Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 1781: 1782

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"And the little sister? Talk about the point. " A little interest came from the chilling light of Jinghong Xianzi.

"According to our investigation, Shen Lang's younger sister, Xiao ling'er, was the master of Chongxiao hall in the wild land, and her accomplishments in the later period of jiedan. She was less than a hundred years old, and reached the late stage of her cultivation. She was quite famous in the wild land... "

The old man in purple robe talked with eloquence and told Jinghong fairy the information he had found.

Startled, the fairy's eyes were cold. I didn't expect that Shen Lang's sister was so talented. Wood show in the forest, wind will destroy it, Shen Lang want to kill, this woman can not stay!

"Where is the girl now? Have you caught her?" The startled fairy asked coldly.

"My subordinates are incompetent! About a month ago, Chongxiao hall has been dissolved. We have been to Chongxiao hall, and we haven't found the Xiao ling'er. " Said the old man in purple.

Jinghong fairy was very dissatisfied and said, "hum, a group of rubbish, can't you use a little? Shen Lang is extremely cunning. You don't have to pursue him any more. You can't trace him. But this woman named Xiao ling'er must be seized by Ben Hou! "

"Yes, yes, yes!" The old man with purple robes trembled.

After Hong, you will not have to deal with the loss. When Yuanhe and his two saints go, Yuanhe sea area is mine, and you are the first high-level of the new alliance. "

"Master Jinghong is brilliant

As soon as the words came out, the two purple robed friars in the middle of Yuanying's period were radiant with respect.

"Master, you are wise!"

A large number of monks in the rear also paid homage to Jinghong fairy one after another. People felt that the future of Jinghong fairy was bright and their mood was a little excited.

The lame old man's eyelids rolled, thinking that the manager of Jinghong's wife had a hand. If they just enslave these monks, they may not be able to make great efforts, but now they are so even coax and cheat, these friars can't wait to make contributions.

Jinghong fairy shook his sleeve and said, "OK, if there is nothing else, please step back first. Remember, if anyone can catch that Xiao Ling Er, that woman, I'll be rewarded


The crowd responded in unison and then dispersed.

The side hall was soon empty.

Jinghong fairy wants to start with Xiao ling'er. If she catches Xiao ling'er, she can master the news of Shen Lang, and she can be used as a bait to lure Shen Lang.

The startled fairy glanced at the lame old man and said, "Mo Daoyou, the transmission array built by Yuanhe and Shuangsheng will be completed in two months. Shen Lang will not miss this opportunity. We'd better go to Yuanhe Island early and wait for the shenlang to catch the bait, rather than wait for a while in the Tianlei islands. "

The lame old man snorted: "don't forget, Yuanhe island is the territory of Yuanhe double saints. When the two monks of the transformation period stepped into it, it would certainly cause the extreme dissatisfaction of Yuanhe and Shuangsheng. The two saints of yuan he have the strength to soar, and their combat power is estimated to surpass the two of us. "

Startled Hong fairy sneered: "Mo Dao you, this is not true! It is because Yuanhe and Shuangsheng want to fly up, so they must be careful. They won't have a fierce fight with people before they fly. Otherwise, if they leave a little hidden disease, they will easily lead to the failure of the ascent. "

"I don't think that the double saints of Yuanhe are against us for the sake of Shen Lang, a young monk. What's more, when we go to Yuanhe Island, we don't need to make a big fuss about it. We don't want to let the two saints of Yuanhe find out. "

The lame old man frowned. He really had no way to refute it. He had to say, "OK, do as you say. However, we must remember not to conflict with Yuanhe shuangshengqi. If the other party knows the news of jiuyinding, we will be unable to bear it! "


Shen Lang took a long way to Yuanhe island in Yuanhe sea area.

Along the way, Shen Lang constantly changes direction, sometimes using the flying star Shenzhou to drive the road, sometimes turning into the shape of golden roc or golden Horned Dragon, and sometimes turning back to human body, hiding breath flight.

Xiaorou is not idle. She controls some demon birds flying in the sea by using the unique enchanting skill of the Tianhu clan, and orders them to disperse the residual smell and spiritual power fluctuation during flight, and guard around the sea area by the way.

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In a word, Shen Lang and Xiao Rou try their best not to let others have the chance to trace themselves.

In this way, Shen Lang traveled through the vast sea of sky for more than ten days. Because of the long journey, there was still about three days' flight time from Yuanhe island in Yuanhe sea area.

At the beginning of the morning, the flying star Shenzhou was flying rapidly over the sea.

Shen Lang sits on the flying star Shenzhou and meditates with his eyes closed.

At present, we have reached the later part of the road, and soon we can reach the Yuanhe sea area. The Shen waves are almost the same, so we take out the mountain river mirror from the storage ring.

The bronze mirror is rusty, and there is a crack on the mirror surface, but it has a strong aura.

This mountain river mirror is quite strange. You just need to inject a lot of spiritual power into the mirror, and you can search the scene within half a sky and sea at a lightning speed, and all the scenes will be poured into the mind of the motivator.

The monks who urge this situation can determine the peeping people in a very short time, and can quickly grasp the position of the other party.Shen Lang takes a deep breath, and then he exerts a huge amount of spiritual power towards the mountain river mirror. He sees the dazzling white light gushing out from the mirror surface of the mountain and river mirror and pours into Shen Lang's brain.

For a moment, numerous scenes appeared in Shen Lang's brain, which were read out like waves, even some fragments of the past.

Shen Lang locked in the Tianlei islands and searched for a while. He found that Jinghong fairy and lame old man were not in Tianlei islands!

"Not good!"

Shen Lang suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, and quickly searched for some scenes from the past of Tianlei palace in Tianlei islands. His heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

He found that Jinghong fairy and lame old man had been transmitted to Yuanhe island through the transmission array of Tianlei palace!

"Childe, what's the matter?" Feeling that Shen Lang's mood is not right, xiaorou flies out of the spirit beast bag in a hurry and asks in panic.


Shen Lang continuously urged the mountain river mirror to locate the Yuanhe island in Yuanhe sea area.

Yuanhe Island, there is no Jinghong fairy and lame old man shadow!

Shen Lang's forehead exudes a lot of sweat, and continues to search for the scenes of Yuanhe island in the past, which finally locks in the location of Jinghong fairy and the lame old man.

About a day ago, Jinghong fairy and the lame old man were meditating in a barren mountain on Yuanhe island.

It seems that the lame old man sensed something. One day ago, they left the barren mountain and flew to the southwest of Yuanhe sea area.

And the southwest of Yuanhe sea area is exactly the direction of shenlang!

Frightened by Shen Lang, he continued to urge the mountain and river mirror to peep at the present scene, and finally found Jinghong fairy and lame old man over the northwest sea area.

Jinghong fairy and the lame old man are sitting in a windmill shaped flying magic weapon, speeding towards their own side, and the speed is incomparable.

At this speed, it only takes a day and a half at most, and the two will stop themselves!

"Childe, what's the matter?" Seeing Shen Lang so frightened, xiaorou can't help but ask again.

"It's not good. We've been found out! The two old men have found our position and are coming this way. " Shen Lang's face was very ugly.

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