Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 1893: 1894

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Before that, LAN xian'er said that he would drive Shen Lang for 500 years. He only said that in exchange for the blood spirit root.

Now she said that she had been driving Shen Lang for ten years from her heart.

As long as Shen Lang doesn't wantonly help her as a cauldron stove, LAN Xianer can accept Shen Lang as a maid. She also thinks that Shen Lang is not that kind of animal.

We can see something from Shen Lang's attitude towards xiaorou.

For the ordinary human friars, the spirit beast is the servant, who is in charge of fighting and killing.

However, Shen Lang can protect his spirit and beast everywhere. This kind of friar who attaches great importance to love is never seen by LAN Xianer. He has great admiration and respect for Shen Lang in his heart.

Of course, LAN xian'er has her own selfishness. After she got a complete body, she was also equivalent to a young girl, ignorant and ignorant.

If Shen Lang can lead her for ten years and let her increase her knowledge, she will definitely avoid many detours in the future re-entry into the WTO. At least, she won't be cheated.

LAN Xianer's tone is sincere and looks forward to Shen Lang's response.

However, Shen Lang only said one sentence: "I'm sorry, Xianer girl. Shen is not used to being followed by others except her own spirit beast. Besides, miss xian'er, you have your life. You don't have to be bound by me. "

"I am willing to repay you for your kindness Give me a chance. " Said LAN xian'er, biting her teeth.

Shen Lang had a headache and had to say, "well, Xianer girl, you still don't have to follow me, but Shen can introduce you to a good place. When Shen leaves Beihai ice cave, he can take you to the windy continent. The demon families in the fast wind continent are all Shen's friends. Miss xian'er can live and practice there first. When you think you can be independent of the world, you can leave at any time and wander freely. "

On hearing this, LAN xian'er's beautiful eyes brightened. However, at the thought that Shen Lang actually saw his own idea, LAN xian'er pretty face suddenly became a layer of blush, a little embarrassed.

"Thank you very much. I won't give you any trouble along the way." LAN xian'er said with a red face.

"Well." Shen Lang nodded slightly.

He had already thought about his next plan and decided to return to the windy continent after his cultivation became stable.

First, he went to see his old friends; second, he united with the demon Houfeng to seek revenge on Jinghong Fairies in Tianshui; third, Shen Lang was still worried about xuanyuegu.

One or two is easy to understand. As for xuanyuegu, it is worth mentioning.

As early as ten thousand years ago, Emperor Xuan set a ban on xuanyue valley. Only the monks in the Yuanying period could enter the valley, and the monks in the Huashen period could not enter the valley.

The forbidden system set by Emperor Xuan was extremely mysterious, and even the wind attack behind the demon could not be broken through the light of blood demon.

Now Shen Lang has broken through the period of transforming spirit. If he can't enter xuanyue Valley, he will be in trouble. So he wants to test it.

At the beginning, Shen Lang met the guardian of xuanyue Valley and thought that the other party would not forget himself.

In any case, there is only a long-distance transmission array leading to the central part of the human world in the cold moon continent, and a trip to the windy continent does not waste much time.

After you solve the problem of the windy continent, go to Longyuan land to look for the last bone ring, and fill up the materials of resurrection. Su ruoshue is just around the corner!

After making up his mind, Shen Lang soon entered the meditation practice.

He has just broken through the spirit transforming period, and has swallowed the blood of the Amethyst giant tortoise, so it takes a certain time for him to play, sit and consolidate.

Seeing Shen Lang begin to meditate, LAN xian'er doesn't disturb him any more.

She held the blood spirit root with emotion, took a deep breath, directly swallowed the complete blood spirit root into her abdomen, began to refine the blood spirit root, let it merge with her own flesh and blood.

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As time goes by, both Shen Lang and LAN xian'er are trying to complete their tasks.

Shen Lang has been meditating for three years. He has completely stabilized his initial state of transformation. His spiritual power is more and more pure, and his strength is better than before.

During this period of time, LAN xian'er also completed the integration of blood spirit root and completely obtained the human body.

When she came out of the land under the tree, LAN xian'er knelt down on the ground, weeping with joy and kowtowing to the Shen wave.

After more than half a million years, LAN Xianer finally gained freedom. After the integration of the blood spirit root and the body, her cultivation directly rose to the initial stage of terror! Have a long life.

Shen Lang repeatedly said strange, LAN xian'er is indeed a different kind. It is said that there were many races in the ancient spirit world, and we don't know if there are any races such as chaos spirit flower and spirit wood.

Being accepted by the law of the first world may prove that LAN Xianer is not an example.

Narcissus was originally pure and beautiful, which was confirmed by LAN xian'er after her rebirth. She still wore a white skirt, her flesh and bones, slender hands and arms, and her beautiful legs were slender, carrying a high cold and elegant aesthetic temperament.

"Thank you, Mr. Shen, for giving me a new life." LAN xian'er bowed to the Shen wave like a jasper, and her eyes were full of gratitude.

"Good. Since you can move freely, Xianer, let's leave Beihai ice cave." Shen Lang said with a smile."It's all up to Mr. Shen. I'll follow you all the way." LAN xian'er has a faint smile, with a trace of shyness in her smile.

"Good." Shen Lang nodded.

Soon, they left the forest.

Shen Lang left the Beihai ice cave according to the original route.

After breaking through the transformation period, Shen Lang inherited the ability of Golden Horn dragon to travel through space in the nine changes of blood spirit.

The 10th order golden Horned Dragon can travel through space and perform super long distance space transmission, but there are three limitations to this.

First, it must be in the position of the space node, and the surrounding space must be stable.

That is to say, in the extremely disordered place of Beihai ice cave, Shen Lang can't perform space transmission in the form of Golden Horn dragon.

The second is that the 10th order golden Horned Dragon can only perform the second teleportation at least half a year after performing the teleportation.

Moreover, this kind of space transmission of Golden Horn dragon is relatively accurate in short distance transmission. Once the transmission distance is too far, it is difficult to control the direction, resulting in a large deviation in the position of transmission.

To sum up, Jinjiao dragon's space teleportation can only be used in an emergency at most.

On the premise that Shen Lang knew that there was a teleportation array that could be transmitted to the central part of the human world, it would be superfluous for Shen Lang to perform spatial teleportation in the form of a golden Horned Dragon.

Therefore, Shen Lang's plan is to return to the cold moon continent first, and then transmit it to a certain position in the middle of the human world with the help of the transmission array of the cold moon continent.

Finally, through the Golden Horn dragon's space teleportation, it is more accurate to transmit to the windy continent.

This is perfect!

There are a large number of teleportation arrays among the five demon clans in the Arctic ice sheet. With the help of transmission array, Shen Lang can greatly shorten the time to go to the cold moon continent. At most, it takes only four or five months to reach the cold moon continent.

He had previously obtained a map of all the transport arrays in the Arctic ice sheet in the tortoise dragon's storage ring. According to this map, Shen Lang saved a lot of time.

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