Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 1376: 1377

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"Little girl Su ruoshue, I've met you Taoist friends." Su ruoshue slightly bows down, also had a greeting with everybody.

In the main hall, a group of Yuan infantile friars immediately exchanged their names and exchanged simple greetings.

Almost all the high-level members of the eighteen immortals gate in Beilu came, and Shen Lang also kept their faces in mind.

Shen Lang was highly valued by Zhang Daoling and had a map route to enter the holy mark canyon. Naturally, the monks in yuanyingqi were polite to him.

However, a newly promoted nun of Yuan infantile period can have a beautiful young woman monk. It's really enviable. You should know that the female friars in the yuan infantile period of the Xiuzhen world are more rare than the giant panda!

Shen Lang can abduct such a beautiful young nun from Nanlu. Jiang Hai and Lu Yuan are excited to jump up!

Shen Lang is the elder of Tianquan sect, and the Taoist couple of Shen Lang is also towards them. This is virtually equivalent to another monk of Yuanying period in Tianquan sect. It's so cool.

Jiang Hai was overjoyed. He thought that it was the most correct thing to win Shen Lang into Tianquan sect.

"Before the event, I have already sent out the notes to tell you, and I will make it clear. Shen Daoyou did get as like as two peas in the valley of the holy scar, and the same as the southern route. I'm sure all Taoist friends know that the Tianshi sect will not hide this matter. All the eighteen immortals in Beilu have the opportunity to enter the holy mark canyon. As long as you keep your position, the map route to the valley will be shared with you. " Zhang Daoling said in a deep voice.

As soon as the words came out, the young monks in the hall were secretly happy. However, all of them are crafty and crafty. If you get the valley map so easily, you must pay some price.

Gu Tianning, the supreme leader of the bipolar palace, clasped his fist and asked with a smile, "brother Daoling is really straightforward. Dare you ask what position we should take?"

Zhang Daoling stroked his beard and said with a smile: "it's very simple. The map route from the south to the valley is provided by shenlang Daoyou. Because of this, shenlang Daoyou and Su Xianzi are being chased by Nanlu zongmen, which may implicate Tianquan sect. I mean, the eighteen immortals in the northern land need to protect Shen Daoyou and Su Xianzi. If the Tianquan sect is in trouble with the southern Luzhong sect, it should also provide ally assistance. With this as a condition, the map of holy mark Canyon will be provided to you

Gu Tianning thought for a moment, and then immediately said, "my bipolar palace agrees to this condition! Since ancient times, the eighteen immortals in Beilu have formed an alliance and shared a common hatred against the enemy. Even though there are some minor conflicts in interests, the general direction will not change. Shen Daoyou did give us a big bargain. It is reasonable to protect him and Tianquan sect. "

With that, Gu Tianning also smiles at Shen Lang to show his friendship.

"Thank you very much Shen Lang saluted with his hands clasped and his face showed gratitude. He had a good impression on him.

Gu Tianning's mid-term cultivation of Yuanying was good at organ puppet technique. He was also a famous monk in the eighteen Immortals' sect in Beilu. Compared with Jiang Hai, Xuanyuan Hong and others, they are one level higher.

Some bipolar palaces took the lead in expressing their views, and the rest of the eighteen immortals in Beilu also took the lead.

Xuanyuanhong said in a loud voice: "the Juque gate also agreed to this condition. Although Shen Daoyou and I have known each other for a short time, they are as good friends as before. And Tianquan sect belongs to the four main gates of our misty mountain. Even if there is no promise of entering the valley map, it will give assistance! "

"Wan Longshan agreed to this condition."

"The Griffin Palace also agrees to this condition."

"Yunhuang sect agreed to this condition."

"Xuanyin sect also agreed to this.

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In the main hall, the supreme leader of the eighteen immortals in the northern land expressed their opinions one after another.

There is hardly any hesitation in this matter. There is no need to hesitate about it. If Nanlu really intends to attack tianquanzong because of shenlang, it is impossible for Beilu to sit idly by.

What's more, he only promised to protect Shen Lang and a female primordial friar to get a map route into the holy mark Canyon As long as they are not mentally retarded, they will not refuse this matter.

Seeing everyone's promise, Shen Lang and Su Ruoxue are relieved.

Soon, all the high-level officials of the eighteen immortals gate in Beilu had expressed their position, but the old demon of Fengyue in Hehuan sect had not.

Zhang Daoling looked as usual and inquired, "do you have any doubts about Fengyue Daoyou?"

Fengyue old devil laughed and said coldly, "I have a feud with this monk named Shen. As for what kind of hatred is, I can't say more. It's not impossible for us to agree to this matter, but we need this "Shen Daoyou" to answer a question from us

In the face of the cold eyes of the old devil, Shen Lang is a little hairy.

Shen Lang said that he was not afraid, which was a lie, but he was not afraid too much.

Shen Lang thinks that he is definitely not the opponent of the old devil, but it is not so easy for the other party to kill himself.

"Dare to ask Fengyue Taoist friends what they want to ask, I know everything." Shen Lang said politely.

"Hum, Shen Daoyou, it's said that you killed Zhong Wuling, the supreme leader of the ghost immortal sect, and several yuan Yingqi friars from Nanlu. Is this true?" Fengyue old devil Feng's eyes narrowed and Yin Han asked."Of course, it's true. The treasure of ghost immortal sect is in me, and Zhong Wuling is dead in my hands." Shen Lang responded in a deep voice, and took out the ghost order from the storage ring to show the monks in the hall.

The black paint token exposed in the air, emitting a rolling black gas, ghost gas, devil gas and other foul gas, chilling.

as like as two peas of ghost ghosts, the breath of such a terrible token is exactly the same as that of the ghost fairy gate. Some well-informed yuan infantile monks will not admit their mistakes.

Fengyue old devil questioned: "don't blame me for being suspicious. The ghost order is in your hand, and it can't be proved that you killed Zhong Wuling. How can you, a novice monk in Yuanying period, have the strength to kill the ghost monk Zhong Wuling who has been famous for a long time? Even if we deal with him, it will take some energy. "

Indeed, people in the hall also showed a puzzled expression. It was difficult to imagine how Shen Lang killed Zhong Wuling.

Shen Lang was a little upset when he heard this, and said, "Fengyue Taoist friend, you'd better make yourself clear. How can we trust Shen? "

Fengyue old devil laughed. Shen Lang's words hit him. He said grimly: "it's very simple. As long as you take this seat hard, don't dodge! No matter whether you can go on, I promise I won't embarrass you in the future and promise to protect you and Tianquan sect. What do you think? "


Fengyue old devil a word, let the whole hall a commotion, many yuan baby period old strange a little speechless.

The old devil of Fengyue has a grudge against him. If a friar in the early stage of Yuanying takes a blow from the great monk in the later stage of Yuanying, he can't hide. Isn't this a bully?

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