God-Hunter Mage

Chapter 19: First Mission End

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"Just give up, you can't run away from me."

Kieran shouted at the Black clothed man in front of him. Although Kieran didn't know how strong that man was, but he guessed that this Black clothed man wasn't much stronger than him. Therefore, Kieran had no fear in facing it.

However, unexpectedly, the Black clothed man actually stopped running. He turned around then spoke in an angry tone, "Tsk, don't be so damn arrogant!" Kieran saw the man's aura change, Kieran could confirm that the man had used Asmodeus Bless.

A black-clothed man was lunging toward Kieran, Kieran crossed his arm and blocked Black-clothed man punch. Soon, Kieran kicked the Black-clothed man with a full strength. The black-clothed man pushed side wards, but he immediately adjusted his balance, after that, he attacked Kieran once again.

Kieran and Black-clothed man punch was collided. They pulled the palm at the same time. Kieran jumped and swung his foot in the air toward the Black-clothed man's face.

Before the foot met his face, the Black-clothed man was bending his body downward. So he successfully avoided Kieran kick, he was rotating his body and swept Kieran other foot. Kieran fell, Black-clothed man created the sword used his 2nd skill, then he pierced it at Kieran heart.

Kieran blocked him used his left hand, he created a long gauntlet on his left-hand, so the sword couldn't penetrate the skin. Realizing his attack was failed, the Black-clothed man backed away. He created a gun again and shoot the gun toward Kieran. Kieran jumped continuously evaded from Black-clothed man bullet.

Kieran leaped to the top of the shabby house, then, He pounced toward the Black-clothed man at the high speed. The black-clothed man was slanting his body, eluded from Kieran attack. Kieran adjusted his body and sent a strong kick to the Black-clothed man. Black-clothed man didn't have time to be avoided that kick, so his body got kicked by Kieran and threw away.

Kieran chased after him, as the distance got closer, Kieran lifted his legs up then with a strong momentum, he swung his legs downwards at high speed. His feet pointed at the head of the man in black. The person crossed his arms up against Kieran's attack.

However, Kieran didn't stop there, he raised his hand and whispered, "Night Doom."

Then the two were immediately swallowed up by the darkness, The Black clothed man tried to get away from the Night Doom area, but Kieran didn't give him a chance. Kieran beat him a few times then when he was off guard Kieran sprayed the same poison that knocked Ryx unconscious. With careful calculation, Kieran managed to knock the Black clothed man unconscious.

Then, Kieran crouched beside the man's body. He whispered, "Let's see who you are?" Kieran removed the mask covering the man's face. Then he saw an unfamiliar face that he didn't recognize. Kieran then tried to find this person's valuables, after a while he only found a few bills, a ring and a card.

Kieran's eyes bulged at the card he found from the pocket of the Black clothed man, there was Asmodeus Mage Association writing on the card, so Kieran was really happy. Finally, he was able to find traces of the Asmodeus Mage Community! Too bad there was no address and no clue where they gathered except for Zevsca's name written on the card.

After confirming that this Black clothed man was dead, Kieran immediately returned to Silvana's house. But before that, Kieran opened his status.

Name : Kieran

Class: Apprentice Mage

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Strength : 2.5

Speed ​​: 2.7

Agility : 2.6

Intelligent : 3.5/3.5

Luck: 6

Evaluation : A bit experienced beginner mage

Kieran stared at his intelligent stat that had increased. He wondered if killing made his intelligence increase? If that was true, then did he have to keep killing, so that he ended up drowning in the path of killing? Did all the mages of the dark god faction have this kind of dilemma?


The mission ended well, no more problems until morning came. It seems that the black clothed man was really the mastermind behind several deaths and kidnappings in the A7 district. Even though the mission ended, but Silvana didn't break her good relationship with Kieran and also Mio. They still maintain their friendship, Silvana also asked the two of them to visit her once in a while.

Kieran returned to the adventurer's guild and reported the success of his mission. He then got the mission reward. Finally, Kieran and Mio could be a little relieved. They had already discussed how to use the money. The main thing was to rent a house. Although staying in the hotel was comfortable, but the cost of one night was very high.

So they decided to rent a house. They rented a house in district B5, this was neither a district with rich nor poor settlers. However, most of them were adventurers as well as people from out of city who worked temporarily in Deborah City.

After solving the house problem, Kieran and Mio started to carry on with their daily lives. They took several missions that could be completed in a short time, they also continued to do their respective training. Kieran's progress was quite good, however Mio was much better. Mio started to control some of her powers, a part of her power was enough to surpass Kieran.

You could say right now, out of the two of them, Mio was the strongest. But with her worrying intelligence, Kieran still holds the captain's position. Apart from training, Kieran was also constantly looking for the name Zevsca. But it seems that most people didn't know what Zevsca is.

A week passed quickly, Kieran and Mio managed to level up to D-level adventurers, so they could take on challenging missions. The mission they took happened to be a mission to guard a merchant caravan into the territory of the Eondy tribe. The Eondy tribe in short was a tribe with a population of about 3 million. This was one of the tribes in the world that lives independently, had a sovereign territory and was also recognized worldwide.

Most tribes had merged with other tribes and formed kingdoms, but the Eondy tribe was different. Even though the tribe had The Sun Lord as well as the Church of Goddess of Earth, but the political influence of the two churches was so small that the tribal leader had a higher status.

Even though they were called a tribe, they were not so ancient or primitive, it's just that some strange cultures were still preserved today. From an economic point of view, the Eondy tribal area was quite rich in mining goods, so that the sale of mining goods and mining lease rights were able to support the economy of the tribe.

Not only Kieran and Mio took on this mission, but there were also 8 other people. That's because this mission did require 10 mages in its requirements.

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