Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 1123: 1124

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In the deepest part of the mine, there is an underground lake with clear water.

It's like a natural cave with a dead end ahead, surrounded by rock walls and soil.

There are some broken walls and some grotesque sculptures in the cave, but they are very old and dilapidated.

It's a relic rather than a deserted historic site.

This kind of ancient architecture can be seen in many places in the wilderness, which is not rare.

"It looks like this is the end." Shen Lang frowned.

An elder approached him and said, "Shen Tongling, there is a dead end ahead. How can we get out?"

Shen Lang looked around and said, "since the secret road is closed here, there should be a way out above the soil layer. We can just dig holes and dig them. The walls of the cave are very tight and should not collapse. "

Two of the elders nodded, which was the only way to do it.

"The secret road is very complicated. The other party should not be so quick to come after us. Let's have a ten minute rest first. Ten minutes later, we'll start again. " Shen Lang ordered.

"Yes The two elders immediately ordered all the disciples to rest temporarily.

Just now, in order to deal with those ground fire lizards, people were really exhausted.

Shen langyuan's spiritual power consumption is very serious, and his physical strength is also depleted. He went to the lake and washed his face with the water. He tried to cheer up.


Indistinctly, Shen Lang glimpsed something under the lake.

Surprised, Shen Lang directly jumped into the lake and dived into the bottom of the lake.

After removing some stones, he found that there was a five pointed star pattern on the bottom of the lake!

It is about ten meters long and about ten meters wide, and there are a lot of symbols in the design.

"This is Star array

Shen Lang's heart was shaking and his eyes were wide open.

Shen Lang, the star array in front of us, has been seen in the records of emperor Xuandi Qianyuan. This is a transmission array called "star square array" in ancient array.

Star array is a kind of simple and special transmission array in ancient times, which is extremely rare left in the world.

Compared with other ancient transmission arrays, the advantages of star array are simple, but the disadvantages are that the transmission distance is limited, and it needs a lot of five element spirit stone crystal.

Of course, compared with the transmission array that can be made in the cultivation world, the star array is already very NB.

Today, the longest distance transmission array that can be made in the cultivation world is only thousands of miles to tens of thousands of miles.

And the transmission array made by the ancient friars often has a transmission distance of tens of thousands of miles, even hundreds of millions of miles!

Compared with the things that were rare in ancient times due to the great movement, some of the ancient transmission arrays are still left over.

However, such as the kind of super long-distance transmission array that can span one continent, it is very rare now, and there may not be several in the whole sky sea.

The star array is only described in emperor Xuandi qianyuanlu. If you are an ordinary monk, you can't recognize it. Because the star array is not described in ancient books, unless it is an array master.

There is a star array under the lake, and it has not been damaged. Shen Lang is ecstatic!

The transmission distance of the star array is almost tens of millions of miles. With this array, Shen Lang can leave the wilderness at any time. To avoid the struggle between the savage sect and the demon sect.

Afraid of being found, Shen Lang immediately moved some stones to cover up the star array, and then quietly swam out of the lake.

An elder of Chongxiao hall came forward and asked, "Shen Tongling, is there anything under the lake?"

"Oh, I just wanted to see if there was a secret passage in the lake, but there was no abnormality." Shen Lang perfunctorily said.

The star array here is his life-saving thing. Shen Lang doesn't intend to tell anyone.

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Seeing that the time was almost over, Shen Lang said to the two elders: "inform all the disciples and start to act!"


Soon, Shen Lang with the remnants of the Chongxiao hall team began to dig holes.

The two elders use the earth hiding technique to open the road ahead. Shen Lang and the dead bone puppet are also helping to dig the hole.

All the disciples got into the cave and marched quickly.

The underground cave has been digging towards the top of the slope for more than an hour. The two elders who perform the earth hiding technique are almost exhausted.

Finally, "boom" a sound, the two elders in front of broken the soil layer, strong light irradiation in.

Then Shen Lang and the puppet also jumped out of the soil.

It was surrounded by a dense forest, with trees and the sun shining high.

Shen Lang takes a deep breath of fresh air. It's so nice to see the sun again.

One by one, the disciples also drilled out of the holes in the soil, showing the expression of the survivors.

The fluctuation of the five elements aura in the air is weak. It should be far away from the central area of Lingxiao mountain, at least far away from the scope of divinity investigation of foundation building friars.

"Hurry up and inform the main team of the sect." Shen Lang said to the two elders."Yes."

The two elders, each with a wave of troops, headed for the northwest.

Shen Lang, sitting alone in a purple electric boat, flies to the front of the battlefield where the six schools and the monk of the demon sect are fighting. He is ready to report the matter to Duanmu Laozu at the first time.

On the other side of Chongxiao hall, although the monk of demon sect broke the cloud screen array and occupied the mine and Chongxiao hall.

The location of the secret passage in the mine is quite hidden, and those demons have not even found the existence of the secret path.

Half a day later, Duanmu Laozu personally led a large number of monks to kill back to Chongxiao hall. The monk of demon sect led by Kong Tao naturally lost the battle, with nearly half of the casualties.

The invasion of the demon sect led to the turbulence of the whole wild cultivation world.

Many small and medium-sized sects were brutally occupied by the monks of the evil sect. More and more wild middle and small sects began to join the ranks of crusading against the monks of the demon sect, and formed the "savage friars alliance" with six factions.

The seesaw battle lasted for half a year, and the number of monks killed on both sides was as high as 100000.

Shen Zhong doesn't dare to say that he can make the lowest contribution to the war.

The ancient maniac of the beast emperor has always coveted him and can take his life at any time. Shen Lang has never been to the front battlefield and has been guarding the Chongxiao hall.

Rao is so. In the past six months, Chongxiao hall has been attacked more than 20 times by large and small teams.

With the nine changes of blood spirit, several magic weapons in his hands, and the power of Chunyang sword rhyme, Shen Lang was almost invincible among the friars in the period of foundation building and nirvana!

Unless it is the master of jiedan period who comes to attack Chongxiao hall in person, it is very difficult to attack Chongxiao hall because of Shen wave. On the contrary, the monks who came to attack secretly were often killed.

In jiedan period, the friars were busy participating in the front-line fighting, and they were all restrained. It was impossible for them to come back to attack Chongxiao hall.

In this way, the threat of Shen Lang is not great.

Duanmu Laozu also highly valued him, pointing out that all the booty could be owned by Shen Lang without having to hand it in.

In the past six months, although Shen Lang's accomplishments were not improved quickly, he accumulated a lot of combat experience and his strength rose further.

With a steady stream of booty in his pocket, Shen Lang has accumulated a large number of pills, magic weapons, and natural materials and earth treasures. His wealth has reached a staggering level.

Moreover, Shen Lang's name was also spread throughout the wilderness. No one in the alliance and the devil sect knew about Shen Lang.

It is widely said that this man was not accomplished in the early stage of Nirvana, but his fighting power was extremely amazing. He could even easily kill the monks in the later period of foundation building, and he could retreat from the dozens of monks in the construction period. This person's ability is unimaginable.

The title of the first person in jiedan period spread rapidly.

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