Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 1829: 1830

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The manufacturing technology of the transmission array in the cold moon continent is obviously higher than that in any other continent Shen Lang has ever been to. There are a large number of imitations of the ancient friars' transmission array.

However, these imitated transmission arrays generally have defects. The most common defect is similar to the nine palace odd gate array Shen Lang encountered in Zhou's family, which has the limitation of transmission times.

The same is true for the transmission array of North Jianmen. Each transmission consumes the power of transmission. Therefore, not everyone can use the long-distance transmission array in the sect. Only the elders at the level of yuaninfant are qualified to use it, and they need to transmit tokens.

Shen Lang searched the storage ring of situ Ling and found the transmission token.

While searching for the token, Shen Lang also glanced at the things in situ Ling's storage ring. It must be said that this guy's family is really rich.

There are four or five pieces of fake Honghuang Lingbao, worthy of being the apprentice of Tianjian immortal.

If the immortal swordsman knew that situ Ling was hanged that day, he would not know what kind of expression he would show.

The round brass bowl, which had been extorted, was taken back by Shen Lang.

When he fled, Shen Lang changed his appearance to situ Ling. As long as he is not a monk of Yuan Ying period, he will not see any clue.

After a while, Shen Lang had already arrived in a certain area in the center of the North Jianmen sect, with rows of small houses under it.

This is where all the transmission arrays of North Jianmen are located.

The transmission array of beijianmen is all in the hut. The walls around it are made of solid crystal. Its defense is quite amazing, and it can resist the attack of the monks of Yuan infant period for a while and a half.

The cost of these transmission arrays is extremely high. In order to prevent being easily damaged by outsiders, all transmission arrays in the sect are protected by the walls of these stones and solid cabins, and many disciples patrol every day.

"I have seen elder situ!"

The disciples of Ji Zhu came to patrol in the air.

Shen Lang glanced at the people around his eyes without expression and pinched out a wind system technique.


A violent hurricane was seen spreading in all directions, centered on the deep waves. The patrolling friars were caught off guard and were knocked unconscious by the hurricane.

Although Shen Lang is not a good man, he disdains to kill innocent people, leaving these low-level monks dead.

With his cultivation strength, it is easy to clear these low-level monks who patrol and guard the gate.


The hurricane blew all the doorkeepers out of the hut below, and many of them gave out a howling cry.

After cleaning up the low-level monks, Shen Lang opened his mouth again, spurted out a storm of gold blade, and began to spray, destroying the transmission array in the North Jianmen.

These houses, which were built of solid crystal stones, were strong in defense, but they could not withstand the fire of the golden blade storm and collapsed in an instant.

After a few breaths, Shen Lang destroyed 12 teleportation arrays, leaving only the last one that he wanted to use.

After confirming that all the transmission arrays are destroyed, Shen Langfei enters the last intact transmission array, removes the prohibition with situ Ling's transmission token, and then puts a small spar into the groove of the array and starts to activate it.

In the process of starting the transmission array, Shen Lang did not forget to urge Chunyang jianjue and spread thousands of floating Qi swords. All the air swords fell slowly.

When they leave, these air swords will hit the ground and detonate like time bombs, destroying the last transmission array and not giving the other party the chance to track themselves.


Driven by the huge spiritual power of Shen Lang, the teleportation array is activated quickly.

A large amount of white light covered his whole body, and with a "whoosh" sound, the Shen waves were carried out.

And then.

"Dong Dong Dong Dong!"

A large number of air swords fell on the ground, causing a violent explosion, and the last hut was completely destroyed.

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All transmission arrays in North Jianmen are destroyed.

The next moment.


Shen Lang was thrown away by some space and came to the barren mountain north of Daqingshan.

It's nearly seven or eight hundred thousand miles away from the North sword sect general. Even the monks in the transformation period can't catch up with them for a while. Shen Lang was relieved.

Through previous soul searching techniques, Shen Lang has long known all the landforms of Daqingshan. To the north of the barren mountain, there is a town named Tianchi City, in which there is a transmission array leading to the north of the cold moon continent.

Shen Lang can use the transmission array of Tianchi city to transmit to the northwest of the cold moon continent, close to the boundary of the northern demon clan.

"Blood turns nine!"

Without slighting him, Shen Lang changes into Lei Peng's posture, uses the wind and thunder escape technique, and flies to Tianchi city at the fastest speed.

Five minutes later, he came to Tianchi city.

Shen Lang disguised himself as a monk in the later period of jiedan. He handed in some small crystal stones and started the long-distance transmission array of Tianchi city square. The transmission left.

He didn't destroy the transmission array this time, because there were many transmission arrays in the cold moon continent. Even if he destroyed the transmission array, the other party still had a way to use other transmission arrays to go to the northern demon clan.Moreover, once the transmission array is destroyed, it is equivalent to sending out a signal, revealing the destination that you are going to.

Since Shen Lang stepped into the world of cultivating immortals, he has been pursued and killed countless times. He has long had experience. His thinking is very clear, as far as possible to confuse each other, he has a greater way to live.


The white light flashed again, and the deep waves were thrown away by some space.

After dispelling the dizziness in his brain, Shen Lang takes out the positioning compass, determines the position, and then flies to the northern region demon clan.

The location of the transmission is not far away from the northern region demon clan. Shenlang only needs three hours to reach the northern region demon clan territory at most.

Shen Lang sneers in his heart. The golden flame peacock can't imagine that he will return to the northern region demon clan to kill a gun?


Before the golden flame peacock led a large number of demon cultivation to Daqingshan, so now the number of demon cultivation in the northern region of demon clan is sharply reduced.

It is also ridiculous to say that the only nine level demon cultivation in the northern region is the green wood giant mouse whose vitality was greatly damaged before. In addition, there are only more than 30 eight level demon Xiu left in the guard clan land.

Three hours later, a huge Golden Dragon flew into the land of the northern demon clan.

The transport hub of the demon clan was destroyed, but when Shen Lang passed by, he still found three eighth level demon monks guarding the place.

"What do you think that is?"

A fierce bear with eight steps pointed to a Golden Shadow in the distance and couldn't help but shout.

The Golden Shadow was as fast as lightning. In an instant, the rudiment of the golden dragon with its teeth and claws was revealed. The three demon cultivators took a breath of fright.

"No, the golden Horned Dragon wanted by the demon king

"Why How is that possible? Isn't the demon king after that guy? How did he come back? "

The other two demon Xiu were frightened and frightened.

Before the three demon monks were ready to come, the golden Horned Dragon was already close, less than a kilometer away from them.


The golden horn was wild and furious. He swung his huge tail like a blade, and there was a storm of gold blade on the dragon scale, which directly split the flesh bodies of the two eighth order demons into pieces.

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