Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 1605: 1606

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Unfortunately, with so many congenital separation and syncopation lights, Jinghong fairy is also lack of skills, and has no time to take care of the young friars such as he Gaolong.

He Gaolong's pupils were constantly enlarged as he watched the overwhelming silver beams hit. In the sound of panic, his body was swallowed up by a large number of silver beams and strangled to pieces.

Only a few breaths, those yuan infant monks all died, even Yuanying did not escape.

"Shen Lang little scum, I will certainly break you into pieces and refine your soul!"

Seeing this scene, the startled fairy gave out a shrill cry of anger.

Shen Lang killed so many infantile friars all at once, and even he Gaolong, the great general of the city protection army, died, which made the royal family suffer a heavy loss and shocked the Hong fairy.

Even the friars in Yuanying period could not resist those terrible congenital light of separation and separation, not to mention the monks in jiedan period.


The huge wave of silver light then attacked the more than 200 jiedan friars. The continuous screams came, and all the jiedan friars were killed.

Even the treasure car that Jinghong fairy was riding on was destroyed to pieces.

The amount of congenital clutch light sealed in Hunyuan pearl umbrella is very large, and the precious umbrella is still continuously releasing silver beam.

"Die, die for me!"

Shen Lang's eyes were ferocious, and the huge amount of congenital clutch light from the umbrella attacked the startled fairy.

However, this level of attack still can't hurt Jing Hong fairy. With a mysterious ancient lamp magic weapon, she withstood the impact of a large number of congenital clutch and syncretic lights without any damage.

Xiaorou knows that she is helpless, but she is willing to advance and retreat with Shen Lang no matter what.

"Blood magic light!"

Xiaorou's pretty face flashed with chills, showing the magic light of bleeding, and a large amount of blood light attacked Jinghong fairy.

Xiaorou's accomplishments are not more than eight levels. The intensity of the blood enchanting divine light is really limited, and it almost doesn't play a role in startling the fairy.

Lefil thought she could not escape this time, but seeing Shen Lang blocking Jinghong fairy with Hunyuan pearl umbrella, she seemed to see a ray of life again.

She bit her silver teeth, and her delicate body trembled slightly. She seemed to be engaged in some difficult ideological struggle.

In the end, lefey sighed, and her face showed her determination.

Rather than fall into the hands of Jinghong fairy, life is not as good as death, it is better to fight for hundreds of years of Shouyuan not to seek freedom.

"Shen Lang, at the critical moment, I'll make a long story short. If you still want to live, follow me

As soon as the cry fell, lefey opened her small mouth and spat out a big mouthful of blood essence towards the seven war Qin in her arms.

The blood essence turns into the blood color aura, which is absorbed by Qi Shang Qin, and Lefei er's whole humanization flies into the Qin as a white light.

Then, seven war Qin burst out dazzling white light, turned into a hundred meters long ice crystal Phoenix!


The ice Phoenix spreads its wings and sends out a high pitched shrill sound. The crystal plume emits a cold light, which is frightening.

"Lefey? You... "

Shen Lang's face changed greatly, and he seemed to realize something.

Lefey began to burn her own blood essence, and wanted to use her secret arts to escape in exchange for a chance of life!

Once, in order to escape from Meier's hand, she consumed a lot of blood essence, and forced to display the space magic power of Bingfeng clan, space transmission.

The blood essence consumed at that time almost cost her half of her life, and her cultivation for more than 20 years has been stagnant. Until now, the hidden dangers of her body have not been completely eliminated.

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As a half demon, lefey's blood essence is not much. If she is over consumed this time, she will lose at least half of her life yuan!

There is no choice.


Ice Phoenix sent out a shrill scream, the body's feathers sent out dazzling blood light, the Demon power soared!

Then, Bingfeng's sharp double claws flashed with thousands of red lights. With the momentum of lightning and thunder, she suddenly grabbed at the air.

An amazing scene appeared. Bingfeng's two claws suddenly split a three meter long space crack in mid air, and the space twisted like a water snake.

"Teleportation?" In the distance, the startled fairy, who was still resisting the light of congenital separation and separation, was frightened and angry.

The nun should be able to use the power of ice crystal Phoenix to transmit space. It seems that the blind woman has the blood of Su Yue. She can explain the seven Shang Qin in her hands.

"Want to run away from Ben Hou's eyes? Don't think about it Jinghong fairy roared and began to urge the ancient lamp with all her strength. The lamp flame wrapped her in it.

The Jinghong fairy, who tried to motivate the ancient lamp, could actually walk through the dense congenital light of separation and separation.

"Not yet in!" Lefey drinks to Shen Lang and xiaoroujiao.

Shen Lang's eyes burst out with pure light, and lefey has applied the space transmission technique!

Naturally, he didn't want to miss a chance to survive. He suddenly put away Hunyuan pearl umbrella, grabbed xiaorou's arm, and flew to the space crack that was torn open, and his speed turned to the extreme!"Whoosh" a sound, Shen Lang tugs xiaorou, with the force of thunderbolt, rushed into the space crack of that tear.

"Bastard, stop after Ben!"

The startled fairy was so furious that the whole human turned into a streamer and rushed over.

After Shen Lang removed the Hunyuan pearl umbrella, the amount of silver light beam declined sharply, which could not stop Jing Hong fairy. Her speed was almost instantaneous.

Because of its huge body, ice Phoenix needs to reduce its size to enter the space cracks, so LEFI will let Shen Lang and Xiao Rou go first.

However, it was this move that made a big problem!

Seeing Jinghong fairy chasing, ice Phoenix quickly shrinks its body, and flies into the space crack after shenlang and xiaorou.

"Whoosh" sound, ice Phoenix disappeared without a trace.

The space she had torn out was healing rapidly.

"If you want to go, it's not so easy!" The fairy made a scream of rage.

At this stage, she would watch Shen Lang and lefey escape, and she would probably vomit blood in anger.

The startled fairy bit his fingertip and dropped a drop of blood into the lamp of the ancient brass lamp.


The wick of the ancient brass lamp burns out a lotus shaped Flame. The lamp flame expands rapidly and burns a big hole in the healing space!

Jinghong fairy's right hand stretched ten Zhang long and pulled back the ice phoenix flying into the space crack! And hit ice Phoenix on the shoulder.

Bing Feng spits blood and turns into a human.

After being hit by the magic palm of Jinghong fairy, lefey's pretty face is no longer a trace of blood, and she faints directly. A lot of blood gushes out from her mouth, nose and ears, and her whole popularity is like a wandering silk.

Jinghong fairy wants to catch Shen Lang from the space again, but it's just a step too late. Shen Lang and Xiao Rou have entered the space channel and sent out.

"Shen Lang little scum!"!!! Let you escape to the ends of the earth, I will not catch you, I will not be a man! " The startled fairy was so angry that she no longer had the calm appearance that she used to be so tall that she roared loudly.

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