Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 1056: 1057

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The rest of the seven monks rushed to the pool at the fastest speed, including baiziren and yuecailing.

Looking at the scene coldly, the corner of his mouth showed a sneer: "if all the foreign treasures can be obtained so easily, then this is not a manshengong palace!"

Although this sword has no trace, its IQ is not low. I think it's not so easy to get foreign treasures.

Wu Xiu in a yellow robe is good at lightness. He is the first one to rush to the lingchi. He is overjoyed. His eyes are obviously greedy. He reaches out to grab the jade jade Yao Qin.

All of a sudden.


a black shadow came out of the pool like lightning, opened its mouth, and directly bit off the arm of the monk in yellow robe.


The Yellow robed friar gave out a howling cry. His right arm was dripping with blood. The broken bones of his hand were clearly visible, and the blood gushed.

This is the fourth level, but there is no magic array.

The Yellow monk's hand is broken. It's true.

The sudden change of the protuberance shocked all the friars.

Shen Lang's eyes shrunk. The black figure turned out to be a giant python with a white single horn on its head. The huge snake's head alone was more than five meters high.

"Unicorn python." Shen Lang's face changed slightly. The unicorn Python in the monster's guide is a fifth level monster.

However, the unicorn Python ranks at the bottom of the five level monsters. Its fighting power is inferior to the friars at the beginning of Nirvana, and even weaker than the stream of fire python.

That said, it's not that easy to deal with.

The huge one horned Python came out of the pool.

Baiziren and yuecailing stepped back a few steps. They were not stupid. They had guessed that foreign treasures were not so easy to take, so they didn't start at the first time.

There are treasures on the surface of the pool. It's so obvious that you want to be tricked. How can someone take advantage of such a retarded trick?

In terms of the speed of winning the treasure, Bai Ziren is not willing to give up. He can easily hook the glazed jade Yao Qin in the pool water with his chain in his hand.

In fact, the reason why they didn't do this was to let others explore the wind first.

Even if the treasure is stolen by others, Bai Ziren is confident that he can get it back.

The one horned Python shrieked and attacked the monks directly.

Seven monks work together to deal with the python. For a moment, a variety of swords and knives and some mysterious magic formula dazzled the unicorn python.

The unicorn Python ranks at the bottom of the fifth level monsters, which is equivalent to half a Nirvana monk at most, and it is not impossible to deal with it.

The monks who can get to the fourth level are all the top of the top. Each of them holds magic weapons or super sacred utensils, and can fight with the unicorn Python for a while.

"Shen Daoyou, don't you want to get foreign treasures?" The sword has no trace, glances at Shen Lang and asks lightly.

With the powerful power of Shen Lang's skeleton puppet, it is as simple as eating and sleeping to seize the treasure.

"What on earth are the so-called exotic treasures in the Manshen palace?" Shen Lang asked curiously.

Jian Wuji was stunned, then looked at Shen Lang with a strange expression and said, "Shen Daoyou, are you kidding? I'm so ignorant that I don't even know what's the treasure of man's palace? "

"My wife and I come from Outland and don't know much about your wildness." Shen Lang shrugged and said.

The sword has no trace and his face changes slightly. There are very few friars who can come from Outland. It's no wonder that Shen Lang's methods emerge in endlessly. It's not like that of the barbarian sect. It turns out that he came from Outland.

"Almost all the foreign treasures from the manshengong Palace are rare treasures, most of which are magic weapons of great power. In addition, some natural materials and earth treasures will flow out of the man god palace, which can also be classified as foreign treasures. " The sword has no trace, it's not cold or light.

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The main reason is that Shen Lang's strength is good. In addition, he saved his own life in the previous level, so he was willing to explain to him patiently with the sword without trace. If it was replaced by others, the sword without trace would be too lazy to answer.

Shen Lang nodded slightly, and then asked, "has the magic weapon for escaping from life flowed out of this man's palace?"

The sword has no trace. First he is stunned. Then he reacts. The Shen Lang killed Gu Yan, and the people in the beast god palace are still chasing him.

"There have been precedents. A lot of magic weapons have been used to protect life, but they are pure magic weapons for escape There are several cases. I'm not sure. " Sword without mark cough to say.

"All right." Shen Lang is a little disappointed. It seems that he has very little chance to find a magic weapon to escape his life in this Manshen palace.

But now he and Su Ruoxue can only hold a glimmer of hope to see if they can get any treasures in the man god palace to deal with the current crisis.

By the pool, six monks work together to deal with the one horned python, with swords and swords and explosions.

The Yellow robed monk with a broken arm has been poisoned and died. Although the unicorn Python's attack power is at the bottom of the fifth level monster, it is extremely toxic. After the fangs are stabbed into the flesh and blood, there is no antidote elixir, and it is almost certain to die.

After fighting for about a stick of incense, the unicorn Python was covered with blood and scars everywhere. It seemed that it could not last long.Seeing that the time was almost over, a trace of the lunar calendar flashed in Bai Ziren's eyes, and suddenly he began to dance the black chain in his hand.

"Whoosh" sound, the black chain will be in the pool of glass jade Yao Qin knot solid bound, quickly rolled over.

The rest of the friars saw Bai Ziren snatching the treasure and couldn't help scolding his mother. This guy was too insidious. While they were still dealing with the monster, they went to grab the foreign treasure first.

The remaining five monks are not bothered to deal with the dying Unicorn python, and rush to the Liuli yaoqin in the pool water.

We all want to be the first to grab the foreign treasure, but Bai Ziren has already taken the lead. His magic weapon ghost chain has a natural advantage and can lock in someone or something at a very fast speed.

"Ha ha, the treasure belongs to me!" Bai Ziren laughed wildly and took back the chain. He threw away the friars like a mad dog. He was about to take the glass colored Yao Qin into his arms.

All of a sudden.

A low and strange roar came, and the Dead Skeleton flew over. The White Bone Claw seized the Liuli Yao Qin with lightning speed.

Bai Ziren's face changed greatly, and he pulled back the chain immediately.

Just then.

"Hum!" Su Ruoxue in the distance shows the magic light of blood charm.

As soon as the red pupil was bright, the blood lightning stabbed baiziren's brain.

"Ah Bai Ziren hugged his head and screamed.

The sword has no trace, and there is a trace of horror in her eyes. The unique woman beside Shen Lang shows her skill very strangely.

Seizing baiziren's absence, the dead bone puppet successfully snatched back the Liuli Yao Qin.

The dying one horned Python suddenly got up from the ground, opened its mouth and bit at the dead puppet.

The dead bone puppet didn't dodge, but he directly waved a claw from the mouth of the python, and a black light suddenly came out.


The black light runs directly through the back of the Python's brain, and blood arrows shoot out.

The unicorn Python screamed violently for a while, then fell to the ground and died.

The monks were shocked. The puppet of Shen Lang was too terrible! He killed the unicorn python with one move.

In this way, the dead bone puppet, holding the Liuli Yao Qin in his hand, returned to Shen Lang's side.

Shen Lang takes out the Yao Qin from the puppet's hand, and he is proud of himself. Zhennima has got it without any effort.

The sword without trace glanced at Shen Lang, a little speechless in his heart, and said: "why didn't I go to take treasure before I became a Taoist friend? It was a premeditation."

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