God Is Dead

Chapter 7: Chapter 6

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“What are you doing here!?”
“I’ve just joined as a student. What are you doing here? I thought grandfather sent you to live with relatives.”
“Tha-that was 6 years ago! Since the academy formed I’ve been living here.”

Ayumi shot to her feet, leaning on the reception desk in front of her. Her chestnut brown hair was tied into two small bunches at the back and hung in a short fringe over her forehead that swung as she moved.

Yuuji pinched his temples as the callous face of his grandfather flashed before his eyes and he cursed his name.

“I see. Sorry Ayumi, I wasn’t aware.”
“-No! It’s fine! But you said you’re a student here now?”
“That’s right. I’m being shown around by Hema and Mitra here.”

Yuuji tapped the emblem of the fiery phoenix embroidered on his academy jacket before giving a nod to his lovely guides… who once again were stunned with their jaws on the ground.

“Why are you two of all people shocked?”

They quickly looked at each other, before turning back with righteous fervour.

“It’s not the same at all! Why didn’t you tell us!?”
“And besides, Miss Ayumi?? You’re also related to the Director?”

Yuuji felt a headache coming on - his grandfather was one thing, but he was totally unaware that his sister was at the academy as well. Thankfully she had recovered quicker than him and had him covered.

“My name’s Ishitake Ayumi. The Director is our grandfather.”
“...She’s even sounding like him now..? Sis, am I crazy?”
“The Ishitake family is truly tight-lipped…”
“Don’t blame this on us, neither of us knew the other was here until now.”

Hibiki seemed oddly quiet as she stared at the two of them with a conflicted look on her face.

Yuuji, sensing another uncomfortable air settling in the room, coughed and spoke up.

“In any case, we should be getting back to class now. Ayumi, it was nice to see you.”
“But… I see. It was nice seeing you, Yuuji-niisan.”

Ayumi’s eyes turned downcast as she gave a wry smile, along with a light bow to see him off.

“Mitra. We should go. See you soon, Ayumi.”
“...You’re right. Excuse us, Miss Ayumi.”

After a few more moments of silence, Hibiki returned a small bow and hurried after the others.

The four of them walked down the corridor without a word, as nobody dared break the stillness that hung between them. After just a moment, their carefree trip had become strained, and it was hard to speak up in the heavy atmosphere that grew denser by the second.

The trip back was to be a short one, as the academy grounds wrapped around the central garden, so they had almost completed a full circle. As the classroom came into sight, Hibiki finally spoke up.

“Umm, Hema, Mitra. It’s been really great meeting you! Thanks so much for showing us around.”
“Ahh, yeah! We’ll be stuck in class for a while, but let’s grab a bite to eat together for lunch!”
“Seconded. Just make sure you don’t try to talk to them in class and get us chewed out.”
“Come on, Conrad won’t be that harsh.”
“Mr Pierce. We’re at the classroom.”
“Mr Pierce. Right.”

Yuuji stopped just before the doorway to turn back with a smile.

“Lunch sounds good. Let’s chat again soon.”

Hibiki’s eyes locked with his for just a moment, before he looked away, knocking and opening the door to re-enter the classroom.

“Ahh, you’re back. Hopefully you’ve got a better idea of what the grounds are like now?”
“Yes sir, thank you.”
“Well, not that it’s too difficult to find your way. Just keep walking in one direction and you’ll get back here eventually.”

Mr Pierce gave a small smirk as he gestured for them all to return to their seats before continuing with the current lesson.

The particular lesson was about Christianity and the common practices of the faith both before and after the Cataclysm.

Faith and religion had been more directly intertwined in the past, but nowadays everyone had their own brand of faith, whether that was tied to an existing religion or not was up to the individual - and even so, many religions had branched and evolved in recent years.

“Many prayers of mainline Christianity still address ‘God’ directly, either as a form of maintaining tradition without a literal sense of communicating, or continuing to worship a single omnipotent being that can only have the name ‘God’.”

Mr Pierce scribbled notes on the blackboard alongside images projected of various people praying with both hands clasped together and heads lowered.

“Of course, some still hold many Christian beliefs while having different faiths and objects of worship. Leona, would you mind?”

A girl in the front row rose to her feet and marched to the front of the class.

She crossed her arms with an imposing presence and glanced toward Yuuji and Hibiki in the back. Her skin was lightly tanned, and even through the uniform she wore, her well-toned muscles could be seen.

Her light brown hair bore fiery red tips as it drooped over her shoulders, and her sharp eyes had a beautiful amber glow that was equal parts mesmerising and unnerving.

“As Mr Pierce has said, and most of you know, I choose to honour the archangel Uriel in my prayers instead of God.”

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Her voice was commanding and projected through the room with ease as she continued.

“I believe in holy fire, and in order to defeat the demons I wield righteous flames.”

A faint whisper came from near the front of the class, and just as the veins popped on Leona’s forehead, there was a very clear *ping* sound as a stick of chalk flying at near-supersonic speeds cracked on the head of one of the girls.

“Be respectful.”

Eagle-eyed Mr Pierce in the corner of the room grabbed another stick of chalk from his desk drawer to prepare for the next salvo - should it be necessary.

“Mr Pierce, may I display my powers of fire for the newcomers?”
“As long as you only display them, and not actually use them at all.”

Leona’s grin turned fierce as she took a deep breath and straightened her shoulders.


Her hands clapped together suddenly, and a burst of flame erupted from between her fingers, waning and circling around her hands until they were two balls of fire. Though he was sitting at the back of the classroom, Yuuji could still see the heat radiating from her fingertips as they swam through the blaze with practised movements.

The ends of her hair flickered and danced as if it were fire itself, red flecks fluttering in the air like smouldering embers before disappearing from sight.

The balls of fire on her hands followed her as she made some gentle motions similar to an elegant dance, and she never seemed to mind the warmth from them before finally clapping once more to extinguish the flames.

“Impressive as ever. Thank you, Leona.”

Leona bowed slightly and returned to her seat, glaring daggers at the girl who sat behind her; still nursing the bruise on her head.

“Fire is not necessarily a direct relation to the mainline Christian faiths, but as a varied and historic religion it does play some roles, and figures such as the archangel Uriel are strongly associated.”

Effortlessly transitioning back into educational lessons, Mr Pierce continued with his explanations, detailing religious figures and texts closely tied to modern Christianity.

“Now then. Does anybody other than Leona know the primary methods of fighting demons used by clergy members?... Akil… hmm?”

Mr Pierce glanced towards the back of the room as a faint smile began to spread.


The students turned with interest as Yuuji stood up nonchalantly.

“Most use crosses of gold, cedar, pine or cypress, but also carry containers of holy water treated by higher members of the clergy with strong Imbuement abilities.”
“...Correct. And probably even more detailed than we’d have in standard textbooks. Have you spent time in a church or monastery before?”
“4 or so years.”

Gasps circled the classroom as small conversations broke out, and Yuuji could feel Leona’s eyes boring into him with a curious glare as Mr Pierce continued.

“Am I correct in assuming that would be your preferred method of fighting too, then?”
“Not exactly.”

The room fell silent as confusion spread like wildfire.

“Is that so! I look forward to seeing you in action sometime.”

Mr Pierce’s stern expression was cracked by a wide smile that displayed his excitement. He wouldn’t pry too much yet, but it was important for the team to trust each other and their strengths and weaknesses would need to be known eventually.

At that moment, a bell lightly rang as everyone turned to check the clock hanging high above the blackboard.

“Lunchtime it is. Mitra, Hema, I hope you’ve already explained the rules to the newbies?”
“Good. Then you are all dismissed. See you back here in an hour’s time.”

Most of the class stood up and headed out the doorway, passing glances towards the back of the room while chatting amongst each other. Leona in particular gave a lingering stare with a ferocious grin towards Yuuji before leaving.

Mitra and Hema had stayed, turning straight towards Yuuji and Hibiki with sparkles in their eyes.

“Just who are you two!?”
“Yeah! It’s time we got some answers!”
“It’s not like you’ve asked any questions yet…”

Yuuji gave a wry smile as he turned to Hibiki, still deep in thought.

“It’s been a long morning. Let’s eat, shall we?”

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