Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 1896: 1897

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"I have a way!"

Outside the palace came a cheering voice.

When they looked back, they saw a girl in purple floating outside the palace. She was wearing a phoenix hairpin. She was tall, with long legs and a unique temperament.

The most attractive is the girl's pair of glass eyes, deep and mysterious.

"Murong bright moon?" Shen Lang is a little surprised. This girl in purple is not Murong Mingyue.

At the beginning, Shen Lang, Xiao ling'er and Murong Mingyue were separated completely. Shen Lang didn't expect to meet Murong Mingyue again.

Twenty years later, Murong Mingyue has broken through the middle of Yuanying. Now she is an elder of Longxiao palace and a disciple of lingmiao immortal.

"Bright moon, don't talk nonsense. This is not the place you should come to!" The clever immortal frowned and yelled.

"Back to master, this elder is an old friend of Mingyue." Murong Mingyue pointed to Shen Lang and said with a faint smile.

Immortal lingmiao was stunned and said in surprise, "Mingyue, don't laugh. How can you be an old friend with you! I don't want to make an apology to this elder. "

Shen Lang interrupted: "no, this girl and I are old friends indeed. You should avoid it first. "

"Good OK

Immortal lingmiao faltered and agreed. He was shocked. He didn't realize that his new female disciple had an old acquaintance with the monk in Huashen period. It was unbelievable.

Before leaving, lingmiao immortal didn't forget to send a message to Murong Mingyue, asking her to try her best to get on well with her two predecessors, which was not harmful to their Longxiao palace.

After lingmiao immortal drags Lingzhi Zhenren away, Murong Mingyue bows to Shen Lang and says with a smile: "Mingyue has met Mr. Shen. I don't want to leave for 20 years, but my son has turned into God. This is really amazing to the moon. "

At the same time, Murong Mingyue's pretty face was obviously envious and inconceivable. Although she knew that Shen Lang would break through the transformation period sooner or later, she did not expect Shen Lang to break through so fast.

It is calculated that Shen Lang's cultivation is still more than 160 years old. Such a young monk in the transformation period is really unprecedented and has never come after!

"It's just a fluke. It seems that Mingyue is in a good situation. " "Yes," she said.

Murong Mingyue glanced at LAN xian'er beside Shen Lang and said with a light smile, "master Shen is really a woman. How long has it been since I saw her? There is a confidant of a beautiful girl around her, who is also an elder in the period of spiritual transformation."

LAN xian'er blushed slightly and said shyly, "girl, you are joking. Mr. Shen is just the Savior of the little girl. He is not a close friend, let alone a confidant. Don't get me wrong, girl

"Where is the elder, it is the younger generation who is too bold." Murong Mingyue is a little surprised, and the nun of Shen Lang's side is very kind to her.

LAN xian'er, who was new to the world, didn't speak very well. Seeing Murong Mingyue and Shen Lang as old acquaintances, she was very polite to her.

Shen Lang coughed and asked the key point directly: "Mingyue girl, you said you had a way just now. Do you know the starting formula of the nine palace Shenxing array?"

Murong Mingyue shook her head and said, "I don't know the formula, but Mingyue can ask the pithy formula from the palace master Lingzhi immortal."

"The wise man has become mentally retarded. Do you really have a way to ask the formula?" Shen Lang frowned.

"It's probably 80% sure. At least it's more reliable than using the soul searching technique by the young master." Murong Mingyue zhengse road.

In fact, Shen Lang didn't want to perform soul searching on Lingzhi real people at the beginning. The main reason is that the spirit of Lingzhi immortal has been damaged and his memory is disordered. When he uses soul searching, he can read disordered memories and it is difficult to get the information Shen Lang wants.

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Moreover, Shen Lang is embarrassed to bully a mentally retarded person.

"Mingyue girl, what do you want to do?" Shen Lang asked curiously.

"For the time being. Although Mingyue wants to reminisce with the young master, he seems to have no such plan. At the beginning, young master seems to have experienced a lot of things. Mingyue is quite curious. Can you ask me a few questions? " Murong Mingyue said with a smile.

She has heard of Shen Lang's deeds. First, it is said that three ten level demons of the northern region demon clan died at the hands of a human friar, and then there are rumors that situ Ling, the master of the altar of the worship of the moon League, was killed. Murong Mingyue suspects that Shen Lang did it. Before, he has been secretly exploring Shen Lang's whereabouts, but this man is really a dragon without a tail.

"Well, since you want to know, let me tell you."

Shen Lang's long story is short. He simply tells Murong Mingyue about his experience.

After hearing this, Murong Mingyue was filled with emotion and said with a stiff smile: "congratulations to Mr. Shen for successfully obtaining shuiyuanjing and fenglingyu. Since the young master has collected so many materials, it is not far to revive Miss Su."

In fact, the reason why Murong Mingyue got into Longxiao palace was to help Shen Lang get shuiyuanjing. As a result, Shen Lang finished her deliberate purpose. She felt a little sad.

Since Shen Lang has achieved his goal, Murong Mingyue has no obsession.Without waiting for Shen Lang to respond, Murong Mingyue continued: "Mr. Shen, I'll leave the secret formula to Mingyue."


Half an hour later, the main hall of Longxiao palace.

A group of beautiful dancers are singing and dancing in the hall.

Sitting on the Golden Dragon chair in the middle of the palace, lingzhi Zhenren, the palace master, raised his glass to drink, enjoyed it with relish, and cheered loudly from time to time.

After a while, Murong Mingyue walked into the hall and bowed to the wise man on the Golden Dragon chair: "the moon has seen the palace master."

Let the real man stand in the corner of laomingteng.

"Bright moon, it seems that those two maniacs didn't hurt you. Don't worry. I will deal with them sooner or later! By the way, you've come just in time. Come and enjoy the new dancers. " The wise man said with a smile.

Murong Mingyue chuckled: "master, according to the bright moon, these dancers are of average level. The bright moon has brought a better dancer to the palace master this time. "

"What, there is a better dancer? Come on, bring it up

With that, lingzhi drinks back the dancer who is dancing.

"The dancers brought by the bright moon are different from the ordinary dancers. The palace master takes good care of them."

Murong Mingyue's mouth bent, and then from the storage ring to take out a similar red wardrobe things.

She pinched her fingers and made a mark in the closet.

With the sound of "Dong", the door of the wardrobe was opened, and young girls in pink gauze clothes flew out of the closet, falling on the ground with light posture, showing various charming postures.

If you look at them carefully, they are puppets, but their facial expressions are comparable to those of real people.

The dancers are also quite open. The pink gauze skirt is half hidden, and the upper body almost covers the chest. The lower skirt is very short, showing snow-white thighs, which is full of flattery.

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