remembered, his work was only to give a flawed form of health.

It did not do the real “heal” as it was more of a forceful closing of the wounds shuts to prolong the creature life.

They could have been closed then.

Healed would say someone.

But they were still there. Ready to reopen. Ready to fester.

But that faulty healing did what was needed.

So Time could be gained.


The potential of a Possibility could be grabbed.

But now something so flawed wasn’t needed anymore. Which was good.

Because the Work could not be flawed.

Glyph Magistri can reach Perfection.

And now the construction was completed. The circle closed while everything stood still.


After having purged all the bad inside herself and lost consciousness Ellie had at some point lifted herself from the darkness’ filled agony.

Her eyes opened and she could see the night sky and could see the stars shining far out of her reach.

Yet, she noticed the sun was rising and she could see the stars shine with greater strength than they ever had.

They were fighting the new day, she realized, but were failing for the new day could not be stopped.

They were beautiful; they were vigorous; they were shinier than ever…. But still, they were losing their battle... They were dying!…. And yet…

Ellie understood.

The stars are fighting the new day to the last breath because they do not know that when the Dusk will come again they will be reborn.’

Like them.’ she thought while the seed of a new idea sprouted into her mind.

Right that moment she realized that she had never feared death. What she feared was the life that would come after. For this reason she fled from death while agonizingly wishing for it.

She suffered because she could not accept to have a better life. A Happier Life.

Ellie stared at the sky and saw the sun rising while only few stars remained standing to fight their unwinnable battle.

Then she noticed to not be alone.

Her eyes searched for him for she knew that where there was death he would be present.

Her mouth would have never spoke another word.

But her mind did.

Demon King.’ she called and by the littlest of changes on his face staring at her, she knew.

She knew He could hear her nonetheless.

When she called him, “He” had frowned.

Ellie turned her eyes back to the sky and to the last momentarily survivors.

I have a new wish.’ she said with the naturalness of a child and after a long time she felt like one again.

He was listening to her, so she wished.

I wish to be reborn’ she finally conceded.

So the Demon King answered her prayer and lifted his hand over the mountain of corpses and she, the soon-to-be-one.

Light came out from his hand and the world stopped in abated amazement.

The sun stopped his rising, afraid of the King’s power and she heard the last star pray for him to grant its wish too.

The light soon stopped moving for his WILL was completed.

Ellie did not know what she was seeing. She knew she could and would never understand even if she lived as long as the King did. But she was okay with it.

She did not want his mantle and did not want the weight of the world on herself. So she was happy to call it just light while not having another word for it.

The moment of stillness passed and the creation of light started moving, flowing, circling e reconstructing itself faster and faster until everything was a blur. Until everything was lost.

Even when the immense light was on her.

Ellie still felt herself drift into darkness but this time she knew it would not be filled of terrifying memories.

This time it would be a quiet and freeing one because now she knew that she would awake again and in her last spark of consciousness… she prayed;

She Wished.

For the Demon King to not grant the wish of the last star.

For one have to Die to be Reborn and that’s an ending one have to accept.

You can find story with these keywords: Glyph Magyster a life around Creation., Read Glyph Magyster a life around Creation., Glyph Magyster a life around Creation. novel, Glyph Magyster a life around Creation. book, Glyph Magyster a life around Creation. story, Glyph Magyster a life around Creation. full, Glyph Magyster a life around Creation. Latest Chapter

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