Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 1675: 1676

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In a twinkling of an eye, there were only three demon snakes left.

The remaining three demon snakes, like living targets, were hanged repeatedly by the sword light of the nine Li sword array. Their whole bodies were filled with blood and smoke.

It has to be said that these nine demon snakes are still difficult to deal with. After fighting for so long, the amount of Yuyang golden thunder in Leize's lightsaber has already consumed 7788.

This is also the newly refined Razer Fen lightsaber, which has such great power. I'm afraid that the old Razer Fen lightsaber can't deal with nine demon snakes.

Shen Lang is cruel in his heart and releases all the remaining jade Yang gold thunder in the nine lightsabers.


The dazzling red and gold lightning gushed out from the sword light, like a dense chain, sweeping toward the three demon snakes.

The three demon snakes were seriously injured and were killed by the fierce Yuyang golden thunder.

The nine demon snake spirits sealed in the demon snake stick are all dead!


The strong regurgitation let the old ancestor of xuemu spit out a big mouthful of blood, and his face was white. The blood jade on the demon snake stick, which was originally full of magic light, was gradually dim.

Although the demon snake stick is powerful, it also has an extremely important defect. That is, if the spirit sealed in the demon snake stick dies, the magic weapon will be useless!

Seeing that Shen Lang killed all the tools in the demon snake stick, xuemu Laozu was so sad and angry that he felt pain in his heart.

This is the treasure of Tianmo palace!

For tens of thousands of years, after countless fights, the demon snake stick was destroyed by a monk in the middle of Yuanying! The heart of xuemu is dripping blood.

"Well, that's all. Old thing, if there's a better way, just do it. If not Then die Shen Lang grinned coldly, and his tone was full of sarcasm and scorn.

Xuemu Laozu showed the same expression as his dead father, and his heart was extremely depressed. He was full of self-confidence. He thought that once the demon snake stick came out, the monks under the transformation period could not resist it. He never dreamed that Shen Lang would have this ability.

Whether it's the weird sword array or the opponent's life magic weapon flying sword, the power is strong and somewhat ridiculous!

Shen Lang takes up the lightsaber of Leize and directly displays the nine changes of blood spirit, and becomes the posture of giant ape.

Just a long time ago, he urged Leize to divide his lightsaber with all his strength. The spiritual power consumed by Shen Lang was a little fierce. The main reason is that the new set of Razer lightsaber consumes much more spiritual power than the old one because it is engraved with a rune array.

He needs to save some of his strength to cope with emergencies.


The great ape opened its wide mouth and its tusks roared. It swung the icespirit mountain and rushed towards the blood wood ancestor.

Although xuemu's mentality collapsed, he didn't want to die.

Seeing the great ape brandishing the icy spirit mountain, the old blood wood ancestor's face flashed a little crazy, opened his mouth directly and spurted out a large mouthful of blood essence, and said: "blood demon skill!"

As soon as the roar fell, the old ancestor of xuemu quickly drew a rune on the blood essence.

The blood essence turned into a strange blood color seal and poured into the blood wood ancestor's body. The blood wood ancestor suddenly launched a blood light, and his body constantly expanded and became a human monster with a height of 1000 meters.

The monster had golden horns on its head, scarlet skin, as rough as the old bark of the tree. It was ferocious and terrifying, and had two big fangs in its mouth.

The most peculiar thing is that the monster has four arms, which are very thick and full of muscles.


The monster roared up to the sky, emitting a palpitating breath.

"This is..."

Shen Lang was surprised to see that xuemu had suddenly turned into a monster in the shape of a demon.

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"Childe, this should be a kind of change. I didn't expect that this man could change into a half demon. He should have cultivated some top-level magic skills! " Xiaorou suddenly launched a voice transmission, which seems to be very surprised.

Xiaorou is right. The blood demon skill practiced by xuemu ancestor is actually a kind of magic power of change, which can even change into half a demon at the highest level, which is extremely powerful.

"Change?" Shen Lang shrunk his eyes and listened to xiaorou's voice. The skill that the old blood wood ancestor used should be quite powerful.

There are many kinds of demons, but most of them are similar in shape. Most of them are human, but they are quite different from human beings.

For example, the spirit of Xianmo island is the black demon family. The mature black demon friar has three heads and six arms, and his power is infinite.

At present, the monster that the ancestor of blood wood transformed into is the blood demon, which is slightly lower than the black devil, but the transformed one can only be regarded as half blood demon.

No matter what kind of devil he is, Shen Lang only knows how to kill xuemu. After becoming a monster with a height of more than 1000 meters, xuemu has become a better target in the eyes of great apes.

The giant ape made a furious roar, swung Bingpi mountain, and smashed it at the head of xuemu ancestor after the change.Xuemu Laozu can feel the amazing power of Bingpi mountain, but the great ape attack speed is too fast, so he can only resist it.

I saw the blood demon monster stretched out four thick arms, trying to catch the attack of ice Soul Mountain.


Shen Lang couldn't help laughing at himself. With the power of mountain giant ape and the power of ice Soul Mountain, could a changed monster be able to fight the next one?

However, something unexpected happened to him.

There was a dull bang.

The iceberg mountain that smashed to the monster's head was actually caught by the monster!

The monster's four stout palms were held under the ice Soul Mountain!

However, the four arms of the monster were almost completely frozen by the cold air from the ice Soul Mountain, and the whole body was covered with ice debris.

Shen Lang was surprised. Didn't expect the monster to have such great power?

"Childe, if it is a real demon, the body is not inferior to the giant ape of Qingshan. Fortunately, this is just a changed bogeyman." Seeing the limited strength of this monster, xiaorou breathed a sigh of relief.

Shen Lang also had to admit that the blood wood ancestor was the strongest monk he had ever met in the later period of Yuanying!

But it's still no match for us.

Seeing that the blow didn't work, the great ape raised the ice Soul Mountain and smashed the monster like a ball.

"Dong Dong Dong Dong!"

It's a huge monster on the mountain. It's hard to move if it's not on the ice.

However, the skin of this monster is very thick, and the giant ape can hardly kill him for a while. And the monster's movement speed is quite fast, can always be able to avoid the deadly attack of the deep waves.

Although the monster did not have the power to fight back, it was still a little rare for Shen Lang to kill the monster for a moment and a half. In addition, Shen Lang's spiritual power in his body was seriously consumed, which might be a burning battle.

Xiaorou can't help it. She flies out of the beast bag and aims at the monster's forehead to show her blood charm.

A cloud of blood like a whirlwind hit the monster's forehead.

"Ouch The monster howled in pain.

"Young master, take advantage of it now!" Xiaorou shouts in a hurry.


Shen Lang seizes the opportunity, and the great ape's power is released to the extreme. He madly urges the ice Soul Mountain in his hand and smashes it to the monster's head with all his strength!

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