Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 1373: 1374

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Zhang Daoling just took a look, without any doubt. He stroked his beard and said, "I know the matter. Shen Daoyou is relieved. Since you are the elder of Tianquan sect, the northern land alliance will naturally protect the integrity of Taoist friends. "

As soon as this word came out, Shen Lang and Su Ruoxue were surprised and happy. They didn't expect that things would go so smoothly.

This picture of Daoling is much better than Shen Lang imagined, which makes him have a strange illusion. Does this person have no doubt and vigilance?

"thank you as like as two peas." Shen can provide a map map of the valley of the ravine, which is exactly the same as the map of the valley of the Ziyun palace. Shen Lang said immediately.

Zhang Daoling was not polite and said with a smile, "thank you so much. Shengji gorge should have belonged to both the north and the south. Shen Daoyou's action also made a great contribution to the northern land Xiuzhen world. The eighteen immortals gate of Beilu must be towards Daoyou. Shen Daoyou doesn't have to worry about his own safety any more. "

Shen Lang and Su Ruoxue thank each other again and again.

In order to show his sincerity, Shen Lang immediately took out an empty white jade slips and burned a copy of the map route he remembered to enter the holy mark Canyon, and gave it to Zhang Daoling.

Of course, Shen Lang has some reservations.

The map route developed by Zhong Wuling was more convenient and less dangerous. Shen Lang didn't burn the route that Zhong Wuling researched out, but just a copy of the rough route to the valley of Ziyun palace in the south land.

"Immortal Daoling, please keep it." Shen Lang handed the map of the jade slips to immortal Daoling.

Zhang Daoling took a glance at the jade slips. He seemed to understand something, and a smile appeared on his lips.

"Shen Daoyou is indeed an honest man. The map route you provided should be the same as that of Nanlu. But I still have one thing I don't know. Can you help me Zhang Daoling zhengse road.

"Immortal Daoling is so polite. Please tell me what you have to say. I will tell you everything." Shen Lang said immediately.

Zhang Daoling directly asked, "Shen Daoyou just said that you destroyed the whole Yunling mountain by a powerful treasure. I'm a little curious. I don't know what the treasure is?"

The other party will ask this question, as early as Shen Lang's thinking, he has already thought out his speech.

"Shen was born in Tianhai. When he traveled in the Yuanhe sea area of Tianhai in the early years, he got a powerful charm by chance. Not afraid of Daoling immortal's jokes, Shen's female companion was forbidden by the supreme leader of Yunling mountain. After learning about this, Shen was extremely angry and directly destroyed the whole Yunling mountain with that charm, so he was pursued by friar Nanlu. The news is expected to reach Beilu soon. " Shen Lang explained slowly.

About Hunyuan pearl umbrella, Shen Lang of course will not be exposed. He said that he had accidentally got a powerful charm and destroyed Yunling mountain.

In the records of Qianyuan, Emperor Xuan, there are a few powerful weapons against heaven in the world of human beings. Among them, there is a kind of talisman named "three treasures of divine light".

This kind of charm can release some terrible and powerful light. It is not a psychic charm, but a charm from the ancient spirit world and the ancient demon world. It is powerful and can only be used once.

Sanbao divine light talisman is very special. Ordinary monks in Yuanying period should have never heard of it. Zhang Daoling, a famous later great monk, may have heard of it.

Sure enough, Zhang Daoling's face was obviously moved by Shen Lang's mention of the three treasures. It seems that the other party really knows something.

In a word, Shen Lang managed to hide the truth.

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"I know everything. If it is not convenient for Shen Daoyou and Su Xianzi to return to Tianquan sect now, they may as well stay in our gate for the time being. As for the pursuit of monk Nanlu, our Heavenly Master sect will help you two to fight down! The meeting of monks, which was held after March, is now held in advance. In a few days' time, I will immediately inform the yuanyingqi Taoist friends from the eighteen immortals gate in Beilu to come to tiancang mountain, and then the two Taoists will attend the meeting together. " Zhang Daoling said calmly.

"Thank you very much! Zhang Daoyou, Shen owes you a favor. " Shen Langmu showed a trace of gratitude.

Shen Lang is also a little curious about why Zhang Daoling is so talkative. Anyway, Shen Lang owes him a big favor.

"Thank you very much Su Ruoxue also clasped his fist to thank the way, and felt relieved.

"It's so decided. Shen Daoyou and Su Xianzi will live in peace of mind. I'll send someone to arrange accommodation for them." Zhang Daoling said with a light smile.


After a while, Shen Lang and Su Ruoxue are out of the hall. An elder of the later jiedan period of the Tianshi gate leads them to the Lingdi attic in the mountain behind the main peak to choose their residence.

Shen Lang and Su Ruoxue, who were treated so favorably, chose an uninhabited loft as a temporary residence.

When the elder of jiedan period left, Shen Lang laid a simple sound insulation prohibition outside the attic, and Su ruoshue walked into the attic.

"Shen Lang, the Taoist immortal promised to be so straightforward. Is there any fraud in this matter?" Su Ruoxue frowned and asked.

Shen Lang pondered for a while and shook his head and said, "immortal Daoling is the leader of the eighteen immortals sect in the northern land. He has a high prestige. He should disdain to deceive me, a monk in the early days of Yuanying. I can't see through this person. I don't know what his purpose is. Let's be vigilant and see how things develop. ""Well, no matter what happens, I'll face it with you." Su Ruoxue's beautiful eyes stare at Shen Lang, with a trace of firmness in her eyes.

"Don't worry. We'll be safe." Shen Lang touched her head.

After sending someone to settle Shen Lang and Su Ruoxue, Zhang Daoling immediately informed all the elders of yuanyingqi of Tianshi sect to come to the hall to discuss business.

Soon, seven yuan infantile monks sat together in the hall of the Heavenly Master.

Zhang Daoling explained the story.

The other six elders of the Heavenly Master's sect were frowning and puzzled.

An old man in the middle of the golden robed baby stood up and asked, "elder martial brother Daoling, Shen Lang is just a young boy at the beginning. Why are you so polite to him? Although he provided a map of the holy mark gorge, our Heavenly Master sect, in order to protect him, offended the southern friars' Union, it was not worth the loss. "

"That is, how could a friar in the early days of Yuanying kill the supreme leader of the ghost immortal sect and destroy the Yunling mountain? It's sheer nonsense! What's more, I don't know the truth or falseness of that guy's map route to the valley. Is it too rash to protect him

"In my opinion, elder martial brother, since you have obtained the map from the boy, you might as well kick him out of the sect and let him live and die. It's not worth it to be two friars in the early days of Yuanying, who are enemies of the twelve caves on the south land! "

In the main hall, all the elders of Yuanying period had a lot of discussion and expressed their dissatisfaction.

Zhang Daoling said with a light smile: "I have a reason to do this. Shen Lang is an extraordinary son. You should know that I am not only proficient in incantation, but also in divination. I made a divination for Shen Lang, guess what? The divination of this man is beyond my expectation

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