Goblin’s Glory

Chapter 12: Chapter 11 The Legendary Courtesans

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Lady Estra seemed completely unconcerned as she knelt. Her face was contorted in an expression of bliss. Through their bond, Dink could feel her elated emotions surging inside. She was concentrating on absorbing the mana contained in his seed. His goblin body’s innate trait had activated despite not being used for breeding purposes.

His draconic bloodline had activated as had rushed into Lady Estra at the moment of his climax, leaving him feeling completely drained. Now that he had experienced it, he could detect a faint scent of dragon coming from her body. It was only minuscule in comparison to the purity of his bloodline, but she was successful in her attempt to acquire it. He now understood while animals, such as the phantom cat reacted so strongly to his presence.

Elf flesh is just as stimulating as I remember it. But how is it that she was so experienced? I can smell that she’s still a virgin.

Lady Estra opened her eyes with a beaming smile of satisfaction. She climbed to her feet on unsteady legs, activating an invisible trigger with a delicate finger. An arcane sigil formed at her waist, acting as a magnet for glittering particles that encased her enticing thighs in light. A moment later, the black leather form-fitting trousers reappeared to cover her seductive legs.

She cradled an arm across her chest with a smirk as she used her other hand to comb the knots out of her lustrous hair. After she was satisfied with the result, she pushed her impressive breasts into the cup of her bodice. She quickly tied the laces of her bodice, pulling the string tight as she looped it into a bow. Lastly, she wiped the drool from her mouth and dabbed it off her cleavage.

Once she was presentable, she looked at Dink with an excited glint in her eye. He could sense her overwhelming joy at obtaining even a small measure of draconic bloodline through the contract. He smiled wryly as he stooped to retrieve his loincloth, tying it on in one fluid motion.

“Tell me. How is that a virgin maiden, such as yourself came to be so experienced?” Dink asked.

“All daughters of golden-ranked Houses are trained by the ‘House of Worldly Delight’ to best utilize their bodies to form favorable alliances for their husbands and fathers,” Lady Estra informed him.

Dink humphed thoughtfully. He was recalling his experiences from when he was still the Sword Saint.

That explains how a married second tier gold-rank elven woman came to be visiting the Sword Saint in the middle of the night. If I remember rightly, her husband approached me to abandon Electria and become a vassal for their House. He was completely aware of his wife’s indiscretion and even attempted to use it as leverage. I assumed that he wanted me too, or was one of those men who was excited by being a cuckold.

“That makes a lot of sense. They must have supplied you with a very good teacher,” Dink observed.

“One of the very best. I was trained by one of the ten legendary courtesans, Madame Celeste,” Lady Estra replied with pride.

“Madame Celeste? Celeste the Enchantress, legendary dark elven seductress of the blessed tongue? I had to apply to be on the waiting list for her more than ten years in advance!” Dink outburst in disbelief.

“One and the same. As far as I’m aware, Madame Celeste doesn’t service goblins. They have a tendency to breed more goblins every time they mate," Lady Estra replied dryly.

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"Now that you mention it, none of the goblins sired on the goblin females ever looked like me. They didn't absorb my mana the way that you did, but they did have an increase in vitality," Dink mused.

"Anyway, she retired centuries ago,” Lady Estra said, conjuring a mirror from light to float in the air to inspect her bumps and bruises.

“I forget that elves age differently sometimes,” Dink grumbled.

“Yes, she is nearly a millennium old. But it’s impolite to discuss a ladies age. I didn’t become an adult until I was a century old, that was less than a decade ago,” Lady Estra informed him smugly.

Dink watched as Lady Estra used the conjured mirror to tentatively touch the bump that had formed on her brow. It was caused by the stone Dink had thrown during the battle. A welted handprint was beginning to show on her cheek from Dink’s discipline. Lady Estra left the mirror hovering in the air as she retrieved her pack, placing it atop the desk. She started to ruffle through the contents, grunting in satisfaction when she found what she was looking for.

Murkuk had silently arrived to stand beside Dink. He was contentedly eating roast phantom cat, offering some to Dink, which he accepted. They both casually ate while watching Lady Estra pull a stoppered glass vial from her pack. It contained a liquid the color of blood with a strange, inviting glow. A health potion.

She removed the cork and pressed the vial to her voluptuous lips. She pinched her nose between dainty fingers while tilting her head to drink the contents. Her face contorted with disgust at the taste, but its effects were immediate. The discolored lump on her brow began to retreat as the welted handprint on her cheek smoothed out. Within moments her face had regained its flawless appearance. She looked in the floating mirror, turning her head in both directions as she inspected the results.

Lady Estra clicked her tongue in satisfaction as she dismissed the conjured mirror. Dink’s jaw was hanging open in astonishment, the meat he was chewing forgotten about. He shook his head as he swallowed his mouthful.

“You really are from a gold-ranked clan. Wasting a health potion on cosmetic injuries. Even I’ve never done something so excessive,” Dink said in disbelief.

“Such a minor expense, I would be more conservative while on the road. This only requires a visit to the apothecary before we leave Chiset. We’re in the capital city of Hatral, after all. I received a letter at the Arcane Academy here from Madame Celeste before I left. She is visiting the local House of Wordly Delight and has invited me to see her. She will be able to offer us some advice before we leave. She has many contacts and experience after years of…” Lady Estra said before being interrupted by banging on the barred door.

“Lady Estra, are you safe? It has been more than an hour,” Master Chaplin called from the other side.

He didn’t wait for a response as something slammed into the wooden door, rattling the plank barring it. Dink gestured to Murkuk, who immediately dropped the meat in his hand onto the floor. He retreated a step behind Dink who watched the door as the brackets gave out. The door collapsed to the floor with a thud, revealing a pair of men holding a battering ram with Master Chaplin standing behind them.

Lady Estra calmly picked her pack off the desk, putting her arms through the straps and slinging it onto her shoulders. Dink glanced behind him, Murkuk was baring his teeth at the men. He was unable to channel magic without a focus, so aside from making an aggressive display, he remained motionless.

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