Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 1852: 1853

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At that time, the clan leader of the tree demon clan escaped from the falling snow ice field and took the snow orchid Narcissus with her, and transplanted her to this forest with great efforts.

After countless years of nourishment, the snow orchid Narcissus can finally change into adults, and has a very high intelligence.

Although she has already had life, there is no spiritual root, so after leaving the land that nourishes her, the spiritual power in her body can not be condensed, and it will quickly disappear, and the body will wither and wither.

If there is a blood spirit root, the snow orchid Narcissus can take the blood spirit root as the spiritual root of their own flesh body, which is equivalent to having a container that can contain the spiritual power, and does not need to be confined in this land.

In this way, not only will her body not wither, but she can also practice like an ordinary monk and gain a long life.

Therefore, xuelinggen is something that the snow orchid Narcissus dreams of.

Shen Lang stopped talking nonsense and directly showed the treasure map of animal skin to the beauty in white skirt from the storage ring and said, "Daoyou, since you have lived in the ice cave of Beihai for so many years, you should know the geographical environment here. Can you see whether the end of the route marked on the treasure map can reach the ancient wood garden

White skirt beauty slender jade hand took the treasure map from Shen Lang, her eyes brightened, and then frowned: "although this treasure map is roughly marked, it can really reach the ancient wood garden. It's just If Mr. Shen follows this route, he may face a problem. "

"What's the problem?" Shen Lang asked.

"According to Mr. Shen's map, after passing through the forest, you will pass through a long and narrow valley called" snow cave ridge "in the west, and then cross the falling snow ice field to reach the Shuyao clan land. The space storm in the cave mountain is extremely terrifying, and it is also full of dense congenital separation and separation light. Mr. Shen is not a monk in the period of transforming God, so I'm afraid it can't be resisted. In addition, there are several powerful ancient beasts in the falling snow ice field that can be compared with the monks in the deification period, which is very difficult Said the beauty in the white dress.

Shen Lang frowned: "that Do you know a more secure route

"My name is lanxian'er. You can just call me by my name, Mr. Shen." With a faint smile, the white skirt beauty then said, "I do know a better route. Although there will be some threats, it is certainly better than this so-called treasure map route."

"Miss lanxianer, please give me your advice." Shen Lang's attitude is quite sincere.

LAN xian'er immediately said: "after Mr. Shen left the forest, he might as well go to the East, where there is a snow desert with tens of thousands of miles around. In the middle of the desert, there is a Snow Demon family left in the center

"Mr. Shen can get to the Shuyao clan land by using the transmission array, which is not far away from the ancient wood garden. When you get what you want and the blood spirit root, you can return by the transmission array. This not only saves time, but also avoids most of the dangerous areas. "

Shen Lang wrote down LAN xian'er's words in his heart and said gratefully, "thank you very much."

LAN Xianer can see from Shen Lang's speech and behavior that Shen Lang is a person who knows how to repay him. He also breathed a sigh of relief and continued: "there are still some things I want to tell Mr. Shen. There are some ancient animals in the ice and snow desert. Although they are not as powerful as those in the falling snow ice field, you should be more careful. By the way, you can kill several ancient beasts and take their hearts and brains, so as to prepare for dealing with the ancient fierce insects. "

"What's more, Mr. Shen must remember that there are two transmission arrays in the tree demon clan land that can lead to the outside world, one is round and the other is square. You can only use the circular transmission array to return to the ice and snow desert. If it's a square transmission array, it will be transmitted to other unknown areas. "

"Good!" Shen Lang nodded.

"That's all I have to tell you. I wish you success."

LAN xian'er smiles. She also hopes that Shen Lang can successfully find the blood spirit root, so that she can leave the land where she has been imprisoned for countless years and see what the outside world looks like.

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The two did not have much communication. LAN Xianer lifted the illusion in the forest. After Shen Lang gave thanks, he left in a hurry.

According to LAN xian'er, after leaving the virgin forest, Shen Lang traveled all the way to the East and flew at low altitude.

"Young master, do you really believe what LAN Xianer said? She may have deliberately tricked the young master into going to dangerous places, trying to get rid of him by taking advantage of the dangerous situation in the North sea ice cave! " Xiaorou can't help but start a transmission.

Shen Lang said with a smile: "xiaorou, you are more and more intelligent. Now you will consider these. Yes, it is. However, there is no loophole in Nalan Xianer's words. A spirit flower that has never been out of the ice cave in the North Sea for countless years should not be so cunning. What's more, LAN xian'er mentioned the location of the ancient wood garden, which is basically consistent with the position of the nine color bone ring I sensed. "

"More than 80% of what LAN Xianer said is true. Besides, there are so many monks and demons who have entered the ice caves in Beihai. If we follow the route of the treasure map and want to muddle through, the chance is very slim. It is also a matter of whether we can survive or not. We can only gamble now. If we bet right, all problems will be solved. "

Xiaorou gave a light "um", which was the only choice.Shen Lang's heart is bound to march toward the East.

After crossing a wasteland, Shen Lang finally saw a desert covered by a snowstorm.

This should be what LAN Xianer called the ice and snow desert.

The ice and snow desert stretches for 50000 Li, with a wide area. The gravel here is grayish white, as hard as the grinded spar.

Although the desert is full of snowstorms, but there is no space storm, the space here is more stable.

Environmental factors have little threat to the Shen wave, which plunges into the windy and snowy desert and flies towards the center of the desert.


At the moment, the central area of the ice desert.

A giant giant ape with broad tusks, led by more than 20 nine level demon Xiu, walked slowly through the desert, as if searching for something.

Qingshan giant ape is also accompanied by a slightly smaller, snake head, tiger body, leopard tail, the first silver Unicorn thunder beast.

This thunder light beast is not the one who betrayed Shen Lang and Su Ruoxue.

At the beginning, thunder light beast in the northern cool land of Yunjian land was seriously damaged by the Shen wave, and it took more than ten years to recover slowly. After his recovery, he went to Tianchen land, where he used the transmission array to go to the barren West Sea. He went to the Arctic ice sheet and returned to the land of thunder beasts.

The thunder light beast family is born with the ability to devour spiritual things. From the five element Spirit Crystal crystal crystal to the ancient animal demon cultivation, there is nothing that can't be swallowed, and it grows very fast.

The environment of the Arctic ice sheet is very suitable for the growth of thunder beast. Over the years, the cultivation of thunder light beast has reached the Ninth level!

"Nephew leiling, we have been looking here for more than ten days, but we have not found the entrance to the desert labyrinth you mentioned. If we drag on like this, I'm afraid that the treasure will have been preempted by others. " The giant ape of Qingshan glanced at the thunder light beast, and his face showed a trace of unhappiness.

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