Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 1311: 1312

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It's normal to think about it. The opponent's strength is so high that he must be a bitter monk who is dedicated to the Tao.

The girl in blue is also a little disappointed, but still quietly waiting for the side, no words.

Shen Lang didn't want to waste his time. He directly asked Zhu Rong, "Zhu Daoyou, before you said you knew the whereabouts of Yuyang leijing, could you tell shen Mou in detail about this matter?"

"All right." Zhu Rong nodded solemnly and then called back all the people in the hall.

After all the people had retreated, he said to Shen Lang, "to be honest, I found the jade sun Lei Jing near Lei Hai a few years ago. Although I can't guarantee it, I think there should be other Yuyang leijing in that Leihai area. "

"Daoyou, where is the Leihai you are talking about?" Shen Lang asked curiously.

"I almost forgot that Daoyou is an overseas monk. Thunder sea is the northern edge of the northern cool land, near the sky sea. That sea area is under the jurisdiction of an eight step Huaxing demon Xiu, which can be regarded as the gathering place of monsters. Because it's too dangerous, almost no human friar in the northern cool land has ever stepped into the depth of thunder sea. " Zhu Rong explained patiently.

"Do monsters on the other side of Leihai often kill human friars?" Shen Lang asked.

"It's not so. The reason why our monks in the northern cool land haven't stepped into the thunder sea is that there is a layer of thunderstorm around the thunder sea all the year round, which is extremely dangerous. Even if a monk in jiedan period steps into the thunderstorm area, he will be beaten into dust by lightning storm if he is not careful

"No one dares to step into the sea of thunder unless he is a monk of yuanyingqi. The monsters in the thunder sea area are also affected by the thunder cloud storm area and can not come out of the thunder sea. Therefore, there is no dispute between the northern cool land and the thunder sea monster. " Zhu Rong said slowly.

"I see." Shen Lang's eyes narrowed and his heart moved.

According to Zhu Rong, the thunder cloud storm area around the thunder sea should be very terrifying. But if you change into the form of Lei Peng by blood spirit, the power of thunder and lightning will be weakened a lot.

Lei Peng itself is a spirit animal of thunder, and has the origin of thunder and lightning. Even if the power of ordinary thunder and lightning is great, the damage to it is very small.

Others can't enter the thunder sea, Shen Lang is still a little sure.

"Wish Daoyou, what kind of monster is the demon Xiu that governs the thunder sea?" Shen Lang asked again.

"It's a eight step Lei Jiao, claiming to be the master of Leihai. This Lei Jiao is very powerful, but he seldom steps into the northern cool land and has been practicing in the thunder sea. " Zhu Rong said.

Shen Lang nodded slightly, showing a thoughtful expression.

As long as you don't touch that Lei Jiao's brow, this trip to Leihai should not be dangerous.

"Shen Daoyou, I can't guarantee that Lei Hai can find Yu Yang Lei Jing. Lei Hai is too dangerous. I have to think twice about it." Zhu Rong solemnly said.

He didn't want to wait until Shen Lang didn't find Yuyang leijing. Instead, he turned his anger on himself.

"It's my business. I'll take care of it. Thank you for your information. " Shen Lang Baoquan Dao.

After chatting for a while, Shen Lang said goodbye to Zhu Rong.

Shen Lang is a maverick. It's very difficult to be attracted to him. Zhu Rong feels a little pity and can only say some good words as far as possible.

After leaving Jinxia mountain, Shen Lang didn't stop, and went straight to the north of the cool place.

"Childe, why are you so anxious to look for Yuyang leijing? Xiaorou feels that you might as well go to a safe place, practice and shut up, and then go to look for Yuyang leijing when you are more powerful. " Xiao Rou in the spirit beast bag suddenly sends out a message to Shen Lang.

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Shen Lang sighed: "I can't stay in the northern cool place. I've been in trouble with the supreme leader of wanyueshan before. I'll feel uneasy when I practice close care here. Since Leihai has the news of Yuyang leijing, at least go to check it first. In case you can't find it, you can leave the North cool place again. "

"That's fine. With the strength of the young master, even if you encounter a monk in the yuan infant period, you may not have the strength to protect yourself. " Xiao Rou smiles.

Shen Lang shook his head and said, "xiaorou, you look too high at me. I'm sure I'm not an opponent, but there should be no problem escaping. "

Shen Lang can fly thunder escape skill, but also turn a god mud, avoiding pursuit is not a problem.

However, he still thinks it's better to keep a low profile. After all, Honghuang Lingbao is still on him. If this thing is publicized, it will be over.

The highest mountain in the south of the northern cool land is called Wanyue mountain.

Wanyueshan is well-known as the first Xiuzhen sect in Beiliang. It has great influence and profound connotation.

The current leader of Wanyue mountain, Shuijing Zhenren, is the only monk in the early years of Yuanying in the northern cool area. He is more than 800 years old. He has white hair and a childlike face. His skin is well maintained.

It is worth mentioning that this water mirror immortal and the Supreme Master Gongsun Yang are brothers of the same sect.

At this moment, inside the Grand Hall of wanyueshan.

The real water mirror is sitting on a jade chair with a black face like the bottom of a pot.

In front of him floated a young man, half a meter long, with a reddish skin, but it was not Gongsun yangyuanying who escaped from Huanyin valley that day."Younger martial brother, that man destroyed my body and made my magic skill of Mahayana fall short. I can't swallow this breath. You have to avenge me!" Yuanying villain's face is full of hidden roar.

"Don't worry, elder martial brother. I'll take revenge for you. I'll tear this man to pieces and drain his soul and soul!" The old face of the water mirror shows a trace of ferocity.

Yuanying said: "younger martial brother, when I fled, I left a wisp of divinity on the boy. He should not have found it. It is not difficult to trace the whereabouts of this man! It's just that he doesn't look like a monk in the northern cool land. Although he is a monk in the later period of jiedan, he is unfathomable and may have a different status. "

Gongsun Yang felt that if it was a general monk in the later period of jiedan, he would never have such a powerful power. It's very likely that they were monks from the interior with a strong background.

"No matter what his status is, he is just a monk in the later period of jiedan. Should I be afraid of him? Kill it Water mirror real person disdains to say.

"Good! This person had better deal with it quickly. If it is late, it will change. Don't let him leave the North cool place. " Yuan Ying said.

"Don't worry, elder martial brother. Just give it to me. I'm going to trace the boy's whereabouts now." The real water mirror hums coldly.

Two people talked for a while, the water mirror real person walked out of the hall, turned into a escape light, flew out of the Wanyue mountain.

The northern cool land is as big as 100000 mountains at best. After two days, Shen Lang will reach the end of the barren mountain in the north.

There is a vast sea of sky ahead.

Shen Lang can't imagine how big the sky sea is. The ultra long-distance transmission of the Jiugong Shenxing array is just across a sky sea.

Without thinking too much, Shen Lang directly changed his blood spirit into Lei Peng's posture and flew toward the northern sea.

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