Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 1170: 1171

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Seeing Shen Lang's agreement, Tang Hui and Feng Si Niang show their joy.

"Naturally, this is what Shen Daoyou deserves. On behalf of the alliance, I guarantee that Daoyou will get the elixir before the war. " Tang Hui said solemnly.

"Good." Shen Lang nodded, which was an agreement.

"It should not be too late. Shen Daoyou, go and prepare now, and we'll rush to the front line in the south of the island. " Wind four Niang eye wave flows, charming smile way.

"No, just start now." Shen Lang light way.

"Well, Taoist friends are really cheerful." Wind four Niang slightly nods.

Soon, they were out of the attic. Wind four Niang leads the way, leads Shen Lang to flee empty toward the front line of the south of Yulong Island Island.

Feng siniang is an elite law enforcement disciple of the blood refining sect. She is responsible for communication, logistics and other things in the alliance. She explained carefully to Shen Lang about the duty of guarding the array and the points needing attention.

"If the array is broken by the demon clan and I want to avoid the battle group, won't the alliance blame it?" Shen Lang asked.

"Hee hee, Shen Daoyou is really on guard. Don't worry. If the big five element Beidou array is really broken by the demon clan, Taoist friends can avoid the battle group by themselves, and the alliance will not punish them. " Wind four Niang smile way.

"That's good." Shen Lang put his heart down.

His duty is to guard the array. If he can't keep it, he should be safe in theory.

"Unfortunately, I can't be a deserter, or the League will punish her and her life will be in danger. I don't know if I can survive after the war. I'm really flustered recently. Mr. Shen, I don't know if I can go to the little girl's boudoir to have tea and have a long talk to comfort my lonely heart

Feng Si Niang's tone is charming and delicate. She deliberately leans to Shen Lang's side. Her beautiful eyes are full of spring, and a fragrance of powder floats into Shen Lang's nose.

This woman is wearing a black scale clothes, very slim, will be hot body outline incisively and vividly. There is a snow-white gully on the neckline, which can dazzle the eyes. Her beautiful white legs are long and straight.

Shen Lang was distracted by the woman, but soon he came to his senses.

"It's flattery!"

Shen Lang was alert immediately. His eyes became cold. He said with a smile, "I'm sorry, I'm not interested. If you are lonely in your boudoir, go to other men. "

Feng Si Niang was stunned at first, and then her pretty face was a little stiff. Her flattering skill was always good for the friars in the foundation period. This was the first time that she failed.

"Hum, Shen Daoyou is really a wood man who doesn't understand the amorous feelings. He wastes a little girl's expression." Feng Si Niang snorted.

Feng Si Niang practices a method called "Su Nu steals yuan Jue". She is very skillful in flattering skills and bed skills.

They like to seduce some young male practitioners to absorb the power of Yuanyang. Many of them were killed by her.

In the past, the old man's practice was only for the purpose of mending the wind. She also met for the first time the monk Shen, who was highly cultivated and handsome, had a vague feeling in her heart.

Feng Si Niang knows that Shen Lang will definitely die when he takes over the task of guarding the array! If Shen Lang is obedient to her, Feng Si Niang may tell him the truth after they have a good time on the bed.

But Shen Lang refused, and Feng Si Niang was in a very bad mood.

"There's no need to talk nonsense. Daoyou'd better take me to the big array in the south of the island to have a look." Shen Lang said coldly.

Seeing Shen Lang so indifferent, Feng Si Niang's pretty face showed a trace of resentment, and her heart said, "I originally wanted to save your life, but you don't understand the amorous feelings. You'd better wait for death!"

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Wind four Niang mouth should a, continue toward the island south escape empty.

Along the way, they didn't say much.

Shen Lang also saw that the woman's mood seemed unnatural. He didn't know what the purpose of this person was. He had better be alert.

To the south of the island, there is a small hill a hundred miles away from the coast.

Shen Lang used his eye skills in the air. He could see a large number of battalions and friars patrolling the coast.

Conservatively, there are more than 100000 monks defending on the south side of the island! Most of the monks in the later period of Qi refining accounted for the majority, and the monks in the foundation building period could occasionally see a lot of them.

There is a big stone house near the mountain top. The wind four Niang sends out the sound through the token. Soon, two startling Hongs rise from the stone house and fly away into the air.

Both of them were old men with white hair, dressed in red robes and looked very old. He was the elder of jiedan period of xuelianzong.

"Disciple Feng siniang, see elder Liu! Elder Qu Feng Si Niang bowed to two old men with white hair.

"We already know the news. Is this the monk you brought? Nirvana peak, just so so. " The old man, surnamed Liu, glanced at Shen Lang with a sharp eye and commented that he could not deny it.

"Shen Lang, younger generation, I've met my predecessors." Shen Lang embraces his fists in an unassuming manner. Judging from the breath, the two old men in front of him should be monks in the early days of the golden elixir.The other side is a solid monk of jiedan period. He or she should keep a low profile.

"Boy, you'll be in battle early tomorrow morning. Is that ok?" The old man of Liu surname asked.

"Good." Shen Lang nodded and then asked, "dare to ask, can you pay in advance for the Ju Ling Dan that you urgently need?"

The old man with the surname of Liu glared at Shen Lang, and his eyes were a little gloomy: "the alliance just came. I really handed over the Juling pill to me, but I don't want to give it to you for the time being."

Shen Lang frowned: "master, this is not the same as what you said..."

"Hum, it's just a spirit gathering pill, as if a monk of my level would owe you. Boy, you sit and watch the array well. After the success, the pill will be handed over to you. " Liu surname old man said ominously.

Shen Lang's face became a little ugly. He thought that these guys in the League were just farting. He regretted taking over the task.

The other side is a monk in jiedan period. Shen Lang can't touch the old man's brow, so he has to swallow the discomfort in his stomach.

"All right." Shen Lang gritted his teeth and agreed.

Can only wait until the end of the battle to get the elixir, the alliance should not break its promise.

After that, Feng Si Niang took Shen Lang to the resting place.

It's a cave at the foot of the mountain. It's messy and crude.

"Daoyou will have a rest here for one night and start to sit and watch the formation early tomorrow morning." Wind four Niang tone cold left this sentence, then flew out of the cave.

Shen Lang was in a bad mood and felt that he was on a pirate ship. But he also has no way, who let himself agree.

After sorting out his emotions, he began to close his eyes and wait for the next day.

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