Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 1304: 1305

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Before that thin old man came from the depths of the swamp. It was the instinct of Shen Lang that something should be found in the deep swamp.

The waves flew low into the swamp.

After flying for hundreds of miles, Xiao Rou in the spirit beast bag suddenly reminds him, "be careful, there is an invisible prohibition 100 meters ahead."

Shen Lang stopped at once. He used his eye skills to scan around. He found that the scene ahead was a little strange. There was a faint ripple in the air. It was very difficult to find out if you didn't look carefully.

This is supposed to be a magic array.

"Break it for me!" Shen Lang single finger pinches the pure Yang Sword formula, condenses a lot of Qi sword in front of him, and attacks in front of him.

"Dong Dong Dong Dong!"

Sure enough, the air sword flew into the air as if it had hit something, causing a big explosion with dazzling white light.

In the magic array is a huge reef, on which stands a stone house, which is the place where Gongsun Yang practiced.

Because Gongsun Yang's magic skill must continuously absorb the poison gas in the marsh, he would regard this place as a training place and could not leave at will.

However, after his physical body was destroyed, all his previous efforts failed.

Two black robed friars in the early days of jiedan still stayed outside the stone house, keeping their eyes closed, waiting for the old grandfather Gongsun yang to come back.

As a result, Gongsun Yang didn't wait for him to come. The mountain rocked outside and a violent explosion was forbidden.

"What's the matter? Is someone attacking the ban? " A black monk with a scar on his face exclaimed.

Another black robed friar "cluttered" in his heart and said in a panic: "isn't Laozu going to capture the late monk of jiedan who stepped into the swamp? Is it because the old ancestor was defeated, the man came to the door... "

"No way! The cultivation strength of Laozu is very few in the northern cool land. Unless he is a monk of yuanyingqi, how can he be his opponent? " The scar monk's face was full of doubts.

In the sound of two people's suspicions, the prohibition suddenly issued a "roar" of earth shaking sound, and the magic array collapsed completely.

Shen Lang uses the pure Yang Sword formula to destroy the magic array prohibition outside, and the scene inside finally appears.

Outside the stone house, the two gatekeepers at the early stage of jiedan were shocked to see a young monk breaking the magic array.

Shen Lang glanced at the two black robed friars and said, "are you the monks of Wanyue mountain? What's the relationship between you and Gongsun Yang?"

"Who are you?" Two monks in the period of jiedan look at Shen Lang as if they are facing a big enemy.

Without any nonsense, Shen Lang threw cangming Ge and attacked a black monk.


The blue light of cangming's sword went straight through the chest of a monk in black robe. The man was killed immediately, and the yuan God was taken away by Shen Lang with a soul swallowing bottle.

"Tao Please spare your life Another black monk with a scar on his face was scared out of the world by Shen Lang's terrible strength, and knelt down to beg for mercy.

"Well, I just want to ask some questions. If you don't want to die, you'd better answer them." Shen Lang's face was overcast.

"Yes, yes, yes!" The scar monk nodded his head like a chicken pecking rice.

Under pressure, Shen Lang learned some news.

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I didn't expect that wanyueshan was the largest sect of cultivating immortals in the northern cool land, just as Gongsun Yang said. The current leader is a monk in the early years of Yuanying.

Shen Lang frowned, and he ran into him again.

He destroyed Gongsun Yang's body, and now he has a complete feud with wanyueshan. After Gongsun Yang's Yuanying leaves the gorge, he will definitely go to wanyueshan to report.

In fact, Shen Lang is not worried about this.

Before, he had been chased and killed by Yuanhe sea area by the alliance of Zheng and Mo for so long, and he was OK. Shen Lang is very good at avoiding pursuit. He just feels a little depressed.

Shen Lang pondered for a while, and decided not to think about these things. Whether wanyueshan can find his own whereabouts or not is still two opinions.

Gongsun Yang is also worth mentioning.

Gongsun Yang is the supreme leader of wanyueshan. He was destroyed by enemies from other regions in the early years. He has been practicing the magic way since he took it. Although his strength is less than Yuanying period, he is much more powerful than ordinary monks in the later period of jiedan. He can be said to be half a monk in Yuanying period.

Knowing that Shen Lang really killed their supreme leader, monk scar was scared to death.

Shen Lang also asked some questions, such as the cultivation forces of the northern cool land. Scar man answered truthfully and gave Shen Lang a map of the northern cool place.

After finishing all this, Shen Lang still killed scar man. After all, this man is a monk of wanyueshan. If he is released, he will not go out to report.

Shen Lang is never soft hearted to the enemy. Even if he starts to say that he will not be killed, it will be a pit for him. Shen Lang, who has been practicing in the world for so long, is very concerned about his own life and becomes quite vigilant.

"Young master, what are you going to do now?" Xiaorou asked.

"Let's get out of the swamp first." Shen Lang sighed. His internal organs have been injured to varying degrees. He needs to meditate and recover.Shen Lang continued to move towards the front of the swamp.

After traveling thousands of miles, Shen Lang finally got out of the swamp and finally felt relieved.

The exit of the magic Yin Valley is about a thousand miles in front of him. Shen Lang doesn't leave in a hurry. Instead, he casually finds a barren mountain and stone wall and uses Chunyang sword formula to dig a simple and crude cave.

The cave is like a stone cave. Shen Lang doesn't care so much. He meditates in the cave for a day and a night.

The next morning, Shen Lang's health was basically OK.

Out of the cave, he continued to walk toward the entrance of the magic valley.

Occasionally, a hunting team composed of friars in the foundation period can be encountered outside the magic valley. Seeing Shen Lang's amazing speed, there were no monks who dared to stop Shen Lang, so they avoided it one after another.

After a few hours, Shen Lang finally reached the exit and left the magic valley.

After breaking away from the range of the forbidden air array, the Shen wave rises into the sky and releases divine consciousness. At the same time, he took out a map recording the northern cool place from the storage ring and looked at it.

This northern cool place is just a small area on the edge of Yunjian mainland. It is about millions of miles around. The concentration of five elements aura is regular. Naturally, it can't be compared with the cultivation holy land like Yuanhe sea area.

"I don't know what happened to sister Hua and Du Daoyou. Young master, aren't you going to find them? " Xiaorou asked.

"There are not many experts in the northern cool land. Huaziling is 100% capable of self-protection. See you later. " Shen Lang is not cold not light said, it seems that there is no worry about this matter.

Finally came to the new world, Shen Lang also had a new plan.

One thing is to find a way to break through the cultivation. After the cultivation reaches the Yuanying period, he can start to inquire about Su Ruoxue.

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