Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 1135: 1136

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Along the way, the two chatted occasionally.

Shen Lang learned that huaziling was actually the 71st "Phoenix pith body" among the 100 constitutions. No wonder he practiced so fast.

Of course, this is also because huaziling has left the forest and Tianshan Mountain, and has a better cultivation environment, so the progress is faster.

Shen Lang needn't say much about it. The middle of nirvana in his thirties can be described as abnormal.

Shen Lang officially entered the cultivation world later, otherwise his cultivation would be far more than that.

Tianlei island is far away from Lingfeng island. Fortunately, the gale eagle is fast enough. It took four or five hours to reach its goal.

The largest island of Tianlei islands is Tianlei island. Tianlei palace stands in a big mountain in the south of the island, surrounded by a strong defense border.

There are no rumors about Tianlei palace, but it is said that Leidi lived in it.

Of course, this so-called Leidi is also a god dragon to see the end, almost no one has seen his real face.

In order to avoid eye-catching, gale Eagle landed on a mountain outside a town in the west of Tianlei island.

Shen Lang takes the gale Eagle back to the spirit beast bag.

Standing on the peak, the two men can have a good view of the town in the distance.

Tianlei city is the largest town in Tianlei island.

From a distance, Leicheng is quite prosperous. There are various buildings in the town, including ground stalls, shops, restaurants, and even brothels and brothels for friars to play

"I haven't been to Tianlei City, but it is said that the highest quality chamber of Commerce and auction in the whole Tianlei islands are here. You can find what you want." Flower purple Ling not cold not light said.

Things in the chamber of Commerce in Tianlei city are of high quality, and even some magic weapons can be bought. But huaziling is too poor to come here.

"Well, let's go." Shen Lang said immediately.


The two fled to Tianlei city.

It wasn't long before we got into the city.

A middle-aged monk in a black robe flew over from mid air and stopped Shen Lang and Hua Ziling, saying, "Tianlei city is an important place. Monks from other regions must register when they enter the town."

This man is the patrol elder of Tianlei city. His name is Xie Feng. He belongs to the Tianlei palace. He built the foundation in the early days.

"The first time we came to Tianlei City, we didn't know the rules. How can I register?" Shen Lang asked with a frown.

Seeing Shen Lang's accomplishments in the middle of Nirvana, Xie Feng was surprised for a moment. His face immediately softened and he said a little politely: "the two Taoist friends only need to report their names and let me record their portraits, even if they have registered."

"So much trouble?" Flower purple Ling Dai eyebrow a frown.

"I'm sorry, this is the rule of Tianlei city. I'm mainly worried about the outside friars coming to make trouble and plot mischief. Please cooperate well." Xie Feng can't say no.

"All right."

Although Shen Lang doesn't want to expose himself, it's not good or bad. After all, Tianlei island is the territory of Leidi.

Don't say that he is a Nirvana friar, even the monk of jiedan period dare not be reckless.

The two people reported their names, the other side wrote down on the jade slips, and also recorded their portraits by the way.

Huaziling took off the gauze, Xie Feng was shocked by her beauty for a moment, and his eyes wandered on huaziling, even with a touch of lust on his face.

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After Shen Lang stares several times, Xie Feng immediately converges.

"Registered, two Taoist friends welcome to Tianlei city." Xie Feng hugged his fist and then asked, "dare you ask me if you are Taoist lovers?"

As soon as the words came out, Shen Lang and Hua Ziling looked strange.

"No Shen Lang shook his head and refused.

Since he is not a Taoist priest, what did this guy stare at himself just now? Xie Feng's heart was greasy and crooked, very uncomfortable.

You should know that the elder of Tianlei palace is always respected by friars, even if he is the lowest level patrol elder. Xie Feng instinctively looks at Shen Lang and is not satisfied with his eyes.

He also enlarged his courage and turned his eyes to Hua Ziling. He said with a smile, "this girl is so beautiful. If you are free, you might as well go to Xie's residence to have a little talk and have a taste of tea?"

"No interest!"

Such an obscene way of chatting up, let a trace of disgust flashed in the beautiful eyes of huaziling, and took the lead in flying towards the city of thunder.

Shen Lang didn't stop and flew by.

Seeing the flower purple Ling didn't look at him, he made Xie Feng's face blue: "hum, a stinky girl in the early stage of Nirvana, proud of what pride?"

But I have to admit that such a beautiful nun is really rare in Tianlei city. Xie Feng had an idea. It happened that the prince's highness liked beautiful nuns best. He might as well introduce him to the prince.

Shen Lang and Hua Ziling flew into the city of thunder.

Tianlei city is very large, with various buildings interwoven, and you can't see the end at a glance. Occasionally, we can see two or three monks flying in the air, and a friar with a sword just passed by Shen Lang.The number of monks in the city is very large. Almost 90% of the people are monks. Those ordinary people who have not cultivated are all servants.

In the city, there are still low-level friars in the majority, and there are also some experts in the foundation period. As for the master of jiedan period, it is almost invisible.

After all, compared with the Yuanhe sea area, the resources and five elements aura of Tianlei islands are relatively scarce. For the monks of jiedan period, it is not a good place to practice.

Therefore, there are very few jiedan monks in the island. It seems that only Tianlei palace has two jiedan elders.

Two people fly for a while, easy came to Tianlei island's largest Chamber of Commerce in front of the Wanbao Pavilion.

Wanbao Pavilion is a tall chamber of Commerce loft, five floors, covering an extremely wide area. The attic is inlaid with pearls, the glow is flashing, quite gorgeous, giving people a feeling of being tall.

Shen Lang and Hua Ziling descend to escape the light and walk towards the Wanbao Pavilion.

The practice of Nirvana period can be regarded as a high-level monk, and many monks on the road take the initiative to give way to them.

"Welcome to Wanbao Pavilion, two elders, please!" Two pretty nuns around greet each other with a smile and bow to Shen Lang and Hua Ziling.

Shen Lang and Hua Ziling walked into the attic.

Under the foot is the soft red carpet, the wall is the white jade brick, is full of ornament pearl, the whole loft hall is particularly bright, extremely gorgeous.

Most of the friars who walk in the chamber of commerce are high in their accomplishments, and most of them are above the level of Qi refining. After all, the Wanbao Pavilion is the most high-end chamber of Commerce in the whole Tianlei islands, and the prices of its things are also rising.

All kinds of sacred utensils, jade slips, pills, spirit grass seeds, etc. are listed in front of each red sandalwood cabinet, indicating the category.

Shen Lang and Hua Ziling looked around and felt a little fresh.

A saleswoman immediately came up and bowed down and said, "what can I do for you, two elders?"

"I need some high-level pills, heavenly materials and earth treasures, as well as array instruments, spirit runes and rune pens." Shen Lang said lightly.

"It may be more expensive for you. Please follow me to the top floor. It is only open to high-level monks." The saleswoman said respectfully.

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