God-level Replication System

Chapter 818: 818

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Lin Xuan looked at the scene with a cold look.

Too lazy to pay more attention.

This is just a lesson.

If you still don't know what's good or bad, don't blame him for being rude.

Just a few pawns.

He is now an illusory identity, but the younger generation of Wang Wujing can rank among the peerless Tianjiao on the Tianyuan list.

Even if this is the guild of array mages, I won't offend him for these people.

In addition.

Regardless of his martial arts accomplishments, he also has a king level array talent in terms of array, which is not inferior.

Moreover, wait until the array mage in charge of the assessment comes.

He copied another wave, integrated and improved, and reached the imperial talent. It was easy.

These people are even less worth mentioning.


Lin Xuan was on one side and continued to wait.

A few minutes later.

From the rear gate, two middle-aged people in black came out, one fat and one thin. Both reached the late stage of Wang Wujing.

In two middle-aged people in black, the chest of the black robe is engraved with the word "array", and below it is a horizontal bar.

Both are gold.

It's just light gold.

This is the robe of array mage and the mark of array Mage Level on it.

It shows that both of them are lower level array mages.

As a lower level array mage, he can draw and use most King level arrays.

Compared with most King level warriors, they are only strong but not weak.

Lin Xuan felt it.

The threat they gave him was much stronger than the peak of most Wang Wujing.

as one can imagine.

Lin Xuan was also very emotional.

The way of array is worthy of the road of describing the presence, understanding the laws, rules and substantiation.

The power is unparalleled.

If it is to change to other Wangwu realm, Lin Xuan can kill second at will.

But if you are a lower level array mage, the difficulty will be increased several times.

This is the gap.

However, the array talent of these two people in the attribute panel is only king level.

Lin Xuan just glanced and stopped paying attention.

What Lin Xuan really valued was a short and thin old man in gray behind them.

The old man in grey seems to be behind him. He looks indifferent and doesn't care.

But the breath of cultivation is a middle-aged man in black who is far beyond the two kings in front.

have no bottom.

He is a powerful emperor.

The other dozen people, seeing the old man in gray, turned heavy.


"Unexpectedly, old Yan came to personally supervise the evaluation of array mages."

"I just heard before. I didn't think it was true. We met."

"It is said that old man Yan is as strict as his name. He is generally responsible for the assessment of Tianji array mages.

But if you come to supervise and assess the prefecture level array mages every time, the assessment difficulty will rise sharply, which is bad luck. "

"I heard that after the array mage announced the rule of sheltering array mages above the prefecture level, a large number of array mages came to assess.

In order to eliminate those guys who have ulterior motives and make up numbers, the array mage guild asked Yan Lao to come out to supervise. "

"No matter what, we have increased the difficulty this time. I don't know if we can pass it."


The dozen people made a lot of noise.

But described a lot of information.

Among them, there are also a few words, mixed with the meaning of alluding to Lin Xuan.

When Lin Xuan heard this, his eyes suddenly turned.

He didn't care much about the irony.

Wait a minute, after the examination, his achievements and performance can explain everything.

Lin Xuan again set his eyes on the old man in grey, old Yan.

On Yan Lao's grey robe, there is also the rank mark of array mage.

At the chest of his robe is a seal engraved with the word "array".

Below are two horizontal bars.

Both are gold and much darker.

It shows that he is a master of heaven level middle rank array.

It is also the highest level of array mages in the whole Tianyuan continent.

Similarly, there is a corresponding gap in the level of attainments of the same sky level middle rank mage.

It will also be divided again.

In the same way as an alchemist.

The darker the gold color, the higher the attainments.

At this time, Lin Xuan hasn't seen other sky level mages, and he can't compare them.

However, the strict old man reached the third floor of Huangwu territory.

The breath is also deep and incomparable, far more than most imperial strongmen.

It's unlikely that he is an ordinary sky level middle rank mage.

Lin Xuan looked at the old Yan's attribute panel and looked calm.

And the other party came just in time.

He lacks imperial array talent.

As for the energy point.

At the previous Tianyuan conference, Xu Wujing won the first place.

After regaining the name of a unique evil spirit, it spread.

Although with the great changes in the magic Yuan City, the magic cloud sect ignited the war in the mainland.

At this point, there are not as many martial artists as before.

But there are many.

It caused a big shock.

He also took this opportunity to get a lot of energy points.

There are more than 400 million energy points.

It's enough to copy the array talent.


Lin Xuan's heart moved.

"Ding, consume 30 million energy points, copy successfully, and obtain [imperial array talent]."

In my ears, a cold system prompt sounded.

Then, select use.

A warm current emerged in the body and was absorbed quickly.


He is an imperial qualification and has a special constitution.

It can't be easier to integrate an imperial talent.

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In an instant, fusion and absorption are completed.

"Ding, congratulations on the host's promotion to the imperial array talent."

Hearing this, Lin Xuan flashed a look of satisfaction.

Array talent has been promoted to huangpin.

The next assessment of array mages is no longer a problem.

At the same time.

Lin Xuan also sensed that the knowledge of the way of array written down before was digested and understood quickly.

Even look at this hall.

Can see the array pattern, trend, track and so on.

It's really a talent of huangpin array.

Lin Xuan sighed with emotion.

And all this happened in an instant.

No one noticed.

On the court.

The two middle-aged men in black robes, after scanning the audience, found that Lin Xuan was Wang Wujing's cultivation, and so young, both of them were shocked.

But immediately, the reaction came.

Just paid more attention to Lin Xuan and didn't say much.

The peerless Tianjiao of Wang Wujing has no regulations and can't participate in the array mage assessment.

The old man in grey in the rear, Yan Lao, also found Lin Xuan's cultivation breath.

First, I looked surprised.

He has seen a lot of Tianjiao who can rank in the Tianyuan list.

But I saw it for the first time in this mage assessment.

In particular, this is not the assessment of sky level array mages, but the prefecture level.

In other words, this person is assessing his subordinates.

At this time.

Yan Lao thought of something and looked at Lin Xuan. He became cold and disgusted.

Nod to the two middle-aged men in black robes in front.

Lin Xuan looked silently and said nothing more.

From the discussion of the dozen array mages who also participated in the examination, after knowing the information.

Lin Xuan predicted that there would be such a result.

He also did not explain this.

That's the same sentence.

When the next assessment is conducted, his performance and achievements will be clearly explained to him.


The middle-aged man in black on the left took back his eyes and nodded in response to old Yan. Lang said:

"I am the lower rank array mage of the array mage Association. The Deacon Sun Wen, together with deacon Chen, is responsible for the assessment of the prefecture level array mage.

And Yan Changlao, as the supervisor of this assessment. "

"See deacon sun, Deacon Chen, Yan Changlao!"

Everyone heard that they all bowed.

"Don't be polite. Come in and you can assess."

Sun Wen waved his hand, let the people get up and said.

Led the crowd into the rear gate.

Came to a wider space.

There is a big black table in front, with some paper, pens, array plates and other tools.

And several animal skin chairs.

And a few waiters.

On the left, there are a lot of tables and chairs neatly placed.

When you come in.

Yan Lao went directly to the front and sat down on the largest animal skin chair.

Not a word.

An indifferent attitude.

But his eyes still fell on everyone.

Explains its attitude.

Sun Wen and the Deacon Chen are not surprised at this.

They are not qualified to take care of the strict old man.

Ignoring it, he went on:

"Next, the assessment of ground level array mages officially begins.

Check the first level and draw the array pattern.

As we all know, array patterns are the basis of all arrays.

The array pattern is also the same as the array. It is divided into different levels.

You can draw the ninth order array pattern when you are assessed as a ground level array mage.

There are thousands of ninth order array patterns.

Among them, the most common is only 500.

If you want to become a ground level array mage, you must have a thorough understanding of the 500 common array patterns and be able to draw them easily.

However, in order not to waste time and energy.

Here, you don't have to draw it all.

Select one tenth of them and draw them.

It is required that the drawing must be complete without any error.

Otherwise, it is directly unqualified.

This first level, each of you, has half an hour.

Just finish it in half an hour.

If you are eliminated in the first level, you don't need to carry out the next assessment and directly determine failure!


Now, give out array paper and array pen! "


Sun wenfen asked several waiters to distribute the paper and pen on the big black table beside him to the people.

Soon, someone will have one.

Lin Xuan also has a share.

After that, they chose a table and chair on the left, sat down and drew.

This is also the function of these tables and chairs.

Lin Xuan didn't start drawing, but looked at it carefully. This array pen and array paper.

The array pen can withstand the power of Jingyuan and Danyuan.

The matrix paper is some power that can manifest the matrix pattern, and can be used as a tool to verify whether the drawing is successful.

Both of them are specially made by the array mage guild.

If the outside world wants to buy, the price is also extremely high.

It is specially used for the practice and experiment of array mages.

Before Lin Xuan, he robbed some lower level array mages.

I've got some array related books and watched them.

I still have some understanding of the way of array.

But this array paper and pen are the first time I've seen them.

There is also a sense of novelty.

And such a scene, falling on the court, in the eyes of others, is completely another meaning.

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