Chapter 25: Chapter: 25 The Best Kind of Magic

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Ahri POV

Some people would have described Tana’s cottage as quaint or charming and even rustic. Ahri would have described it as an old, creepy and dirty peasant’s hovel but it was dry and smelt better than the kobolds lair.

Ahri took a long bath. One thing about staying in the tinkerers home was all the gadgets. The bath was heated by an Eternity Flame that glowed and rumbled outside the cottage. She turned on the tap and added more hot water to the bath.

So good.

Her skin pricked all over in the most satisfying way. Those frog guts had done wonders for her. Her skin shone brighter than usual and felt more supple.

I really need to get myself a bottle of frog guts before we leave.

She dozed in the bath for a while and only got out when her stomach grumbled in hunger.

Food time. I'm so hungry my asshole is chewing on my lip.

Talasin was sitting on the couch with his feet on the table.

“I’ll cook,” said Ahri.

“Since when do you know how to cook?” he asked.

She opened up a cupboard and looked over the strange ingredients then said, “I've met enough chefs to know that it doesn't take a genius to cook a meal.”

“Please tell me you’ve at least cooked before.”

She frowned and pulled out a jar of white powder. She licked her finger and tasted it. Her mouth dried up and her tongue stuck to her palette.

“I invented kebab bread,” she said.

“What is that?”

“It’s a gruffalo kebab in a bun with the stick pulled out of it.”

“Yeah and?”

“Well, I invented a meal.”

“Meat on bread?”

Ahri put her hands on her hips and glared at Talasin.

“Have you invented any meals?”

He shook his head.

“I thought not. Make yourself useful, go chop some wood.”

Talasin groaned but he put his boots back on and left the house.

Ahri had never cooked before but she did remember her mother cooking once. She’d put a little bit of everything in a pot and then filled it with water and boiled it. It looked simple enough.

Ahri lit the fire and found a pot and filled it with water. Then she dug in the cupboards and found a jar of dried leaves, a cured ham, a block of hard yellow cheese, two jars of white powder and a bottle of salt.

She threw them all into the boiling water and soon the room was filled with the aroma of cooking meat and melted cheese.

While the pot boiled, Ahri snooped around the cottage. She opened draws and cupboards and a chest in the bedroom. She found a bottle of wine, another one of Tana’s weird floppy toys and a set of candles.

She filled two mugs with wine and lit the candles and put them on the dining table. There was one more thing Ahri needed to set the perfect romantic evening.

I need to pull out all the stops if I'm going to win Talasin over.

Talasin finished chopping the wood, the door opened and he entered with a pile of wood in his hands.

“Light the fireplace for us,” said Ahri. “I need to go out and get one last thing.”

“Can't you get it in the morning?”

“Nope, it can't wait. Take a bath so long.”

Talasin POV

I got out of the bath and put on a pair of clean clothes I’d found in the bedroom cupboard. The trousers were a bit short but it was better than wearing the same dirty clothes I’d been wearing since I’d first arrived in Umbra.

Something smelled burnt. I just hoped it wasn't the food. I was starving.

I went through to the dining room and saw Ahri standing over the pot of stew or whatever she called it.

Two candles burnt on the dining table.

Ahri must have forgotten to blow them out.

I blew them out and took a seat.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“I thought you lit them to get rid of the bad smell,” I said.

Ahri’s face fell.

“That smell is your dinner.”

The food was burnt but I did my best to pretend it was still really good. I must have done a decent job at pretending because Ahri kept smiling at me.

It was strange I wasn't used to her being nice. It made me a bit suspicious of the food but she was eating it too so it couldn't be poisoned.

We lapsed into awkward silence half way through the meal and only the sound of the fire crackling and Ahri scraping her spoon off the bottom of her bowl could be heard.

“Would you like a napkin?” she asked.

“I'm fine.”

“Have you been keeping an eye out for Gavriel?” she asked.

“I’ve scanned two people in town.”

She dabbed her lips with the napkin and then dropped it on the flood. “See anything interesting?” she asked.

I shrugged and ladled another spoonful of gruel into my mouth. I chewed mechanically and swallowed.

“I saw that Kurt the Butcher has the ballet skill,” I said.

Ahri ran a cherry along her lips and said, “Interesting,” in a hoarse throaty way.

“I know,” I said. “How does he fit into those tiny ballet shoes?”

Where did she get a cherry?

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Ahri POV

Dinner was going horribly. Talasin was enjoying the meal so much that he wasn't even looking at her.

She’d tried to set a romantic mood but each time she had made a move he’d ignored her or made some joke that she didn't understand.

She had one more trick that was bound to work. She closed her eyes and leaned across the table and said. “Do I have something in my eye?”

Talasin looked at her and said, “It’s kinda hard to tell when your eyes are closed.”

This is why I'm a thousand year old virgin.

Her face flushed. “You’re not very good at taking subtle hints,” she said.

“I might be. Try me.”

“I’ve been giving you one.”

He frowned and then a smile slowly spread across his face as realization finally came to him.

“I get it, Ahri. I’ve got an eyelash in my eye.”

I hate romance so much.

Ahri cleared her throat to get his attention. When he looked up she sucked on the cherry in the most seductive way possible and accidently swallowed it. She coughed as the cherry got stuck in her throat.

Talasin jumped up, spilling the wine across the table and hit her repeatedly on the back until she coughed the cherry up again.

She felt like crying.

Talasin POV

Ok she is definitely acting weird. She’s probably drunk, yeah that makes sense.

“I got you a gift,” she said.

I don't know if I want a gift from Ahri.

I forced a smile and asked, “What is it?”

Ahri slid a book across the table.

“It's a journal,” she said. “So you can write down the memories you still have.” She hesitated then said. “So you don't lose them all.”

“Thanks Ahri.” My words came out all choked up and I could feel my eyes misting up.

“Working in the garden today brought back some of my memories,” I said. “My mother grew vegetables at the bottom of our garden. Every day I’d carry the basket and we’d go see what we could harvest.”

Ahri nodded at me but she didn't say a word.

“I think I'm going to head to bed,” I said. “It's been a crazy couple of days.”

She quickly stood up and her face flushed red.

I wonder if she is catching a cold, her face has been red a lot today.

“Wait,” she said. “There's dessert.”


“I don't know if I can eat any more,” I said.


Ahri left the table and said, “Don't worry you'll have space for this.”

She stepped out of the room and while she was gone I opened the book and flipped through the blank pages.

I noticed Ahri dimming the lights and I looked up and saw that she’d transformed her clothing into lingerie.

I swallowed the lump in my throat as I felt the blood rushing from my brain. I quickly grabbed a napkin and covered my lap with it as I felt something stirring.

“I told you those napkins would come in handy,” she said and she giggled as she walked over to me.

Her hands were trembling and even her ears had turned red.

“Don't look at me,” she said.

“How can I not? That's like telling a starving person not to eat.”

She blushed.

“This is my first time,” she mumbled.

I'm sure she told that to all the guys but I didn't care at that moment.

“At least the tingle rot is gone,” I said. “Time to test drive this—”

“Eww,” said Ahri. “Did you really just say that?”

“What? No! Sorry.”

“Test drive? Really Talasin, is that all I am to you? Just a ride.”

“No, it's not like that. I'm sorry I just said the wrong thing.”

She waved a hand and her clothes transformed into a long brown robe.

“It's ok,” she said. “You can't help being stupid.”

“Is it ok enough for you to put the lingerie back on?” I asked.

“The mood is gone,” she said. “It would feel like we are forcing it.”

“What’s wrong with forced?” I said. “Some of the best sex you can have is forced.”

Ahri choked on her wine.

“Wait,” I said. “That came out wrong.”


“Yeah, Ahri?”

She smiled mischievously at me and said, “When you jerk off tonight, don't cum on the furniture or we'll lose our deposit.”


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