God of Duality: The Advent

Chapter 13: 13. PT

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Here I am, sir."

The examiner nodded at me and asked, "What's your name?"

"My name is Aryan Indra. Here is my registration card."

"Okay. And you can call me Examiner Ash." As he read my details, "Ooh? A lightning Elementalist. I can see that you are applying for PT four months after awakening your element. Are you sniping the extra 10 points?" he exclaimed which I confirmed with a smile. He then pointed at the center of the room, "Go over there and manifest your element.."

I did as I was told, went to the center of the room full of equipment, and channeled elemental energy from the core which, after leaving my body, became lightning sparks. A buzzing sound could be heard as my hands were surrounded by golden lightning. The examiner nodded, "10 points for physical manifestation."

This surprised me a little. 10 points just for showing my element? That easy?

As if he knew what was going on in my head, the examiner added, "This test is just to rule out those unlucky ones who fail to bring out the elemental energy inside their core. They are also called Deformed core cultivators, unsuitable for becoming a proper Elementalist. Whatever, next, we are going to score your property. Have you confirmed elemental property by any chance?"

"Yes sir, my elemental property in Healing and restoration."

Just as I responded, the examiner dropped his pen and looked at me with a gaze, 'Are you kidding me?' Not just him, but other onlookers also looked at me with weird gazes.

I could only roll my eyes at their response.

Seeing that I was dead serious about it, he waved his hand and called out, "Guis, bring the test subjects MB 7 to 10."

"Sure" He left the hall leaving behind a single word, then came back with four small cages stacked on each other.."

Examiner Ash spoke, "These are Miledan Belur aka Meatball, small creatures that live only on the life energy of other beings or natural sources. Other types of energy are like poison to them. We use them to determine the effect of vital energy on applicants with healing properties. You just have to channel your element on the rune plate above the cage, and the creature inside will automatically get its food served. Oh, and one more thing,

the higher the number, the bigger the meatball and the pickier the selection of vitality. So, you get points corresponding to the number. If a meatball does not absorb your energy, then it is either your property isn't healing or its grade is way lower and impure to digest. Do you understand?"

"Yes." I got the gist of what's going on. So, if my elemental energy somehow fails to get a reaction from these balls, I am gonna get a round zero as my score. But I wasn't even slightly worried about my property. Heck, I could even heal my opponents through beating, let alone spoon-feeding some sensitive little creature.

So I went in front of the cages and looked at them with curiosity. Instead of some meatballs, all I saw were small-size furballs. Even if you look closely, they don't look like living creatures at all. But the cute snoring sound from time to time made it clear that they aren't just some plushies. I really want to squeeze them tight to see if they make any 'Pi Po' sound.

Now that I think about it, I have never seen creatures like these before, obviously, they aren't native to Reiden City or surrounding towns.

And even while being surrounded by so many people, they have the gall to sleep without any care of the world.

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"Mr. Aryan, if you have seen enough, please proceed with your test. You don't have a full day to complete the following test."

My thoughts were interrupted by Examiner Ash's voice. I could see his irritated look due to my delay. To think that I was distracted on such an important exam just to appreciate balls! I knew it, cute creatures are the scariest predators!

Without any further ado, I placed my hand on the runic plate attached to the cage numbered 10. I ignored other lower numbers as if anything I was confident about today- that is my Healing property. As I transferred my lightning elemental energy to it, these runes etched on the plate lit up. My elemental energy followed the rune circuits and finally condensed into a tiny wisp of energy. The moment the wisp of energy came into existence, all the cages trembled. The creatures which only looked like a ball of fur finally revealed their large dark eyes and started making noises. And the furball in cage 10, to which I supplied my energy hurriedly opened its mouth and sucked the wisp in. Then it looked at me with teary eyes, as if saying, 'Moar plwse?'

"What pure life energy! You have such a potent healing factor! Look at these MBs, they are excited just by coming into contact with it."

An examiner exclaimed. Examiner Ash also nodded in unison, "This is the highest grade of life energy I have seen in a beginner Elementalist. 10 points for elemental factor."

And another examiner budged in, "Next test is Physical attribute multiplier. Does your element influence your effects on your physical body somehow?"

I looked at the examiner with a unique mustache. While other examiners looked more like a scholar, he looked like a buffed gangster guy. Ignoring his contrast, I replied, "Yes, after channeling my lightning, I feel my whole body way more energetic than normal. My whole body becomes stronger. My speed and strength increased by multiple times. And all of my senses become more sensitive too."

I could see visible shock written on his face. As if he couldn't believe me, he stood up and said, "Follow me.", Then said to other examiners, "This little guy seems like one of those rare cases. It will take some time to test his full potential. You can start others.",

Then he took me to another hall full of gym equipment, "Let's start."

What followed was a continuous assessment of what a human body was capable of. Be it running, punching, hearing, smelling - his testing was all over the place. After assessing the physical quantifier, came the Control test, Discord test, immunity test, my element's destruction level, etc. I had never thought that PT could be so tiring.

After hours of assessments, the examiner named Grod looked at me with regret, "Too bad I couldn't bring more advanced equipment to test your whole potential as a Warrior. This body of yours with all the elemental buffs is perfectly sculptured for Body Cultivators. And with those heightened senses, and unnatural healing, if you are paired with weapon mastery- you will become the perfect killing machine on the battlefield! Are you sure you don't want to join the association?"

Just after some experiments, he blatantly invited me to the association. His offers contained everything that every beginner Elementalist from humble background could dream of- be it money, resources, or position. And I politely refused as usual. But as the assessments continued, his plastering became more intense, intense to the point that I had to drop all the formality. He didn't even bother to hide his desire to make me a killing machine for the association, how could I agree to his offer?

As my PT processes were done, we left the Gym hall and headed back to where Examiner Ash and others are.

But in the middle of the path, Examiner Grod stopped and looked back at me. Noticing his burning gaze, I couldn't help but gulp.

Grod spoke, "You don't want to join the Association, good. But if you join any organization of the same category or any other noble house, I will personally visit you and cripple you with my hand."

Blatant threat! Never in my life did I imagine that I would receive a death threat from my examiner. Even though I was horrified inside, I couldn't help but protest, "Sir, you have nothing to do with my decision to join any force I want. Don't try to scare me with fake threats. I would be forced to report you."

"Try me." All I got is two words as an answer. And a sudden pressure hit my whole body as I couldn't lift a single finger! That's the pressure one feels when they meet a creature whose life grade is way higher than oneself. And hiding provocative words with a threatening gaze made me fearful yet extremely angry at the same time. But I kept my mouth from uttering another single word and left him behind as getting enmity with this mad musclehead wasn't worth it.

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