God of Duality: The Advent

Chapter 1: 1.A Tragic Birth

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The symbol of destruction. Also known as Heaven's Wrath, punishment from god. Every living being feared it. Looked at it in awe. Even creatures without intelligence dreaded it. As if, someone etched it in their innate instinct. Every single heart tumbled as they could hear the rumbling of thunder everywhere, could see flashes of thunder everywhere -in the dark, starless sky.

Chicks trembled under their mother's wings. Wilderness screamed in terror. Men weren't an exception too. They shuddered just by hearing its roar.

Advanced warships that carried weapons of mass destruction didn't dare to take flight. They were like trinkets made of scrap metal in front of their might. A single bolt tumbled down on a warship and sent it to the ground, Ablaze!

That day, it was dancing like a dragon in the infinite, dark sea. As if to declare- 'Punishment from God is here. And be ready to face your fate and the annihilation I bring with me.'

That day, the sky of the Indrath Kingdom was crying. As if- it was mourning, together with the people of Indra. It was an unforgettable day, not the kingdom, but for the entire planet.

The King, together with the Kingdom's 12 WarLords, had fallen. These warlords were the pride of Indrath. They were also the cause of terror for every other nation. It was a military force, enough to devastate any kingdom within days.

Even that couldn't fend off the invading allied forces. Their numbers were too immense to handle for the isolated kingdom of Indrath. Not to mention, that war was a playground where the leading players were Elemental Kings.

And to add more fire to a burning house, traitors hiding in the dark flashed their sharp fangs. So, the fall of the kingdom- was set in stone.

But, just as the kingdom was burning in the fire of war, something unexpected happened in the Royal Palace.

The news of the fallen King caused a devastating blow to the Queen, who was going through pregnancy. The mental shock of losing someone was not something, a heart filled with love and care could handle. If not for her high vitality grade, it would have been a miscarriage. But the situation was not optimistic either.

In a dimly lit up room, surrounded by midwives, a pregnant woman was trying to bear the unbearable pain. She was none other than the Queen of this Kingdom, Mavia Indra. The royal obstetrician was sweating profusely after checking up on the Queen's condition. The situation made her frown, making more creases on her already wrinkled face.

The old lady came out of the chamber and stated, "The day of labor has come way earlier than the due date. So, the fetus is still underdeveloped. And for some unknown reason, the child's vitality is waning continually. If this continues, the bloodline of Indra will be too violent to handle for a baby with such low vitality."

"What are you trying to say, granny Jora?" a dignified female voice asked.

The obstetrician didn't reply but looked at the humanoid android beside her and waited.

The Android's eyes brightened blue and spoke out in a girly voice,

[Full body scan complete.

Her Majesty's life force is normal.

Other organs are also functional and normal under the condition of 'Labor pain.'

Signs of abnormality were detected in Fetus's life force.

Life-force status- Decreasing- 62℅..59℅…Fluctuation detected.

Probability of death: 100℅ under current circumstances.]

The dignified woman frowned. Her name was Alina. The head guardian of the palace is also the Queen's trusted protector and friend. Swore to protect the Indra family to the last breath. Yet, she couldn't do anything, even when it prophesied the tragic fate of the royal's last bloodline.

On the other side of the wall, even while going through unbearable pain, the Queen had the notion of everything happening in the outside world. Naturally, Alina and the obstetrician's conversation reached her ears. She could also discern that the vitality of her child was seeping out.

In this condition, even if her child wasn't stillborn, the royal bloodline that carries the properties of 'Annihilation Thunder' will churn the baby's life. Thus, she decided on something silently.

Even after the intense labor hours, the cry of a newborn didn't echo in the silent palace. The old obstetrician came out and sighed.

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"Her Majesty made her decision. And the ultimate sacrifice she could make."

Alina didn't understand- 'What decision? What sacrifice? The child is stillborn. The last candle of Indra went out together with him. Now what?'

But, just as she entered the room, she saw a newborn laying beside the tired Queen. Even though the child didn't give out its first cry, Alina could detect vital signs and a beating heart inside that small petite body. Without care for the world, he was sleeping soundly. The sight of the alive child- the last bloodline of Indra, made her mood ecstatic.

''He is alive! Praise the Indra! A miracle has happened!''

But just as she looked at the one who made this miracle happen, her voice stuck.

She saw the queen she served till now replaced with a majestic old lady full of wrinkles. Her beautiful jet-black hair that spread down to her waist like a waterfall has turned white. The epitome of beauty she had accompanied till now, is no more. Alina's eyes widened as she finally understood the meaning behind those lines.

'Her decision… Ultimate Sacrifice…'

After some moments of silence, Alina spouted a single word.


Mavia answered in a weak voice, "Can you find a mother letting her child die in front of her? Not to mention, it's mine and his child.", a bitter smile attached to her lips.

"You could use only a portion of your life force. That would have been enough to save him, right? Why did take such drastic measures?." Alina cried out as she couldn't make any sense of Mavia's action.

Thunder rang out loudly as if the emotional sky was angry at her decision.

Mavia weakly shook her head. "Things aren't always like what is seen on the surface, Alina. And there will be no future for him if I don't do this. His body accepted my life force only when he was in my womb. Only because I am his mother."

"But .."

"No 'but'. Huh____My life without him is….. meaningless anyway. The feeling of losing him ….is..tearing my heart. I can't bear it anymore.'' Pearl-like teardrops wet Mavia's cheeks, unbeknownst to her.

Alina tried to say something but hesitated. While Mavia continued in a low voice,

"This child is the fruit of our love. I can't let anything happen to this child. Even if it costs me-… Ah. Looks like I have….. little time left."

Alina could only remain silent with her moist eyes.

The Queen looked at her child for one last time, and kissed his forehead and cheeks. And whispered something in the baby's ears. Then closed her beautiful eyes not to open them ever again.

"Becoming an orphan just after the birth, what a tragic fate you have. But I believe in you, my child. This fate will only make you stronger. This tragedy will steel up your resolve."

Then she added something in a mystical voice, which would be engraved in the child's very soul.

"You won't kneel to this fate, won't yield to anything. You will stop at nothing and be ever victorious."

"Promise me, my child."

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