Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 1809: 1810

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"Master Jin, this is..." Shen Lang asked tentatively.

Jinfeng was overjoyed and didn't bother to hide it. He said straight to the point: "this matter is not hidden from my little friend. My metal magic power is really of great use to us!"

Shen Lang frowned and couldn't understand what Jin Feng meant.

Just when he wanted to ask questions, three demon monks came to Tianlan palace.

In addition to Xiong Ba, there are two demon monks.

One of the demons was dressed in a white robe. His skin was very pale and his face was cold. All around him, the air was frozen into ice.

The other demon was dressed in a green robe with long blue hair and eyelashes. He was both male and female.

These two demon Xiu's momentum is extremely amazing, enter the palace, send out the amazing spirit pressure, give a person a kind of can't but face up to the feeling.

Especially that green robe demon Xiu, his breath is very obvious and full, the whole body of Demon power seems to be uncontrollably released to the outside.

Shen Lang's whole body was excited, and his heart was not good.

Those two demon Xiu must be the ten rank cold flame peacock and wind spirit peacock of peacock family.

I just came to the cold moon continent, so I met with four ten level demon monks. Do you want to be so unlucky?

Shen Lang wanted to cry without tears, so he had to go on and pretend.

Xiaorou's face is not good-looking. If the other party finds out that the young master is a human monk, she thinks that the young master will die miserably

"This is jinglang Xiaoyou, whose body is the Golden Horn dragon at the top of the Ninth level. Because of taking special pills, he covered up his evil spirit. As for the one next to him, he is the Taoist companion of jinglang Xiaoyou and the six tailed Tianhu of eight steps. " Xiong Zhuang said.

"Two little friends, a high-level demon family, come to our Tianlan palace. It's really a loss to welcome you! Wang Qingfeng, I'm glad to meet jinglang Xiaoyou. " The green robed demon Xiu took the lead in greeting Shen Lang, which seemed very polite.

It's just that his accent is soft and soft, which makes Shen Lang feel uncomfortable.

"This is Wang Hanfeng." The cold face of the white robe demon Xiu indifferent voice, is also a greeting.

Shen Lang quickly stood up and said, "the younger generation is startled by the waves. It's really flattering for the younger generation to be so polite. Dare to ask If four seniors come here at the same time, it should be more than just entertaining the younger generation? "

Qingfeng laughed and said, "you are really smart. We also like to deal with smart people. Since you are a golden Horned Dragon, you should be able to use the magic power of gold? "

Jinfeng interrupted: "I have tested it just now. Jinglang Xiaoyou can really use the magic power of Golden Horn dragon, golden blade storm."

As soon as the words came out, the faces of the other three demons showed a touch of joy.

"What's the effect of golden blade storm on predecessors?" Shen Lang couldn't help asking.

"Let me tell you about it. Is Xiaoyou aware that the breath of the king is quite different and violent? " Qingfeng asked with a smile.

Shen Lang nodded slightly: "I really feel it."

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"That's because this king is about to prepare to soar, so he compresses the Demon power in his body to the extreme to prepare for his ascent." Qingfeng said lightly.

As soon as Shen Lang's eyebrows were lifted, no wonder the wind spirit peacock's breath was so violent. It was this reason. I remember that when Yuanhe and Shuangsheng met the conditions of ascending, their breath was also full.

However, it seems that there is only one peacock with ten levels of wind spirit in the whole human world. If he soars, will he not be able to obtain the wind plume?

Shen Lang is too lazy to think about these things. It is still a question whether his own life can be wrapped up or not. How can he still care about what fenglingyu is.

"To tell you the truth, my king is a peacock with wind spirit. In terms of magic power, it is indeed slightly inferior to other spirits and beasts in the world. Therefore, the probability of success in flying is relatively low, only about 34%. But I have a way to increase the success rate to 90% The green wind has a fine light in his eyes.

"What can I do?"

Shen Lang was shocked. He didn't expect that there was still a way to increase the success rate to such a ridiculous level.

With a wink from the green wind, Xiong Zhuang understood that he immediately removed all the demon servants in the palace, and then opened the prohibition of the main hall to prevent the walls from having ears.

After seeing Xiong Zhuang finish these things, Qingfeng said in a deep voice: "about thousands of years ago, when my king was traveling through the Arctic ice field, I picked up a nine color God stone by chance. This treasure is against the heaven. If you attack this stone with five kinds of five elements at the same time, you can release extremely thin and weak nine color divine light

"What, nine colors of light!"

Shen Lang is shocked, and xiaorou on one side also shows a gaping expression.

No wonder they are so surprised. The nine color divine light is a kind of light beam that can be called against the sky and has the ability to communicate with heaven and earth. This kind of divine light can turn into all the five elements power, can also block all the five elements power, and even absorb all the five elements power.

It is said that if the top friars have nine colors of divine light, their combat power can be increased by at least ten times! Even the extremely weak nine color divine light can be transformed into a huge amount of five elements spiritual power, which can be inexhaustible for monks."Yes, it is. If the king can use the tiny amount of nine color divine light produced by the nine color God stone to resist the natural calamity and carry the power of the sky thunder, then the flying up is basically a matter of certainty The green wind looks excited.

Shen Lang was shocked. He didn't expect to have such a way.

Xiaorou is also a little speechless. She thinks that this peacock with wind spirit is really lucky. She can even find the nine color God stone which is used to mend the sky.

"When you find the younger generation, you just want me to release the metal power of the five elements?" Shen Lang asked tentatively.


Jin Feng nodded for Qingfeng and said, "if you want to make the nine color God stone release the nine color divine light, you must attack the nine color God stone with the five elements attribute. This requires at least the demon cultivation at the top of the Ninth level, or the monk of the later Yuanying period of human beings

"You should also know that the top demon cultivation of the five elements is extremely rare. The king belongs to fire. My second brother belongs to the cold wind of water, and my fourth brother Xiong Zhuang belongs to the soil. There is also a nine level peak green wood giant rat in the northern region of our demon family, which can barely make do as a wood demon. Now, there is only one gold demon to repair. "

Shen Lang finally understood that these four guys were planning to help Fengling peacock soar.

Xiong Zhuang also replied: "little friend, in fact, the three brothers of Jinfeng and I returned to the demon clan just now. They came back from the territory of human friars just for the friars in the late Yuanying period who were looking for Jin Linggen. However, it is a pity that there is no Jin Linggen's late Yuanying monk in the cold moon continent. Just on the way back, we bumped into you and asked you to be a guest. We really had this intention. "

"This Can the younger generation be competent? " Shen Lang asked with a frown.

Jin Feng nodded his head and said, "of course, Xiaoyou's golden blade storm is very strong. It's enough to be a helper. As long as the little friend can promise to help my elder brother soar, the northern region demon clan can satisfy any of your conditions. Little friend, you can put forward the conditions now! "

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