Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 1489: 1490

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"Happy fairy, this thief has already escaped into Donglin palace. Do you want me to inform the monks in the palace that they can cooperate with each other inside and outside and close the door and beat the dog?" Wang Wenshan asked Lefei.

"No, it's just a wake-up call. Lord Wang, I'll leave the matter of tracking Shen Lang to the little girl alone. " Lefey put away the magic weapon of the moon wheel and bowed slightly towards Wang Wenshan.

"Fairy, that Shen Lang child is extremely cunning. I'd better be with you and have a helper." Wang Wenshan frowned.

"A lot of people get in the way, and a little girl is more sure." Lefey said faintly.

"This All right

Wang Wenshan looks a little ugly. How dare this girl say she is in the way? Although he was not happy, Wang Wenshan did not dare to express any dissatisfaction.

Since lefey is so sure, Wang Wenshan can only let her play freely.

"I've heard that the music fairy's" seven tune fairy sound "has a strong effect on the enhancement. I haven't been able to see it. Can the fairy give us a divine sense gain this time, so as to prevent Shen Lang, the thief, from fleeing again." Wang Wenshan zhengse road.

"I can't take it."

Lefei takes out the Yao Qin she holds in her arms. She holds the back of the instrument in her left hand and plays the strings with her right hand.

A very beautiful piano sound came, the lingering sound curled, such as flowing water and clouds, giving people a sense of relaxed and happy.

The sound of the piano forms a strange sound wave, as if it can enter the human body.

After hearing the music, the monks in their infancy were greatly encouraged. The blood in their brains seemed to be boiling. All of a sudden, they became very sober, and the distance of their consciousness was expanded by 30%.


Many monks take a breath of cold air, which is too strong to gain?

Although the gain in divinity can last only one or two hours at most, even so, the power of the seven Shang Qin and the seven melodies of fairy sound is astonishing.

"Farewell, Lord Wang, wait for the good news."

Lefey bowed slightly, then turned into a white light and flew toward the east facing palace.

Looking at Lefei's figure gradually disappearing, a bald old man at the early stage of Yuanying approached Wang Wenshan and said, "alliance leader, do you really rest assured that the happy fairy will go alone? What if she can't keep the waves? "

Wang Wenshan snorted: "I can't mistake people. Lefei'er, a woman with unfathomable strength, has the magic weapon of Qi Shang Qin. In terms of fighting skills, our leader may not be able to defeat her in her heyday. If this girl really can find out the son of Shen Lang, it should not be difficult to take down that boy. "

Hearing this, all the monks of yuanyingqi were relieved.

"Lord, what should we do now?" The bald old man continued.

Wang Wenshan shrunk his eyes slightly and said, "let lefey catch Shen Lang, we just need to help this woman. All people follow me into Donglin palace, but do not disperse. If you don't follow me, you will definitely die if you encounter the heavy waves alone. "


All the Yuan Ying friars were awed in their hearts and answered in a hurry.

Shen Lang has killed so many monks of Yuanying period in Donglin. In the eyes of Donglin people, he has become a figure like a god of killing.

After running out of the barren mountain, Shen Lang went all the way to a city named "yongyang city" in the north of the palace.

Yongyang city is the largest town near the palace in the East, with a radius of 100000 Li and tens of millions of monks living there.

Like large cities and towns in Yunjian mainland, middle and low-level friars are also forbidden to fly in yongyang city. Only high-level monks who have completed the Dan period or above have the privilege of escaping from the sky.

The population density of the east facing the mainland is much higher than that of the Yunjian mainland. Once Shen Lang enters yongyang City, it feels like a sea of people, one after another.

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Shen Lang disguised himself as a monk in the early days of foundation construction. He looked like an African with a public face and was very low-key.

The longest transformation time of a god mud can last three hours. As long as you can hide it in this period of time, the hope of escape will be great.

Shen Lang wandered around the city. Like the normal low-level monks in the foundation construction period, he had a look at this stall and that stall. He also bargained with the seller and pretended to be very similar.

Shen Lang thought that, in this way, even a monk with the ability to track down the sky should not be aware of his identity.

However, something terrible happened.

Shen Lang, who is disguised as a transvestite, has just passed a restaurant and suddenly finds a beautiful woman with white skirt and silver hair walking in front of her, holding a Yao Qin in her arms.

"This It's impossible! "

Shen Lang's brain "buzz" a sound, the whole person is like a thunderbolt, almost think their eyes have a problem.

He has been disguised to the extreme. Why can the silver haired woman find her whereabouts?

Shen Lang's heart sank to the bottom of the valley and did not dare to accept this fact. Suddenly, he thought that it might be a coincidence!

When she disguised herself in this state, it was impossible for a monk to find her own whereabouts. The blind girl, however, was in the middle of Yuanying, and could never have such a terrifying ability to track down.Yes, it might be a coincidence that lefey happened to come to town and try to find out where she was. Otherwise, Shen Lang really can't think of which link is wrong.

Holding a glimmer of hope, Shen Lang tried to suppress the panic in his heart and pretended to be nothing and entered the restaurant.

Lefey is expressionless, holding the Yao Qin in her arms, and moving gently, she walks towards the restaurant.

Lefey's white dress and silver hair are elegant and amazing. Her whole body exudes an air of ice and snow. Wherever you go, you can get everyone's attention.

She does not expose her breath, and outsiders can not see that she is a strong infant.

There are even some obscene men in the crowd who are about to talk to each other. Lefey releases a faint cold wind all over his body, which makes them unable to get close to him and shivers all over his body.

In this way, in full view of the public, lefey entered the restaurant.

Shen Lang didn't dare to let go of his divine sense. He found the service staff of the restaurant and opened a room on the top floor.

In the bedroom, Shen Lang closed the door and opened the ban. He looked back and forth out of the window to be alert.

Shen Lang's heart was pounding. No matter whether lefey recognized himself or not, he had to accept the final judgment.

However, it seems that Wang Wenshan and the group of yuanyingqi monks did not come.

After a while, there was a gentle knock on the door outside the room.

"Excuse me, Shen Daoyou. I have something important to see you." The silver bell like voice of lefey came, and the tone was rather cold.

Shen Lang's hair stood up and his face became very ugly. The worst thing happened. The woman actually found the door.

"If you don't respond, the little girl will have to be rude."

Outside the house came the cold sound of lefey.

Shen Lang clenched his teeth, and the nine lightsabers were spinning at high speed.

He had a fight with lefey before. The magic power of this woman was so weird that Shen Lang had no confidence. However, the matter had come to this stage, so he had to be brave.

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