Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 1680: 1681

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The two gatekeepers had their accomplishments in the later period of foundation building.

Shen Lang did not change his face and said, "elder Wanming, I have something important to tell the palace master! Two elder martial brothers, please open the gate and let me in. There is something urgent to tell the palace master. "

He casually made up a reason that Wanming elder was a monk in the early Yuan Dynasty of Ziyang palace.


Two gatekeepers, look at me and I look at you. Some hesitated. One of them frowned and said, "elder Wanming is not in the sect. How can he tell you to do something just for a disciple at the beginning of foundation construction? How can we know if what you said is true or false?"

Shen Lang frowned and said, "it's a matter of great importance. I hope the two elder martial brothers don't doubt it. In case the palace master's event is broken, we can't afford it!"

"Good OK

The two gatekeepers were startled and immediately nodded. I expect a disciple in the foundation period. I certainly don't have the courage to see the palace master for this reason.

The leader of the palace is very irritable recently. Last time, he killed a disciple in the palace because he couldn't control his temper. In Ziyang palace, everyone talks about it.

Without much hesitation, the two gatekeepers immediately opened the gate of the palace.

Shen Lang strode into the hall and closed the door behind him.

The main hall of Ziyang palace is empty. Daoyang immortal is meditating in the bedroom of the side hall. The door of the side hall is closed.

Shen Lang sensed the breath of daoyang immortal and walked towards the side hall on the first floor of the hall, and soon came to the door of the side hall.

"I'm practicing. If there's nothing big, get out of here!" The roar of daoyang immortal was heard in the partial hall.

Shen Lang grinned coldly, and directly faced a foot. With a "boom" sound, he kicked the door of the partial hall open.

In the bedroom of the partial hall, immortal daoyang was sitting on a futon. Seeing that someone was so rude, he immediately became angry and roared: "if you dare to break into the cultivation place of our palace master, you will die!"

Shen Lang not only didn't feel flustered, but also laughed: "daoyang old dog, I haven't seen you for many years. You've been decadent a lot. It must be that Shouyuan is about to end, with no hope of breaking through and starting to be cynical? "

Compared with 80 years ago, daoyang immortal is much older and his skin is full of wrinkles.

Generally speaking, the monks in the period of Yuanying age are extremely slow in aging, but when the longevity yuan is about to end, the aging speed will increase greatly.

Today's daoyang immortal is more than 980 years old. He is basically a monk who has half a foot in the coffin, so he looks so old.

However, daoyang immortal pays attention to maintenance, and there should be no problem to live for another 30 years. He is not willing to die like this, holding a glimmer of hope, trying to break through the transformation period in the past 30 years.

In fact, he is just daydreaming. The vitality of this old body has been weakened to such an extent, and it is impossible to break through.

Daoyang immortal himself knows that the days are over, but he is not reconciled, so he becomes so irritable.

"Who are you, boy?"

Seeing someone kick the door and say such words, immortal daoyang stands up from the Pu Tuan, and his turbid old eyes show a trace of murder. He has already seen that the person in front of him is not a disciple of the palace.

"Daoyang old dog, you don't know me if you haven't seen me for more than 80 years? Open your eyes and see who I am

With that, Shen Lang relieved the transfiguration and changed back to its original appearance.

Daoyang immortal opened his mouth and pointed to Shen Lang, and his old face was full of astonishment. After a long time, he roared out: "Shen Lang, it's you!"

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There was a little surprise in the roar. Shen Lang had robbed Hunyuan pearl umbrella of Honghuang Lingbao. In the past, he pursued Shen Lang unsuccessfully. He was still angry for this matter for a long time.

I didn't expect that one day, the boy would send him to the door?

"Little beast, hand over Hunyuan pearl umbrella!"

Daoyang Zhenren didn't think much about it. The whole person turned into a purple gray flame whirlwind and rushed towards the Shen wave.

He thought that Shen Lang was as good as a mole ant!

Seeing this scene, Shen Lang couldn't help sneering, and immediately offered a sacrifice to nine Lei Ze Fen lightsabers, prompting the nine Li sword array.

"Whew, whew!"

The nine golden flying swords suddenly turned into 81 sword lights and whirled around the shenlang at a high speed, just like a golden lightning tornado, wrapping the shenlang.

Daoyang immortal is really stupid. He naturally thinks that Shen Lang is a rubbish. He rushes directly to the lightning tornado and immediately triggers the defense of Jiuli sword array.


Daoyang immortal's body covered with fire bumped into the nine Li sword array, sending out a violent explosion sound.

The furious Jin Lei shakes daoyang Zhenren far away, and "Dong" knocks down the wall on one side of the side hall and falls into a dog eating excrement.

Fortunately, there is a Ziyang fire to protect the body. Daoyang immortal is just full of Qi and blood, and has not been hurt.

"No It's impossible! "Daoyang immortal exclaimed, and immediately from the ground, his old face completely changed color, staring at Shen Lang with unbelievable eyes, only then did he discover the cultivation of the other side.

"You're in the middle of the first trimester!"

Daoyang real man for a time doubt whether he saw the illusion. It's only more than 80 years ago. The original scum in the middle of jiedan has turned into a monk in the middle of Yuanying!

"Yes, old man. It seems like a surprise to you." Shen Lang laughed, then said coldly, "no more nonsense. Immortal daoyang, I come to you today to find out the whereabouts of the fire spirit seed. If you tell me honestly, I may be happy and still have a whole body of you. "

Daoyang immortal was extremely angry and laughed: "very good! Little scumbag, I didn't expect you to grow up to this level. But don't be too arrogant. Do you think you can beat me with your accomplishments? Want to know where the fire spirit seeds are? Dream

Shen Lang's fierce eyes showed: "don't you tell me? Then I'll do soul searching for you later! "

With that, Shen Lang urged Jiuli sword array with all his strength.

Eighty one swords turned into a lightning storm and swept towards daoyang immortal.


Immortal daoyang has never seen such a powerful small sword array. He can't help but take a breath of cold, and his old face becomes extremely ferocious.

He seriously underestimated Shen Lang's strength. Ordinary friars in the middle of Yuanying could never have made such a powerful blow, and even the later monks of Yuanying might not have this ability.

After all, immortal daoyang is an old monster who has lived for nearly a thousand years. He has rich vision and experience. He knows that if he doesn't make the strongest attack, he can't resist the attack of Shen Lang!

His face was ferocious and pushed out his palms. A large number of purple gray flames poured out from the palms, forming a huge flame storm in front of him.

I saw the purple gray flame storm toward the golden lightning storm.

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