Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 1626: 1627

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Shen Lang was puzzled. Isn't this magic map array a test set by Emperor Xuan in xuanyue Valley? How can it be found in the main hall of Tianxing palace?

Is it a coincidence? Isn't Xuandi's original creation?

Shen Lang just wanted to make sure whether it was a magic map array or not. He simply headed for the forest at high speed.

Sure enough, after a short walk, there was another monk's body under the big tree.

Shen Lang shrunk his eyes, and he was completely sure that this was the magic map array.

He has not forgotten how to crack the magic map array.

Shen Lang walked all the way to the depth of the woods, carrying all the corpses he met in the woods on his back.

Like the magic map array of xuanyuegu, there are nine corpses in the forest.

All the way down, Shen Lang carried a total of eight bodies. When he saw the last one, all the bodies suddenly came to life!

Nine bodies attacked the Shen wave at the same time.

Different from xuanyuegu's magic map array, the nine corpses at present are all puppets, and they are all the accomplishments of Yuanying in the middle period.

The difficulty of magic map array lies in breaking the array. The nine puppets in the middle of Yuanying are not very difficult for Shen Lang to deal with.

The nine puppets were far less powerful than the flame giant outside the hall. Shen Lang spent some effort to kill the nine puppets successfully.

After the puppet is destroyed, the illusion disappears, and the scenery in the forest is constantly twisting and rotating.

Shen Lang felt that his brain was getting heavier and heavier, and he suddenly became black and fainted.

I don't know how long

"Young master? Young master

The voice of Xiao Rou's urgent cry came from his ears. Shen Lang opened his eyes and felt dizzy.

Subconsciously looking around, Shen Lang is now in a quiet hall.

The hall is full of breath, with Golden Pavilion and jade pillars. The pearls are everywhere. The glow in the hall is shining, giving people a feeling of extreme luxury.

Even, there is a intoxicating fragrance floating in the hall.

This kind of aroma is very unique, such as blue musk, which seems to soften people's consciousness.

"Xiaorou, how long have I been in a coma..." Shen Lang shook his head and asked in a hurry.

"It's less than ten minutes for you to be unconscious. It is really unexpected that there is an amazing magic array at the entrance of the main hall of the Star Palace. Xiaorou is relying on the blood charm to avoid falling into the magic array. Young master, you can be safe. It's really That's great. "

Xiaorou is out of breath, her words are not clear, and her spirit is extremely tired.

Shen Lang's eyes turned to the gate of the hall. There was a white glow floating in front of the gate, which seemed to be the eye of the magic array.

In the main hall of Tianxing palace, there is a magic array at the entrance. As long as a monk opens the gate of Tianxing palace, he will be swallowed up by the magic array, and he will fall into a coma.

Only xiaorou with the help of blood magic light, not affected by the magic array, Shen Lang and Lefei Er are caught off guard.

Because Shen Lang once cracked the magic map array, he was able to break the array so quickly.

Shen Lang regained consciousness a little. Seeing that xiaorou looked like this, he immediately concerned and asked, "xiaorou, what's the matter with you?"

"Excessive exertion of blood enchanting divine light leads to the weakness of spirit and spirit, and poor spirit..." Xiaorou pretty face is full of tired and sleepy color, her delicate body is shaking, as if she can sleep at any time.

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Just now she was really worried about the safety of Shen Lang, so she tried to wake up Shen Lang with a trace of spirit. Seeing that Shen Lang was safe and sound, she was relieved.

"OK, xiaorou, go to sleep. I'll take care of it." Shen Lang patted xiaorou's fragrant shoulder and whispered softly.

He can feel that xiaorou's state is very poor. If he doesn't have a good rest, I'm afraid the spirit will have some damage.

Before, in order to help Shen Lang get through the jiuxuan Fengtian array, xiaorou has consumed too much blood magic light, which has exceeded the load that the body can bear.

Xiaorou still wanted to hold on, but she couldn't hold on. She had to give a light "um" and then fell into Shen Lang's arms. Her beautiful eyes closed and she fell asleep.

"Hard work, have a good rest." Shen Lang sighed, touched xiaorou's head and put her in the spirit beast bag.

Xiaorou also suffered a lot with her, and Shen Lang felt a little ashamed in her heart.

Without much thought, Shen Lang immediately focused his attention on the front of the hall.

Lefey fell not far from Shen Lang's side, unconscious and pale.

Shen Lang immediately stepped forward, helped lefey up, patted her white face like snow, and exclaimed, "Hey, lefey, it's time to wake up!"

No matter what Shen Lang calls her, lefil doesn't have any reaction. She should be in a magic array.

If she is forced to wake up, I am afraid it will cause great damage to the spirit of lefey. Shen Lang frowned tightly, and a group of fighting spirit of Shengyang gushed from his palm, and slowly flowed into lefey's head.

Shengyang fighting Qi not only has the ability to expel evil spirits and avoid filth, but also has the effect of stabilizing the mind. The battle spirit of Shengyang, which is sent to lefey's head, should help her overcome her illusion.After finishing all this, Shen Lang simply put lefey aside. What he can help already depends on whether lefey can walk out of the dreamland by himself.

Fortunately, there is no spirit fog miasma in this hall, otherwise I will certainly not last long.

Shen Lang took a deep breath, meditated for a few minutes, and gradually recovered completely.

First, the flame giant puppet guarding the hall, and then the magic array at the entrance of the hall. On that day, the main hall of the Star Palace was so tightly defended that if there was no treasure, Shen Lang would not believe it.

Maybe the big move is somewhere in the hall!

Shen Lang was in high spirits and immediately stood up.

Just then, a scene beyond his imagination appeared.


Shen Lang's five nine color bone rings on his right hand and one on his left hand suddenly appear. The sound of the six bone rings resonated.

"No No way

Shen Lang was surprised and his eyes were wide. The six bone rings on his hand could resonate so strongly that only a new one appeared.

And it's in this hall!

This sudden scene makes Shen Lang both surprised and happy. He originally came for the big move order, but unexpectedly he found the whereabouts of the new nine color bone ring.

The hall was empty, as if it had been moved empty, and there was nothing conspicuous.

In addition to the two rows of long tables, only the jade table in front of the Jinluan chair and a fine ancient painting hanging on the wall behind the chair.

Shen Lang's eyes were first attracted by the ancient painting. He saw three beautiful women in the painting.

However, the beauty in the painting is different from the fairy with elegant temperament. The three beauties in the painting are coquettish. Their dresses are half hidden and their clothes are bold. They are a bit like the taste of the secular world. Their clothes show smooth legs and slender arms, which are full of charm.

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