Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 1437: 1438

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The black dragon roared up to the sky, and the black inflammation in his mouth was still spraying.

In an instant, most of the holy mark canyon was engulfed by black flame, burning mountains and boiling sea. Everything turned into desolation, and the earth collapsed.

The black dragon spits out the black flame of extermination. It really has the power of breaking the sky and changing the color of the wind and cloud. It seems that the doomsday disaster has come!

The space, which is on the verge of being broken, is even more devastated.

The congenital magneto-optical array, which seals the holy mark Canyon, has also been destroyed by black inflammation, and is directly broken up!

After the collapse of the congenital magneto-optical array, Zhang Daoling and a large group of Yuan infantile friars from the north land stood in the void in the sky tens of thousands of miles away from the holy mark Canyon, and they could also see the scene in the holy mark canyon.

Gazing at the huge black dragon that appeared in the sky, the people were shocked.

"Well What is that? " Gu Tianning gaped.

"Is it the real dragon in the legend?" Xuanyuan Hong widened his eyes and roared.

"No No, it's said that a real dragon is as good as an immortal. How could it come here? "

"Is it some kind of illusion?"

"No way. Such a terrible breath, as well as the black flame of the power against the sky, can never be a disguise. "

The monks in the infancy period have never seen such a terrible creature. Their scalp is numb.

Although Heiyan did not spread to here, but the scorching air wave has let the mountain forest below sink into a sea of fire. From the high air, all the young monks can clearly see the space of the holy mark Canyon constantly twisting and changing.

The black dragon hovered in the air, which shocked the whole world and deterred the eight wasteland. It was enough to make people's legs and feet soft, and it was not really able to disguise it.

In addition to being frightened, the monks in Beilu can't help but wonder what happened in the holy mark Canyon!

Only Zhang Daoling didn't say a word, and his eyes showed a little gloomy. He pinched his fingers, and his face changed slightly, showing a trace of surprise.

"This trip is really a variable. I'm afraid all the monks in Nanlu have fallen." Zhang Daoling stood with a negative hand and said calmly.


A group of Yuan infantile monks in Beilu were shocked.

Think about it, indeed, since the terrible black flame can burn the sky and destroy the earth, no matter how strong the old man in the south land is, it is estimated that he can not escape this unexpected disaster.

The old monsters in the north and the South always hate each other. The friars in the south land died in such a muddle headed way. In the heart of yuanyingqi in Beilu, there was a little gloating.

"Brother Daoling, since the black dragon is so powerful, we'd better run before it comes!" Gu Tianning frowned and said.

"Yes, such a powerful creature may bring the whole Yunjian continent into catastrophe."

The monks of the Yuan Dynasty were worried.

Zhang Daoling said calmly: "you don't have to panic. This black dragon will not exist for long. Everything in the world cannot escape the control of the laws of heaven and earth. The black dragon is so powerful that it is impossible to come to this world. Maybe it is formed for some special reason. Now that it has appeared, it is absolutely impossible to escape the curse of heaven

As soon as the words came out, they all looked at each other with astonishment in their hearts.

Sure enough, from a distance, you can see that the sky above the black dragon is covered with dark clouds, thunder snakes are rushing, the sky is like collapse, and a large number of white arcs are like huge waves, as if they will soon pour down.

At last, they were relieved. As Zhang Daoling said, the black dragon could not escape the punishment of heaven.

They have great trust and admiration for Zhang Daoling.

"Thanks to brother Daoling's previous dissuasion, otherwise our consequences will be really disastrous." Gu Tianning said with emotion.

"Brother Daoling's great kindness, we have nothing to repay."

In the northern land, the monks of Yuanying period held their fists one after another, and their faces showed gratitude. Zhang Daoling really saved their lives this time.

Zhang Daoling stroked his beard with a long sigh: "there are still some Taoist friends who have entered the canyon. Now I'm afraid it's more or less ominous."

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There was a burst of emotion.

In the crowd, Jiang Haihai is as earth colored, Shen Lang and Su Ruoxue did not gather with them before. They should be in the canyon.

Now that they have suffered such disasters, most of them have

Jiang Hai looks pale, and the whole person is about to collapse.

Just then, in the sea of fire in the north, three figures suddenly burst out.

They were all black, as if they had just run out of the coal mine. Vaguely, they could recognize that the tall and thin man in front of them was the old devil of Fengyue. His whole body was burnt black, his hair was burnt out, and his face was extremely frightened.

"Fengyue Taoist friend?" Zhang Daoling raised his eyebrows.

Fengyue old devil gasped and thought that he was really scared to death.

After parting with Shen Lang before, Fengyue old devil happened to encounter a monk of yuanyingqi in Nanlu, and learned that all yuanyingqi old monsters in Nanlu gathered at the foot of the mountain of burial soul.

After weighing the pros and cons, Fengyue old devil finally chose to give up entering the burial Soul Mountain. After a fierce fight with Qingyang immortal, he consumed too much and was already injured.Fengyue old devil simply took two elders of huanzong to prepare for the original way back.

That is the choice, let him and the other two elders of Huan Zong recover a life.

Fortunately, when they returned, they moved quickly and left the center of the holy mark Canyon in time, which saved them from being killed by the black flame of the world.

However, just the heat wave of the black flame, let the old devil deeply understand the strength of the black dragon against the sky. Fortunately, the old devil had the pure water property of tianshuiling, which was a pseudo Honghuang Lingbao. Relying on the power of tianshuiling, he barely resisted the erosion of the heat wave and escaped from the heaven.

"Fengyue Taoist friend, what happened?"

"How did that black dragon appear in the holy mark Canyon?"

Seeing that Fengyue old devil and two other elders of the Huan sect were escaping from the sky, a group of northern land's yuanyingqi monks came up and asked about this and that.

"I don't want to say more. This time I have a life. I won't go through this muddy water again."

Fengyue old devil waved his hand and was still in fear.

"Fengyue Taoist friend, do you know the whereabouts of my younger martial brother Shen?" Jiang Hai rushed up, holding a glimmer of hope, and quickly asked the old devil Fengyue.

Seeing that it was Jiang Hai, Fengyue old devil replied in a deep voice: "I have met Shen Daoyou and Su Xianzi before, and they have saved my life. Unfortunately, Shen Daoyou and they seem to have entered the burial Soul Mountain. Now Oh, don't say it! "

The meaning of Fengyue old devil is very obvious, and the probability that Shen Lang and Su Ruoxue can survive is very small.

"Alas." Jiang Hai closed his eyes and shook his head.

Fengyue old devil also sighed. It's a pity that Shen Lang's amazing talent has fallen.

The black flame from the black dragon is burning endlessly.

Although the black flame of terror did not fill the whole holy mark Canyon, it almost destroyed everything in the canyon within 100000 miles.

With the advent of punishment, thunder raged in the sky, and the startling white arc swept towards the black dragon like a huge wave. Its momentum and power were beyond description.

The thunder released a dazzling white light, and the whole holy mark canyon was covered with white light, as if a hot sun was so straight down!

With the earth shattering, the sun and the moon upside down!

The black dragon roared up to the sky and roared at the injustice of heaven!

However, the power of the furious nine sky thunder almost killed the black dragon!

Under a blow, the black dragon's body has already turned into powder, disappeared without a trace.

Only the black flame in the holy mark Canyon is still burning. It seems that there is no weakening trend and it is difficult to extinguish it

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