God of Lust and Destruction

Chapter 8: Leora

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Waking up around noon of the next day, Seth stood up and walked out of his room. He was quite tired after spending most of the night on ‘research’. Seeing the innkeeper chatting with Molly, he took a seat next to them and asked for a drink.

“Ale, water, or milk?”

“Water.”, replied Seth, not a fan of alcohol.

The innkeeper brought him a cup of water and Molly asked: “Is big brother sad?”

Seth rubbed her head and said: “No, Molly. I’m tired. How come you are not outside looking for customers?”

“Papa said we’re full, so Molly is free.”

Seth gave the innkeeper a look, and he nodded before saying: “Molly, go and clean the stairs outside.”

Molly quickly jumped off the chair and walked outside.

Left alone with the innkeeper, Seth placed twenty gold coins on the counter: “Twenty vials.”

The innkeeper took the coins with a nod before saying: “You’ll have them in this evening. Anything else?”

“A meeting with your leader.” Said Bren, already sure he will agree.

“I’ll ask him to come this evening and bring you the vials. Is that alright?”

“That’s fine. I’ll wait inside my room.” Replied Seth as he stood up and walked back inside his room.

Feeling the energy vortexes inside his body, he muttered: “Just a little more…”. He closed his eyes and continued working on his cores for the rest of the afternoon.

In the evening, the same knocking sound came from the door and Seth opened his eyes.


The door opened and a man wearing a black mask and black cloak entered the room. Placing the crate full of vials on the ground, he asked in a forced hoarse voice: “You wanted to meet me?”

“Yes, I have a deal for you.” Replied Seth calmly.

“I’m listening.”

“I will help you solidify your source and you have to protect someone for me.”

The man sighed and took off his mask before asking: “I wonder how you found that out. Who are you really?” There was no point in hiding his identity the moment the kid mentioned his source.

He was also a young man, looking no day older than 25. His lips were smiling in a friendly manner, but deep in his eyes was a cold disregard for everything.

Smiling back, Seth said: “Does it matter? My deal is something every fallen would die for.”

“Who do you want to be protected?”

“My parents. I guess you’ve already made your research and know who I’m speaking about.”

“Consider it done.”

“Good. I know you’re a man of your word, thieves’ honor and everything, but I still have to let you know. If anything happens to them, there is no place in this world where you can hide from me. Am I making myself clear, Cain?”

“Sigh… yeah, I’ll keep my word. What about your end of the deal?”

“Stop trying to create that earth source. While you have some affinity for earth energy, it’s below average. Your main affinity is with darkness energy. I’ll write everything you need to know about creating your source and hand it to the innkeeper, but that knowledge must never leave your hands. Everything else after that, you’re on your own. Tell him to bring me a pen and some paper on your way out.”

“Darkness energy? what is that?”

“Another type of energy the academy simply doesn’t have any information on, just like the destruction energy. You will see I’m telling the truth after reading the theory I’ll give you.”

Cain nodded and said nothing else before walking back out. Five minutes later, the innkeeper brought him a pen, an inkwell, and some paper.

‘System, give me just enough information about darkness energy so he can create his source.’

After the system gave him the information, he started putting it on paper. It would be impossible to write all the darkness energy information so soon and also he didn’t feel like handing a knife to a butcher, so that’s why he had the system give him just enough to create a basic source. This way, he could assure nothing wrong happens with his family while he’s gone and also not have to worry about him ever progressing after creating his source.

He still had to write about 50 pages of information. After being done, he walked outside and handed the freshly written paper to the innkeeper.

“That should be enough for him to create a source in about four years.” Mumbled Seth with a chuckle before consuming the vials of energy.

Around noon of the next day, he was finally done with all the vials and created one of his sources. Lifting his hand, a small nebula of bright red energy hovered above his hand.

“Destruction source… Welcome back, old friend.”

<Host should abstain from absorbing more destruction energy inside the host’s body. It might cause instabilities in creating other sources. You are already too early in creating the destruction source. >

“I know, but I’m sure I can control it for now.” Said Seth as he canceled the ball of destruction energy and walked outside. With a source done, he felt a bit more assured.

After greeting the innkeeper and Molly, he continued outside and started walking around the town.

‘I need a few more coins to create the other three primary sources. The perception one is almost done. The only problem I have is the lust core.’ He thought to himself as he was walking throughout the town.

He felt slightly ashamed to return to the gambling den after everything that had happened the last time he was there. As he was mulling over the problem, he noticed the people were rushing by him, heading for the town center.

Curiosity got the better of him and followed them. He didn’t have to walk for long until he reached a platform where the town’s lord wife, or widow, was giving a speech.

He listened to her explaining how a person called Doctor has taken advantage of the town lord and killed everyone besides the women after infiltrating the mansion.

There were even some posters with his face when he turned into the Doctor, which almost made him laugh out loud.

He waited there until she finished her speech before changing his face and following her as she was heading back toward the lord’s mansion. As she reached close to arriving home, he blocked her path and said: “Miss, do you mind if we talk for a moment?”

The woman was confused, not remembering having seen this person before, but her intuition told her the contrary. Waving to her guards to walk first, she asked: “Do I know you?”

“Of course you do. I wanted to ask what happened to those slave girls.”

Realization hit her, and she took a step back. “About what I said…”

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“I don’t care who you put the blame on.” Interrupted Seth, “I just want to know what happened with those girls.”

“I have the maids tending to them, but… most of them are too far gone. Some of them we even have to force-feed so they won’t die.”

“Figured… I want you to let me see them.”

The woman nodded and walked forward, leading him toward the mansion.

“What happened to your face, sir?”

“This face?” asked Seth as he waved his hand and changed his facial features again. “For a healer of my status, a face is just a bag of skin.”

Of course, he was bullshitting, but the most mysterious and powerful he looked, the more reluctant she would be to deceive him.

The woman nodded with an amazed expression and they soon reached a sizeable room inside the lord’s manor, full of beds. The slave girls were all dressed properly and tended to by the maids of the manor.

“Take all the maids with you and walk out for a while.” Said Seth, and the woman complied.

Alone in the room with over 20 slave girls, Seth changed his looks to those of Doctor and paid attention to the energies gathering toward him.

A smile appeared at the corner of his lips as he approached a frail girl in the room's corner. She had a lost look in her eyes and didn’t show any reaction to him approaching.

“You can stop pretending. I know you are awake and conscious.”

The girl’s lost look reverted to normal, and she said: “What do you want?”

“I am curious. Why are you so hostile towards the one who pulled you from that hell?”. Seth was only receiving negative energy from the girl, even after having saved her.

“Save me? You took away the chance of killing him myself.” Said the girl back, her face completely indifferent.

“Oh? And how were you going to do that?” asked Seth, finding her behavior quite interesting.

The girl closed her eyes and looked away, not willing to entertain him anymore.

‘What happened to this girl in the former timeline? Also, find out why she recovered so fast.’

<She stabbed the town lord’s neck using one screw she got from one of the torture devices. The stab didn’t pierce deep enough in the lord’s fat to kill him. Enraged, he choked her to death right after. >

<I didn’t find any information that would explain her swift recovery. Also, she had a strong light affinity. >

Seth smiled and repeated word by word all that the system told him about what happened in the previous timeline. The girl turned to look at him again and asked: “How did you know what I was planning to do? And how do you know I would fail?”

“I’ll tell you if you agree to become my follower.”

“Am I not just a slave? If you have the money, just buy me and you can do whatever you want to me.”

“Not like that. I have no interest in owning a slave and if you wouldn’t have pretended to still be catatonic, you would have known that the lord’s wife plans on releasing all of you girls if you recover.”

The girl fell silent for a moment before asking: “Why would you want me then? And why would I want to follow you?”

“Because I can give you something you never had in this world.” Replied Seth as he lifted one hand and summoned a sphere of destruction energy. “Power.”

The girl fixed her eyes on the floating ball of destruction energy and asked: “What do I have to do?”

“Just follow me and do some menial stuff I’m too lazy to do myself. You don’t have to worry about me ordering you to do anything you don’t want. As long as you don’t betray me, nothing of this world will be out of your reach.”

The girl thought for a moment before saying: “Show me your actual face.” She has seen him change his face when he entered the room, so she already knew of his ability.

Seth didn’t understand why, but undid all his transformations, returning to a 15-year-old pale-skinned kid with hazel eyes, a softly shaped jaw, thin lips, and fluffy eyebrows. Moving his black hair from his eyes, he smiled at the girl.

“Are you lying to me?”

Seth shook his head and said: “No, my name is Seth and I’m a 15 and a half years old boy from one of the nearby villages.”

The girl wanted to disprove his claim, but deep inside, she believed him. There was also something else bothering her, but she figured it might not be so bad to follow him. What would life be for her even if she were released?

“How will I know you don’t just want to use me the same way the town lord did?”

“I can only give you my word. What will it be? Either way, you will be a free woman and not a slave anymore.”

The girl stared into his eyes some more and eventually nodded. “Fine. What could you do to me I haven’t experienced before? As long as you give me the strength you promised me, I’ll follow you without a word of question. My name is Leora.”

Seth smiled and changed his appearance to the one he had when he came in again.

“Let’s go, Leora.”

The girl stood up and followed him. She was wearing some simple white garments that the lord’s wife gave to all the girls.

After walking outside with a girl in tow, the lord’s wife gave him a strange look. Seth just said his goodbyes, ignoring the look in her eyes, and walked out with Leora in tow.

“Where now?” asked Leora as she kept looking around the streets.

“Do you know how to read?” asked Seth, ignoring her question completely.

“I do not.”

“This would be quite troublesome then.” Said Seth with a sigh before handing her one gold coin and a key. “Buy yourself some clothes from the marketplace. Once you are done, look for an inn called ‘Hidden page.’. Show this key to the innkeeper and he would lead you inside my room. You can wait for me there.”

The girl picked up the coin and key before asking: “How much should I spend on clothes?”

“All of them. I will make more money by the time I return to the inn.”

Leora nodded without a second word and started walking in the marketplace’s direction. With no other choice, Seth changed his face again and started heading towards the gambling den again. he needed that lust energy and that was the only place where he could reliably get it.

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