Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 1263: 1264

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As soon as Shen Lang opened his eyes from meditation, he heard a violent shaking sound.


The whole space of leiling seems to be shaking, as if there was a big earthquake.

The little fox under the cherry tree was also woken up and ran towards the shenlang side immediately.

"Xiaorou, this What happened? How can leiling's space suddenly become unstable Shen Lang asked immediately with a Lin in his heart.

"Shen Lang," said the fox in a hurry: "Shen Lang, this is someone outside breaking the battle, leading to the space turbulence inside leiling!"

"What, someone broke up?"

It's time for Shen Ling to kill the alliance. It's not good to try to break the thunder?

"Xiaorou, Liangyi Vajra array is so strong in defense, should it be able to hold on?" Shen Lang asked with a frown.

"Not necessarily, can let leiling space shake like this, the other party broke the array a lot of people, or used some special means." Little fox is also a little flustered.

The voice has just dropped.

"Boom, boom!"

A position is shaking, and the whole leiling is shaking more violently. Even the gray space barriers around are shaking.

"Oh, if it goes on like this, the array will be broken soon." The little fox was in a mess in his heart, stamped his feet and coldly hummed: "if only sister Meier were here, we would teach these bad guys a good lesson!"

Shen Lang looks as black as the bottom of a pot. He didn't expect that the friars of the Alliance came to the door so soon. Moreover, judging from this posture, it is estimated that there are still many young friars.

No matter how many monks in jiedan period, it is impossible to break the Liangyi Vajra array. To make such a big noise, at least several yuan infantile monks need to work together to achieve this.

"Boom, boom!"

Leiling's space is still in turmoil. Shen Lang looks like a native. He grits his teeth and says, "xiaorou, there is no other way now, or Let's activate the ancient teleportation array and get out of here

"No, Shen Lang, this phantom shifting array can only transmit one person at a time, and after each transmission, it has to be three days before a second person can be transmitted." The little fox said anxiously.


Hearing this, Shen Lang's mood sank to the bottom.

In other words, he and fox can only leave leiling.

If Shen Lang's body's original thunder and lightning is not exhausted, he still has a chance to use the flying thunder escape skill to escape. But yesterday's depletion of the source of lightning is far from recovery, now there is no choice.

Shen Lang cares more about his life, but he doesn't want to see this little fox die in vain. He has an idea in his heart.

"Xiaorou, when those people outside come, we will certainly suffer. Now there's only one way to keep both of us alive! " Said Shen Lang in a deep voice.

"What can I do?" Asked the little fox in a hurry.

"Xiaorou, I will use the skill of blood contract now. You are my spirit beast! With communication between gods and spirits, I can take you into the spirit beast bag, and then the transmission array will not exclude us both. " Shen zhenglang said.


The little fox widened his eyes and was stunned.

Naturally, she knew what would happen to human beings, who were generally treated as slaves. As long as the skill of blood contract is practiced, Shen Lang is the master and himself is the servant. The Lord can even decide the life and death of the servant at any time.

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This is a very cruel contract technique for monsters, not to mention their six tailed heavenly foxes so noble.

In this world, there has never been a master servant blood contract between heaven, earth, spirit, beast and human.

Although the fox is naive, he is not stupid. Once you agree to the skill of blood contract, you will give your life to Shen Lang.

"Xiaorou, this is the only way. The skill of blood contract can be removed by the owner in 20 years. In terms of the longevity of your six tailed Tianhu, 20 years is just a flash. Xiaorou, believe me! I Shen Lang can swear to God that in 20 years' time, I promise to break the blood contract with you and return you freedom. " Said Shen Lang, gritting his teeth.

Looking at Shen Lang's sincere eyes, little fox hesitated.

"Boom, boom!"

The whole Thunder Ridge is still shaking, which is a dead end in itself. There is no escape plan at present.

After a long time in his mind, the little fox finally agreed and said, "OK, xiaorou promises you that I will be your servant for 20 years. But you must not lie to me

"Well, don't worry, xiaorou. We can be friends." Shen Lang nodded solemnly.

"Hello, Xiaoxin." Fox agreed to come down.

Shen Lang immediately used the blood contract between his master and servant, spurted a large mouthful of blood essence from his mouth, and drew a seal of blood contract in the air.


The little fox accepted the blood contract method and let several blood rays fly into his head.

In a flash, Shen Lang felt that his spirit and the little fox had a trace of communication, and the blood contract technique was successfully applied.

In this muddleheaded way, he took over a six tailed heavenly fox, which made Shen Lang feel unreal. If he is a serious master, Shen Lang must be extremely happy.But Shen Lang's kindness is too heavy. The little fox is kind to him. He has a sense of guilt in his heart. He doesn't know how to treat this little fox.

"No matter, leave this place first." Shen Lang said in his heart.

The binding force of the blood contract method is very strong. The little fox thinks that he is too naive. He is so confused that he becomes the spirit animal of human friars. If the queen mother knows about it, she will be furious

Although she trusts Shen Lang, she is not 100% confident, because she was taught "don't trust human friars" in Tianhu clan since she was a child.

She was also afraid that once the blood contract technique was successful, Shen Lang would turn away from her friends and drive her as a slave.

"Master The little fox timidly yelled at the deep waves. His small eyes, like precious stones, turned around and looked afraid.

"Well, don't call me master. I'll call you xiaorou Shen Lang touched her little head with a smile.

"Good, young master." The little fox wagged his tail and was relieved. She felt that the deep wave was still that one.

The little fox felt that it was not unacceptable to be a spirit beast.

"Well, xiaorou, I'll leave this place now! You go into the beast bag first. "

With that, Shen Lang took out a black spirit animal bag from the storage ring and hung it on his waist.

Small fox into a white light, into the spirit of the beast bag.

Before leaving, Shen Lang glanced at the huge Lei Peng skeleton.

The bones and collaterals of the ten level monster are extremely precious materials. If this thing is left here, it will be robbed by the alliance. Shen Lang immediately stepped forward and put the huge Lei Peng skeleton into his own storage ring.

It happens that Shen Lang also needs to refine a set of flying swords. Lei Peng skeleton is the best top-level material for him.

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