Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 1247: 1248

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After chatting for a while, Shen Lang briefly described his experience in the Yuanhe sea area, but the key things were still hidden or mentioned.

Shen Lang also got some news about the wild land from duanmubai.

The wilderness has become a mess, a large number of foreign monks and small and medium-sized sects seize resources. The original wild seven immortal gates have disappeared. If Shen Lang didn't come in time, I'm afraid even Chongxiao hall would be swallowed up this time.

However, Shen Lang easily killed two monks in jiedan period. If this news is spread out, those small and medium-sized foreign sects who covet the resources of Lingxiao mountain will be shocked and dare not to pay attention to Chongxiao hall in a short time.

"Shen is going to 100000 mountains. Duanmu Taoist friend, you are well-informed in the wilderness. Do you know if there is a mysterious place like the ancient monk ruins in 100000 mountains? " Shen Lang asked.

Duanmu Bai was slightly surprised. He didn't know why Shen Lang asked about this. He didn't ask why. He directly replied, "I don't know much about 100000 mountains. But if you want to talk about the mysterious place, only the" Jianglei mountain "deep in the southern jungle is more mysterious."

"Jianglei mountain? What is that place? " Shen Lang was slightly surprised. He had never heard of such places in 100000 mountains.

Duanmubai explained: "jiangleiling is a special area, which Shen Daoyou has never heard of. Because this Jianglei mountain may be a fictional place, because no one has been there. I only heard some rumors in earlier years. "

Shen Lang became more curious and couldn't help asking, "can Duanmu Daoyou tell me more about it?"

Duanmu Bai said with a smile: "since Daoyou want to hear it, it's OK for me to tell you, but you don't have to pay too much attention to it, because the Jianglei mountain is really illusory, and it may be a false rumor."

"It is said that Jianglei mountain is a mysterious place on the southern edge of Shiwan mountain. It is said that it was the habitat of the ancient world spirit beast" leipeng. "

"What? Lei Peng

Shen Lang was shocked, showing an incredible expression.

Lei Peng is also one of the most powerful animals in the world. It is no inferior to Qingshan great ape and thunder beast. When mature, he has ten levels of cultivation and can control extremely powerful lightning power.

And Lei Peng's speed is in the top of the world spirit beast existence.

However, in this field, Lei Peng was only heard in ancient times, which seems to have disappeared for a long time.

"Taoist friends are calm. These are just old legends, which are not reliable. However, I have heard that it seems that Jianglei mountain was opened once a thousand years ago! At that time, there were frequent thunder sounds in the forest in the south of 100000 mountains, but there was no trace of thunder and lightning. "

"At that time, some wild friars of jiedan period went to investigate, and thought that there would be some forbidden array, but they didn't see anything except the strange thunder. There is no sign of array prohibition. " Duanmu Bai frowned.

"And that kind of thing." Shen Lang's eyes shrunk and he had some thoughts in his heart.

I bought a star stone from a man named Du Xuan before. I heard that Du Xuan once found an ancient array site in the southern jungle of the wild 100000 mountains. It was a star stone that he found there.

The Jianglei mountain mentioned by duanmubai happened to be in the deepest part of the south of Shiwan mountain.

It can't be so coincidental between the two. The suspected place of Jianglei mountain is highly suspected.

Other people don't know, Shen Lang is very clear. At the beginning, thunder and lightning often fell in the sky because of the existence of thunder light beast, which is the spirit animal of heaven and earth.

Some top ten level spirit beasts of thunder system have the ability to communicate the power of thunder and lightning.

This Jianglei mountain may really have something to do with Lei Peng, the spirit beast of heaven and earth.

Shen Lang doesn't expect that his blood spirit can evolve, but this Jianglei mountain is worth exploring. He hopes to find one or two remains of ancient array and collect enough star stones.

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"These are just legends. Just listen to them. Don't believe them. Many friars have been looking for the Jianglei mountain, but no one can find out where the entrance of Jianglei mountain is. It is likely that this is a false report. " Duanmu Bai immediately said.

Shen Lang nodded and said, "in a word, thank you for telling me Duanmu Daoyou."

"Don't be so polite."

They continued to talk for a while, and Shen Lang was ready to leave.

Before leaving, Shen Lang asked duanmubai not to reveal his identity and information. Duanmubai was a monk in the late jiedan period who lived more than 500 years old. He naturally understood the truth and agreed to Shen Lang's request.

After that, Shen Lang said goodbye to duanmubai and left Chongxiao hall.

Around the Mountain Gate of Chongxiao hall, the previous battle has ended and all foreign enemies have been wiped out. Many disciples of Chongxiao hall are cleaning up the battlefield and collecting booty.

Shen Lang's heart is certain, take out the green Pengyi, fly out of Lingxiao mountain, toward the wild South of 100000 mountains fly away.

It just happens that Lingxiao mountain is the junction of wilderness and Shiwan mountain. It takes three or four days to reach the deepest south of shiwanda mountain at the speed of Shen Lang's full speed flight.For three days in a row.

Shen Lang was on his way day and night. He didn't dare to relax at all. He flew to 100000 mountains at full speed.

After all, Honghuang Lingbao is on him. Shen Lang suspects that the alliance and demon clan have sent people to pursue him.

He really didn't want to live in the days of being chased. He had to get the star stone early, repair the nine palace God line array, and send it out from the sky and sea.

The 100000 mountains are full of primitive forests and mountains, which are desolate.

The wild friars had a great prejudice against 100000 mountains. This place has always been regarded as a desolate place. No friar would go to such a desolate place unless they were traveling.

Along the way, Shen Lang didn't see half of the monks escaping light. Except for some Orc tribes, there are basically no xiuxianzong sects in Shiwandashan.

Occasionally, there are some orcs in the mountains looking at the flash of light in the sky, their eyes showing a trace of panic and bewilderment.

At dawn the next day, Shen Lang finally reached the deepest point in the south of Shiwan mountain.

Taking out the map Du Xuan once drew for himself from the storage ring, Shen Lang began to look for directions in the jungle according to the map route.

The map is marked with a stream in a canyon.

Shen Lang soon followed the route and found the spot.

"It should be here." Shen Lang looked at the swift stream in front of him and said in his heart.

Surrounded by green trees, dense shadow, a pair of uncivilized primeval forest scenery, it is difficult to imagine that there will be ancient ruins here.

Shen Lang dived into the stream, released his consciousness and explored the situation around the stream.

Soon, Shen Lang was keenly aware of a gap in the stone crevice under the stream!

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