Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 132: 133

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The purple Lamborghini downstairs is still there. I can see that Shen Lang is walking fast, and her pretty face in the starry sky is slightly changed.

Different from before, Shen Lang looks less flustered and has a strong evil spirit. His seemingly calm expression gives people a sense of terror as if they were in the abyss.

"Lend me the car again." Outside the car, Shen Lang said faintly to the starry night sky.

"Good..." The night stars faltered and agreed.

She felt that if she didn't agree, the man would eat her!

Night star sky suddenly some complain why she didn't leave early. Maybe before she felt that Shen Lang had a mysterious feeling that attracted her. Now the night starry sky feels that this man is a little too terrible, mentally some can not stand.

Shen Lang sits in the driver's seat. The engine of Lamborghini sports car rings and flies out.

Haijiang group building.

A group of security guards surrounded the place where Su Ruoxue had fallen before, pointing to the blood on the scene and talking in succession.

The head of the security captain Hou Biao strong physique, eye corner also has a scar, looks extremely fierce.

"Captain Hou, it seems that witnesses said they saw someone jumping off a building." Said a security guard.

Hou Biao's face changed, and he called out in a buzzing voice: "jump a fart! This is the building of Haizheng group. If someone jumps out here, how can no one find out? "

"It's just that people don't see it. What's the matter with us?" A thin security guard echoed.

"Where did the blood come from

"No matter where he comes from, it's better to have more than one thing less. Clean it up first." Hou Biao yelled.

Soon, a security guard brought the cleaning tools, and several guards began to clean up the blood on the ground.

After a while, the Lamborghini stopped by the side of the road.

Shen Lang got off the sports car, and the night starry sky gasped for breath. He felt that staying with the man was playing with fire. He drove the car in a hurry and ran away.

Shen Lang walked towards the Haizheng group building without expression. He passed the safety fence outside the guard box and was stopped by the security guard inside the guard box before.

"Do you have any brain problems? I asked you to leave before. What are you doing here? Get out of here The security guard shook his hand impatiently.

Shen Lang's eyes were blank, and his anger like a whirlpool was spreading wildly in his heart.

One kick out, "Dong" a loud sound, the safety fence was kicked a poor Shen Lang.

The two security guards in the guard box were startled. They immediately picked up the baton and came out and yelled: "what do you want to do?"

Shen Lang, expressionless, strode forward.

"Stop here, boy. Do you think this is where you can get in if you want?" A security guard roared angrily, waved his electric stick and threw it towards the shoulder of Shen Lang.

"Go away!"

Between the electric light and the flint, Shen Lang suddenly turned back and held out his right hand to grasp the security guard's face door. He pressed the security guard heavily on the marble wall beside the safety door like a ball.


Just like smashing a watermelon, with a dull sound, the security guard's head was splashed with blood and fell into a pool of blood, his brain splashed all over the ground, and his limbs were shaking.

Hearing the news, several security guards nearby were startled and looked at Shen Lang with frightened eyes.


Seeing Shen Lang's attack, the security guards wanted to rush in, but Shen Lang's violent skill and terrible breath shocked them, and no one dared to stop them.

A security guard quickly pulled the alarm.

"What's going on?" Hou Biao in the distance heard the warning bell and immediately came with a group of security guards.

"Team Captain, he's hitting people A security guard ran up and pointed to the Shen Lang not far away and cried out.

"Trash, why didn't you stop him?" Hou Biao roared.

"He He seems to have killed Liu San! " The security guard said in horror.

Liu San is the one in the security box of the safety fence. Now he is unconscious in a pool of blood. His brain is smashed and depressed. It seems that he is crying for his life.

"What!" Hou Biao's face changed.

Shen Lang was about to enter the building of Haizheng group when he was stopped by several security guards.

"Boy, you've done something!" Hou Biao looked at Shen Lang a few times. He was so angry that he dared to kill his security guards!

Dead people, that's a big deal. If the company goes after him, he's going to end up as a security captain.

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"Go away! Otherwise, die The deep waves were silent.

Hou Biao was furious and roared: "you dare to be wild when you are dying. Catch him quickly!"

At an order, a tall security guard may be in order to get Hou Biao's appreciation, the first to wave the electric baton, heavy toward Shen Lang's forehead.

Shen Lang raised a foot, "bang" a dull sound, right in the person's abdomen.


A long sad cry came, and the security guard flew over ten meters and hit the glass door of Haizheng group. The glass door was smashed, and his head was smashed in, and blood spattered."Then don't blame me for being ungrateful." There was a trace of anger on Shen Lang's face.

Seeing this, all the security guards were shocked and looked at Shen Lang with frightened eyes.

"Boy, how dare you do it?"

Hou Biao roared and hit Shen Lang in the face.

Hou Biao had been a gangster before. He was brave and skillful, so he could get into the post of security captain.

Unfortunately, Hou Biao overestimated his ability.

Before one punch hit Shen Lang's face, Shen Lang's right hand easily grasped Hou Biao's wrist.

Hou Biao's face changed. He felt as if his hand had been clamped by iron tongs. He couldn't shake it at all.

"Damn it, die for me!"

The body is restricted, Hou Biao big sense lose face, left palm a gust of wind general toward Shen Lang face to throw over.

Shen Lang was expressionless, pulling and pulling.

"Click!" A crisp sound, Hou Biao's wrist was broken by him.

Hou Biao's face was suddenly distorted, and he gave out a howling cry. The huge gap in strength made Hou Biao realize the reality in an instant.

But it's late! At this time, Shen Lang is very angry. Whoever dares to go forward is dead! Nobody can mess with him!

Before Hou Biao had time to beg for mercy, Shen Lang stepped heavily on his chest.

When the sound came, Hou Biao's mouth and nose gushed blood, his eyes rolled over, and he fell to the ground without any movement.

Hou Biao's chest was obviously depressed, his sternum was directly crushed by Shen Lang's foot, his heart was shattered and his life was lost.

When a group of security guards saw this scene, their scalp felt numb and their hands and feet were cold. Shen Lang's ruthless skill and violent momentum made them feel a strong sense of fear.

Even if they add up, they are certainly not the rival of this man! All the security guards couldn't help but think of it.

No one dares to stop Shen Lang's steps. Shen Lang goes to the building of Haizheng group.

The people inside didn't seem to be aware of the crisis.

"What can I do for you, sir?" Asked a young man at the front desk.

"Where is Luo TIANYAO?" Shen Lang asked calmly.

"Do you have an appointment?" Asked the young man.

"I'm a visitor. Where is Luo TIANYAO?" Shen Lang asked again.

The young man frowned. It was arrogant of him to address Luo Sihai directly.

Who is Luo always? Even if he is the mayor of Huahai City, he should respectfully call him Mr. Luo.

"No, Luo can't see everyone! If an outsider wants to see Mr. Luo, he must make an appointment. " The young man is not cold not light said.

"For the last time, where is Luo TIANYAO?"

Shen Lang's face seems very calm, but behind the calm expression, there is a strong, such as the essence of the anger, a little out, it can make people's spine cold!

The young man looked at Shen Lang suspiciously and put on a professional tone: "this is not convenient to tell you!"

After three days, Shen Lang stretched out one hand and grabbed the man's throat in an instant and exerted a little force.

The young man's neck was broken by the waves, his body softened down and he died instantly.

"Kill! Kill

A front desk clerk nearby screamed.

The hall burst into a nest in an instant, and the walking staff screamed with fright.

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