God-Hunter Mage

Chapter 6: A Mess Situation

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Ryx was speeding his fly. He was began to catch up Kieran. Ryx extended his hand, trying to grab Mio's coat. He smiled, think he was going to catch her.

Suddenly, a golden light was radiating from Mio's tail. Her tail was swinging and threw a golden wave energy blast. That happened too fast, Ryx couldn't anticipate that. The golden wave was shaping a crescent, then, it was flew to Ryx and hit him. 

Second later, Ryx was lurching backward and hit the tree. The tree was cracked, shortly, The tree was collapsed. Ryx vomited a gulp of blood.

Kieran who was heard that surprised. He didn't expect Mio was so strong. He used this moment to run away from Ryx. Though Ryx was lurched by Mio' attack, but Kieran couldn't leave his life to Mio alone. It was better to run rather than expect Mio would beat Ryx.

"F-fast," Mio voice was trembling. Kieran furrowed his brow. He twisted his head and look at Mio.

"What happen? Are you ok?"

Kieran found something strange. He saw Mio eyes was changing into some looked like beast eyes. It pupils was horizontal line. In her cheeks three line formed a whisker. Her nail slowly became more sharp and piercing into his skin.

"I couldn't hold it a-anymore."

"Wait! I don't know what happen but could you hold it? Don't make this situation more worst!"

"I-i am sorry, go away from me!"

Mio was roaring, she opened her mouth widely as she ready to bite Kieran. Kieran used his hand to push her away.

Mio was fell. But she used her hand to hold her body from drop to the ground. Then, she was jumping and bending her upper body forward and siting her hands to the ground. Immediately, she ran with both her hand and feet.

She was moving so fast toward Kieran. Kieran tried to run away but she was going to catch him up in a few second. Mio pounced to Kieran.

Kieran eyes opened widely. He was regretting for broke the seal. It was a tremendous mistake for him.

"Is this my end?" Kieran closed his eyes when Mio was just few inch from him.

Suddenly, an explosive sound made Kieran startled. He opened his vision slowly. He could see amount of dust was soaring to the sky. He couldn't find Mio anywhere. Kieran suggested Mio was there in the dust.

"Go away, you aren't my target. Better you go and leave this monster to me."

Kieran confused, he couldn't decide what he must do. Was he just left Mio alone? Or protect her from Ryx? He just know Mio recently, he didn't have responsibility to protect her. Furthermore, This was a chance to go away from Ryx. Even Though Ryx was gave a chance to leave, but he might change his mind if Kieran didn't run away.

Ryx was gazing at Kieran, "What are you waiting? I'll kill you if you still stay there."

Kieran stood and ran quickly. Soon, he could hear loud roaring from behind. After that, a terrifying wind was exploding and spreading to all direction. A battle between Mio who was in uncontrolled state against Ryx which used Sky Lord power.

"I am not wrong, it her fault that she didn't tell me about that."

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Kieran tried to ensure himself that he wasn't wrong. He didn't know her, she just a stranger that coincidentally met him.

But some feeling was rising within his heart. Mio was the first person which had close contact with Kieran after his mom death years ago. It was really short but Kieran felt a fresh daily life when Mio was around.

"I couldn't leave her alone," Kieran stopped run. He couldn't lie that Mio was became an important person for him.

"But how i could beat Ryx?" If he was trying to save Mio, of course, Ryx will chase him. What he could do to stop Ryx? If could, Kieran won't kill Ryx because Ryx had left him go several minutes ago.


"Aghk!" Ryx was vomited blood again, he wiped the blood which left the trace under his lips.

He looked at Mio. That girl currently had wounded bodies. She was growling at Ryx with wildly posture.

"I don't expected she was so strong. Her physical statistics definitely around 10.0 or 11.5. Zed told me she had been poisoned, didn't her real statistics will more higher than now? I must beat her quickly."

Ryx stretched his hand forward. He was going to unleashed his skill. Before he unleashed his skill, suddenly, a spear was flying toward him. Ryx leaned his body to avoid the spear. Kieran appeared from the tree and ran toward Mio.

Mio who was in uncontrolled mind, stared at Kieran. She was about to attack him. Kieran took the bottle from his pocket. Then, he opened the lid and dropped a drips of green liquid inside the bottle to his hand.

Soon, Kieran splashed the drips of green liquid toward Mio. Mio's hand was gripping Kieran shoulder. But a second later, She was fainting. Kieran used that moment to create handcuff and locked her hand.

Kieran put Mio on his shoulder and started run. Ryx unleashed fierce wind. Fortunately Kieran fast enough to make a shield with his 2nd skill. Kieran used the adjacent trees to interrupt Ryx's flying.

"That's the wrong choice boy," Ryx was angry cause Kieran didn't appreciate the chance he had given. Ryx was flying over the trees and speeding his flying.

After he caught up Kieran speed, Ryx was swooping toward Kieran who was running away. Suddenly, Kieran turned around. Kieran smiled slightly. 

"Night Doom."

Ryx shocked when he saw nothing but darkness. He know about this skill, it was Asmodeus Believer skill. Ryx was regretting that he didn't put attention on Kieran. Ryx tried to get out from the darkness area but second later he found his body couldn't move.

"I have put a thousand of strings around here. Just one pull and someone will get caught," Kieran walked slowly toward Ryx. He brought out the green liquid bottle that he used at Mio. This green liquid bottle was a precious poison. This poison was could make someone pass out with just a sniffed. For a mage like Mio and Ryx the effect was weaker. But it was enough.

"Impudent! Do you think you could run from this Kingdom? Moore family will hunt you! You didn't have a place for live!" Ryx bellowed.

Kieran poured a handful of green liquid and splashed to Ryx face. Soon, Ryx lost his consciousness.

"I am sorry but i affraid nothing about them."

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