God felt bad for me so he dropped me into Naruto

Chapter 1: Beginning

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Chapter 1: beginning



“What is the point of life?” An overused question meant to be hard to answer. Me? I don’t think it’s that difficult. There is no big point in life, you are the one to decide it for yourself. Whether or not you succeed, well, that’s up to luck and hard work. And boy did I work. I worked my ass off and this is what I get. I didn’t even get to die in an interesting way. Of all the things that could have done me in, I got one of the worst. 


They discovered the cancer too late, it had already spread too far. They told me I had two months. I spent the first two weeks comprehending the point behind those words. I was too young to die, I had thought that I would die old, yet all I had were two more months. I tried my hardest to live my best life until the end, but it’s hard to do that when you have a death sentence looming over your head.


 About 5 weeks in I was bed ridden. At this point I had already realized my fate. I spent my last three weeks diving into all of the things I had simply not had the time for previously, such as anime, manga, and games.


As my final moments were getting near I only had one person next to me, my caretaker. There was no actual relationship between us, since this was only her job. She sat quietly as she watched me take one of my last few breaths. I never had anyone. I was raised as an orphan in a god awful shitty orphanage in New York, New York. I was dumped on the streets the instant I became 18, the orphanage having fulfilled their purpose.


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I had to work two jobs a day to just barely pay rent. I slowly crawled my way up the social ladder, slowly making decent money. I managed to get a decent apartment in an okay part of the city.


 Knowledge has always interested me from a young age, yet school had always bored me. I loved just going online to read definitely not pirated books on anything from interesting science facts, medical knowledge, and a variety of other things. One of my more unique interests was martial arts. I ended up buying a subscription to a dojo and found out my unique talent for kendo and hand to hand combat.


Martial arts was my favorite because I could just forget everything in the flow of practiced katas and shadow boxing. Once I found out about the cancer I stopped practicing, but the love for martial arts never waned.


Enough with the reminiscing, it’s not like it will matter much anymore. My last breath. I knew it was my last, I felt my mind slow and my already hard to move body become unresponsive. Soon I would cease to exist, I would not matter, nor would I be remembered.


And so I ended.

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