Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 1837: 1838

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So Shen Lang felt that he had suffered some losses.

The things he spent 20 years refining for nothing, neither could he win the spiritual friars nor bring them to the ancient spiritual world, which seemed to have no significance.

If Shen Lang is in the period of transforming God, it will take only two or three months to refine the dragon and Phoenix ring.

After pondering for a while, Shen Lang finally decided to give up refining the dragon and Phoenix ring of his son and mother and change to refine a new Lei zefen lightsaber.

You can take time to refine your life's magic weapon. This life magic weapon is integrated with blood essence and can be carried when you fly.

What's more, he has to refine 81 pieces of his own life magic weapon flying sword, in order to display the Shenfeng sword array.

The former Leize Fen lightsaber was completely destroyed by Mo Xuanfeng, and Shen Lang needed to refine it from the beginning.

Shen Lang, the bone of Lei Peng, has a large amount of surplus, which can still be used as the main material of Lei Ze Fen lightsaber. As for the auxiliary material, Yuyang thunder crystal is enough.

In fact, Shen Lang did not deliberately collect Yu Yang Lei Jing. He visited many continents and killed countless yuan infantile monks. He collected a considerable part of Yuyang leijing and top-level refining materials.

Although Shen Lang has fully met the requirements of refining 81 rezefen lightsabers, it is still a question whether he can activate the Shenfeng sword array.

Shen Lang's divine sense is much better than that of ordinary friars in the later period of Yuanying, but it is estimated that Shen Lang's divine sense has not reached the level that can motivate Shenfeng sword array.

However, it doesn't matter. Shen Lang is confident that he will be able to enter that realm soon. He will not lose anything by refining 81 magic weapons of his own life.

Having made up his mind, Shen Lang plans to start refining 81 magic swords.

Before refining the flying sword, he had a lot of preparation to do.

First of all, we should study the Fu array of Tiangong atlas.

As soon as the storage ring on his hand brightens, Shen Lang takes out the golden ancient volume of Tiangong manual.

He got it from the hall of Tianxing palace. It recorded 20 kinds of runes, which are suitable for refining various magic weapons.

At the time of Tianhai, Shen Lang learned the rune array of "tianmang thunder array" in Tiangong atlas, and described it on the handle of Leize Fen lightsaber, which greatly increased the ability of newly refined Lei Ze Fen lightsaber.

However, at that time, Shen Lang only mastered the simple version of tianmang thunderbolt array because of his limited time. Now, after 20 years, Shen Lang has finally been able to study it carefully.

Although Tiangong manual is a weapon refining book, it only tells about Fu array. That is to say, in the process of refining magic weapon, the miniature Rune array is depicted on the magic weapon to make the magic weapon more powerful, or to let the magic weapon have other special abilities.

The most suitable lightsaber for Razer is the thunderbolt array.

This set of Rune array can greatly enhance the sharpness and firmness of swords, knives, guns, axes, shuttles and short blades, and can greatly stimulate the thunder attribute magic power of magic weapons.

Tianmang thunderbolt array is divided into simple and mysterious levels. Shen Lang has learned the simple version of tianmang thunderbolt array depiction, and is now ready to study the mysterious version.

There is a clear record on the Tiangong atlas. It is suggested that monks in the Huashen period whose spiritual root potential point is lower than 60 should not try the mysterious Rune array. Because the depiction of the mysterious version of Fu array needs the monk's divine consciousness and control of spiritual power to reach an abominable state.

Although Shen Lang was not a monk in the period of transforming gods, his yuan spirit root potential was as high as 99 points, and his control over his own spiritual power and divine consciousness reached a very subtle level.

The inborn advantage of Linggen potential point can make up for the disadvantage of one's own cultivation.

After making up his mind, Shen Lang began to study the mysterious version of tianmang thunderbolt array.

As time went by, Shen Lang stayed in the cave all day long and could not leave the house.

In a flash, half a year has passed.

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During this period, Shen Lang has been studying the tianmang thunder startling Fu array in addition to meditation and steady cultivation.

It has to be said that this mysterious version of the tianmang thunderbolt array is extremely complicated. It took Shen Lang half a year to master some of the fur.

After repeated drills, Shen Lang finally reached the level of 40% or 50%.

Once the sword is not made, it will not be able to depict the magic weapon again.

Therefore, at least the success rate must reach 95% or more before Shen Lang dare to start to refine the rezefen lightsaber.

Fortunately, he has plenty of time, and Shen Lang studies it slowly.

In the past six months, his cultivation has been completely stabilized. No one and demon repair came to the door.

It seems that the golden flame peacock and the friars in the cold moon land did not pay attention to themselves, and a big stone in Shen Lang's heart was finally put down.

Xiaorou's injury has been completely improved. After feeling that she is in good condition, xiaorou finally swallows the colorful tianxinguo on the Qibao tunling tree and begins to attack the Ninth level.

Because of the closure for a long time, Shen Lang also did not forget to observe Su Ruoxue's physical state.

At the beginning, Lefei Er extended Su Ruoxue's life for 30 years. Later, when the deadline came, Shen Lang asked Yuanhe Shuangsheng to seal Su Ruoxue's body with secret arts, and nourished Su Ruoxue's two spirits and seven spirits with the vitality condensed from yunhuncao.At least in a hundred years, xue'er's body will not be decayed, and her two spirits and seven spirits will not collapse.

Because Su ruoshue's body is sealed, Shen Lang can't open the coffin and have a look at the woman's appearance.

"Snow son, you sleep for a while, soon, I will make you wake up."

The feeling of missing comes to my heart. Shen Lang looks at the coffin of sky blue god sand and murmurs to himself.

After putting away the coffin, Shen Lang forcibly dispelled the thoughts in his mind and continued to study the tianmang thunderbolt Fu array.

Day after day, another year passed.

Shen Lang finally mastered the mysterious version of the array.

With full assurance, he began to refine 81 Razer points lightsabers.

It's a huge workload to refine 81 Razer points lightsabers and to depict a symbol array on each flying sword!

If you think about Shen Lang's head, he has to work hard.

Before refining the flying sword, Shen Lang rested for half a month and adjusted his state and mentality.

The main material is Lei Peng's bone and the auxiliary material Yuyang leijing is ready. Add material Shen Lang and select Lei Gang stone.

Lei Gang stone is a kind of top-level weapon refining material. It can increase the thunder attribute energy of the flying sword, but it can strengthen the hardness of the flying sword. It is a perfect refining material.

Before Shen Lang found a certain number of Lei Gang stones in situ Ling's storage ring, which is enough to be mixed into 81 flying swords.

After all the materials were ready, Shen Lang officially began refining.

He first took a section of Lei Peng's spine and burned it slowly with dry ice flame.

Dry sky ice flame is used to refine utensils, which is obviously much better than infant fire. It can also slightly strengthen the condensed flying sword strength.

Shen Lang does not forget to release Shengyang fighting Qi and Kanli thunder and lightning, and burns the spine of Lei Peng together with the ice and flame in dry days. In this way, the energy of Shengyang fighting Qi and Kanli thunder and lightning can be slightly mixed into the flying sword.

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