Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 1455: 1456

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At the beginning of the match, the two sides played hard and the scene was extremely fierce.

It can be described as the change of wind and cloud. The intensity is far more than the first battle of yesterday.

In this war, Donglin people were really free to go. The monks sent out from yuanyingqi were basically holding heavy treasures, as well as spirit beasts, which could be called the top configuration.

In particular, the bareheaded old man's Mount, thunder and Wind Eagle, has eight levels of cultivation, fast as lightning, very fierce.

One more thunderbolt and high wind eagle is equivalent to a man in the East who has an assistant in the middle of Yuanying, which has a great influence on the balance of the war situation.

According to the rules of the mainland war, spirit beasts can be allowed to appear. The friars of Beilu suffered a great loss because few of them had high-level spirit beasts.

This is also related to the geographical environment of Yunjian continent. There are few monsters in Yunjian mainland, and the eighth level demon cultivation is unheard of. Therefore, the monks of Yuanying period in the mainland almost did not accept the high-level demon beasts or demon cultivation.

Because it is close to the windy continent in the East, there are often monsters and even some powerful demons. Donglin people have always had the habit of taking over spirits and beasts.

The ten yuan infantile monks who came out of the battle in the north land were all under pressure from the beginning to the end, but they still did not wait to escape the fate of the fiasco.

Among the ten yuan infantile friars, only xuanyuanhong, Gu Tianning and Fengyue old devil are still alive, and all the others are dead! The scene was extremely tragic.

Xuanyuanhong, relying on the power of Pingshan sword, a fake treasure of the Juque gate, barely survived and suffered a great loss of vitality.

Gu Tianning is seriously injured, and the bipolar demon king is also abandoned due to self explosion.

Fengyue old devil is also seriously injured due to the use of secret arts.

Originally, according to the rules of the match, it was to fight until all the friars of one side were killed.

It is not impossible to surrender and admit defeat, but the other party should admit it. In other words, if one party surrenders, the other can choose to accept or not.

If you don't accept surrender, you can continue to fight until you kill all the other party. Accepting surrender means that the battle is over and the surrender party is defeated.

Forced but helpless, Fengyue old devil launched the surrender, and the east facing people accepted the surrender.

In fact, the monk Donglin was only a narrow victory. Only two of the ten monks died in Yuanying period. The two great friars who lived in the later period of Yuanying and a thunderbolt Eagle were still alive.

The bald old man was seriously injured by the self explosion of bipolar demon, his clothes were broken, his body was covered with blood, and his mouth was still bleeding.

As for the strong man, he was in good condition, only slightly injured.

The two men were obviously better than each other in the state of one eagle and their fighting power. However, the strong man estimated that Fengyue old devil and others would be killed, so he agreed to surrender.

The second battle was defeated. Although the process was breathtaking, the result was expected by Shen Lang.

Having seen this cruel life and death battle, Shen Lang is more alert to the Third Battle of tomorrow.

After the war, the armies of both sides withdrew temporarily.

In the second battle, Beilu sent ten yuan infantile monks with enough strength, but they didn't want to be defeated.

The only two great friars were seriously injured in the later period of Yuanying, which seriously frustrated the morale of the army.

The army of friars in Beilu is already a little flustered. Zhang Daoling and Fengyue Laomo are seriously injured. What will they do to face the people in the East in the end of tomorrow?

In the last few moments, Wang Wenshan, the leader of the east facing mainland China, will definitely appear. By then, the situation will become very dangerous.

Back at the camp.

As usual, Zhang Daoling summoned all the yuan infantile monks to hold a battle meeting.

In the hall, the atmosphere was solemn and terrible, and almost all the primordial friars were pale.

Fengyue old devil, Gu Tianning and xuanyuanhong didn't attend the meeting because of their injuries.

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"Gentlemen, this is the end of the matter, and there is nothing to say. We have no way out. I will fight for the third battle tomorrow. " Zhang Daoling broke the silence and said in a deep voice.

The hall was still dead and lifeless. The monks of yuanyingqi were silent for a while, and no one took the initiative to fight this time.

The defeat of the second battle was a great blow to all.

There are Wang Wenshan and Zhuang Han, two monks in the late Yuanying period who are facing the people in the East. However, Zhang Daoling and Fengyue old devil on the north side are already seriously injured. How can we do that?

The two great friars in the later period of Yuanying have already turned the situation around, not to mention the two eight level demon cultivation of golden horned longhorn beetle and gale Wind Eagle.

Many yuanyingqi friars felt that the possibility of Beilu winning this time was very slim.

Even some of the less daring young monks began to think about escaping.

"Shen is willing to take part in the war on behalf of Tianquan sect!" Shen Lang takes the lead in getting up and embracing kungfu.

Su Ruoxue also stood up and bowed slightly: "the little girl is willing to fight on behalf of Tianquan sect."

As soon as he said this, Jiang Hai and Lu Yuan changed their faces.

"Younger martial brother, don't be so impulsive!" Jiang Hai quickly sent out a message.

If the two sides are really evenly matched, it is not inappropriate for Shen Lang and Su Ruoxue to fight. But the current situation is totally one-sided, and it would be very life-threatening to participate in this last one.The death of seven people in the second battle is a good example.

"Elder martial brother, I have a reason to choose this way." Shen Lang echoed back.

"Younger martial brother, Tianquan sect is no longer worth your doing! Once the northern land was occupied, everything would be in vain. The life of you and Su Xianzi was the most important thing. " Jiang Hai frowned and hurriedly dissuaded him.

"Elder martial brother, you don't have to persuade me. I've decided to do this for a long time." Shen Lang shook his head.

In fact, he also had his plans. The reason why he went to war was to repay Zhang Daoling's human feelings.

If he is really defeated, Shen Lang is not so stupid as to be killed. He will surely take Su Ruoxue to run away before that.

Anyway, he has the skill of flying thunder to escape. Shen Lang is the first to escape his life.

"Younger martial brother, you!" Jiang Hai's face was anxious, and he didn't know how to say it.

There was a commotion in the hall. Now that the situation is in such a low state, Shen Lang is still planning to fight. It really needs great courage.

Zhang Daoling said, "thank you, Shen Daoyou and Su Xianzi. Besides, you don't have to be so pessimistic. In fact, we still have a chance to win. "

An old man from Wanlongshan was frowning and asked, "brother Daoling, tell me the truth! Now that the situation is at this point, we really have the possibility of winning? "

As soon as the words came out, the eyes of all yuan infantile monks in the hall all focused on Zhang Daoling.

Zhang Daoling looks pale. He takes out a gold scroll from the storage ring and floats in the palm. The scroll is closed and the contents are not visible.

This scroll is old and dilapidated. It looks like nothing strange, but it exudes a strange aura, carrying a trace of the ancient breath!

"Honghuang Lingbao, Hetu Luoshu! This is the first treasure of Yunjian mainland since ancient times. Can you recognize it? " Zhang Daoling spoke lightly.


As soon as Zhang Daoling's voice fell, all the monks in the hall "Shua Shua Shua" stood up, and they all showed an incredible look.

"Hong Is it a treasure in the wild

Shen Lang was shocked and fixed his eyes on the old scroll in Zhang Daoling's hand.

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