Chapter 28: Chapter: 28 Queen of Darkness

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Talasin POV

The Queen of Darkness spread her black wings and revealed large supple breasts supported by scarlet platemail. Twin ram horns sprouted out of her head and blood glistened on her gray skin.

I had to fight the urge building inside of me to make a break and run for the forest’s edge. The Queen of Darkness was the most common card used in the Hero Seeker Online pro scene for good reason. Once she landed on the battle ground it was a ticking clock before you died. 

I took a deep breath to steady my trembling hands and cast Polyblade. I hoped to all hell that which ever god had been fucking with me all my life would finally give a shit and give me a decent weapon.

The spell took hold and a familiar loading screen flickered through my mind. 

* Reticulating probability--

* Milking elves as they sleep--

* Peeing in the shower--

* Weapon selected-- 

* Have a good day


* Repeating Crossbow

Crossbow goes brrr.

It's comforting to know my life is still a joke to the gods. But when life gives you a semi automatic crossbow you just have to squeeze the trigger till everything stops moving. 

I squeezed the damned trigger as hard as I could and a silver tipped dart whizzed through the air and clipped the demon’s wing. She barely noticed it.

A second dart fed from a top mounted magazine loaded the barrel and I squeezed the trigger and fired again and again. A hail of darts pierced through her wings and stabbed into the demon’s gray flesh. That she did notice.

I didn't need to scan the demon to know I was in trouble. Her health was insane and every move she made was fatal. The worst part was that all of her victims were reborn as undead minions under her control. She was a one person army.

The demon flapped her powerful wings and took off. She hovered above the battle ground and surveyed the scene below. Her gaze turned to me as if she had just realized that I was the flea irritating her. Twin balls of miasma gathered in her hands and she flicked her wrist and a dark wave of instant death washed towards me. 

I cast Mold Earth and threw up a wall just as the miasma reached me. The death liquid hit the wall and spread around it like water split by the bow of a ship. A nearby farmer let out a cry as the miasmic decay covered his body and ate him from the inside out.

“Get behind me,” I shouted at the remaining villagers.

I didn't have time to protect them. A halo of dark energy swirled around the demon and began to slowly gather in the palms of her hands. 

From the corner of my eye I saw the dead farmer lurch to his feet and charge.

  “Stop him,” I shouted but before the remaining villagers could respond the undead man had crossed the space and attacked.

I lifted the crossbow instinctively and barely deflected the blow in time. The undead jumped back landing on the balls of his feet and scattering debris in all directions. 

I blinked and when my eyes opened again he was already closing the distance, the leg of a chair in his hand, raised high ready for an overhead strike.

I lifted the crossbow to block the attack but the man’s strike halted in mid air and I grunted in pain as he kicked me in the stomach instead. 

I staggered back and the undead followed up his kick with a downward strike at my chest. I dodged a moment too late and his club hit me in the ribs. 

If I was back on earth that attack would have shattered my ribs.

The man attacked again but this time I didn't bother waiting for him. I raised the crossbow and fired and the dart hit him between the eyes. His head flung backwards but his legs continued to move towards me. He looked like someone had pulled the rug from under him but instead of a bruised head his skull was split in two.


Ahri POV

Ahri stood in the center of the workshop and looked down at the smashed Iron Walker lying on its back. The metal spider made weird clicking noises as its eight broken legs twitched helplessly. 

The sight put a smile on Ahri’s face. She raised the wrench again and hit the spider once more just for good luck.

“Don't destroy it,” said Tana. “It won’t transmit its coordinates if its core gets damaged.”

Ahri pouted and lowered the wrench. Beating the crap out of this stupid insect had been the only fun she’d had all day.

“How’s the reverse circle thing coming along?” she asked.

Tana was on her hands and knees drawing a complex maze of symbols on the floor. 

“If I’ve got my formula correct then we should be almost there.”

“Way to instill confidence in me,” said Ahri. “Are you sure this drawing of yours is going to work?”

“Not if you keep asking me questions. We need to get this done before the constructs arrive.”

As the moon hung low over the village of Marshhaven the host of metallic creatures arrived. They came in a wave and soon the air was filled with the sound of creaking limbs and clicking mandibles.

“It's now or never,” said Ahri. “If you happen to have some secret weapon lying around. Maybe a giant magnet- now would be the time to let me know.”

Tana was in the process of adding the final touches to a complex transmutation circle. She gazed out the window at the mass of silver constructs and then said, “I need a few more minutes.” 

“You do remember that those things have sharp pointy legs and razor sharp claws?”

“Ok,” said Tana. “Then buy me some time and don't die.”

“Great and I thought Talasin’s plans were shit.”

You are reading story GOD OF CARDS [DECK BUILDING] [LITRPG] [COMEDY] at novel35.com

Talasin POV

It looked like the Queen of Darkness was going to finish us off with one final attack. Intense black energy vibrated around her, sending waves of nausea through me and the villagers cowering on the hill.

I glanced behind me and saw villagers writhed in pain on the ground. Blood ran from their ears and mouths. They cried out for help and looked at me with pleading eyes, begging me to end their pain. 

I can't kill them. 

I couldn't kill them while they were still human. It might end their suffering but I would be the one living with the guilt and shame. If I waited another minute they would be killed and when they turned into undead I would end their pain and spare them the dishonor of being used as the demon's puppets.

I drew the Mimic card and placed it on the crossbow. I took aim as the card disintegrated and the spell activated.

“Sorry,” was all I could say. I knew they would not forgive me, who could blame them.

The villagers gurgled as miasma washed over us in waves. I could feel my health draining out of me. In a few moments I would be dead. 

I aimed, fired and a wave of crossbow bolts flew at the demon and descended on her in a deadly arc. 

“Please be enough.” 

The Queen of Darkness raised her hand lazily and the energy around her took the form of hundreds of daggers. They swirled around her in a deadly dance cutting through the silver bolts with ease. She laughed, pointed at me and energy erupted out of her extended finger tip.

Ahri POV

Ahri stood in the middle of the workshop with threads of her god’s raiment billowing around her like a whirlwind. Each time a construct approached her deadly vortex battered the metal insect back. 

“Vortex of Death,” she said and then frowned. “No, that sounds too try-hard, maybe Threads of Despair, that could work.”

Tana finished the final flourishes of her transmutation circle and said, “You are enjoying this way too much.”

“Call me crazy but squishing bugs has never been so satisfying,” said Ahri. “After today you won’t be able to look at these constructs the same way. You might have to think of a new career.” 

Tana smiled sadly and said, “It was a good run while it lasted.”

“You don't have to give it all up, you could become a Steamtech plumber.”

Tana laughed as she placed the Eternity Flame’s core in the center of the circle. 


Ahri frowned at Tana’s serious tone.

Tana flicked a switch and said, “The bomb is ready to blow.” 

“Great, let's get the hell out of here.”

“You should run,” said Tana. “They won’t follow you, they are too focused on saving the injured Walker.”

Ahri frowned.

“What about you?”

“Someone needs to stay here and activate the circle.” She smiled at Ahri. “Don't worry I’ll be fine.”

Ahri shifted uncomfortably and said in a low voice that only they could hear, “You promise you’ll catch up?”

Tana gave her a reassuring smile.

“Of course, now get going. We’ll have a bottle of wine together when this is all over.”

Talasin POV

The sky turned red and a feeling of dread weighed down on me crushing the last of my defenses and forcing me to my knees.

A powerful new threat appeared in the heaves and was now falling from the red night sky like an angel of death. The demon uttered a cry of blood curdling horror as a ball of living fire streaked across the sky and plowed into her. It drove her into the ground with such force that the earth groaned and shook beneath my feet.

The impact uprooted trees, toppled buildings and slammed me to the ground. The flames burnt out, the smoke cleared and a figure emerged from the wastage. 

A man, broad shouldered, a massive shield upon his back and his silver teeth glinting in the moonlight. I would recognize the man anywhere, he was the Harbinger named Pale. 

The sound of thunder rolled through the air as the Queen of Darkness, bleeding from hundreds of wounds, stood up radiating power. She brought her hands together and darkness gathered around her clenched fists and expanded into a tiny black sun.

Pale smiled at her in amusement. He stretched his neck from side to side like a boxer about to enter the ring. When he stepped forward his movement was a blur. Suddenly he was standing right in front of her with his fist jammed into her chest. Her armor shattered from the impact and her skin tore open like a balloon popping under too much strain. 

The thought that I had to bind this demon before she died entered my head and I reached a hand into my spellbag and fumbled for a binding card. Instead of the card my hand grasped a round ball of mud, the gift from the god Ramogos. I peered down at it in confusion and then I heard the thud thudding of a beating heart.

The demon’s rib cage was shattered and her black heart beat inside of her chest. Pale stuck his hand under her chest and removed the heart with the precision of a surgeon. 

The demon breathed her final breath and collapsed in a heap.

Pale surveyed the sight all about him and then his cold eyes settled on my trembling form hiding amongst the dead villagers. I released the ball of mud and stared up at the incarnation of destruction.

“Mortal instrument,” said Pale. “You have failed us.”

I had no idea what the fuck he was talking about but I was too shit scared to ask him to clarify. All I cared about was staying alive.

Pale took a step towards me and just then an explosion rocked the village square. The harbinger’s head swiveled towards the explosion and his face split into a grin that revealed rows of jagged silver teeth.


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