Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 1899: 1900

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The demon clan was unprepared and was killed by surprise. For a time, forest fires were everywhere around several mountains in the south of Wanyao forest.

"Enemy attack!"

"The friars from Tianshui land are killed!"

The patrol demon birds in the southern mountain range immediately gave an alarm, and the demon clans in the surrounding mountains were alert and formed a formation to resist the attack of the monks.

However, as soon as the demons rushed out of the house, they were killed to death by the attack from all over the sky.

Although there are many demon clans in the forest of ten thousand demons, there are many big demons of grade 89. However, the distribution of forces is relatively scattered, and there is no transmission hub similar to that of the demon clan in the northern region. Once attacked, it will surely suffer heavy losses.

In addition, there are too many high-level friars of the Mohist and the royal families in Tianshui, and the number of them is crushing, and the demon clan's resistance is futile.

The situation of the war was almost one-sided massacre. Only a moment later, innumerable buildings and palaces had been destroyed and collapsed. A large number of demon clan's bodies were lying on the ground, causing heavy casualties.

The giant spirit boat flies towards the center of the Banshee forest. The alliance friars of the royal family and the longyuanmo clan in Tianshui are killing the friars who are blocked along the road.

Where he passed, there was a river of blood.

The news that the southern part of Wanyao forest was invaded by foreign enemies soon spread to Fanghua palace.

The demon queen was enraged by the wind, and immediately informed all the big demons inside and outside the demon city to rush to the battlefield, and ordered to start the mountain protection array "congenital five element Big Dipper array" in the forest of ten thousand demons.

The congenital five element Big Dipper array is not a single spiritual shield, but a stack of defense prohibitions. There are hundreds of them, equivalent to a layer of protective rings. From the outside to the inside, the defense is becoming stronger and stronger.

This array was improved by the Emperor Xuan ten thousand years ago, and its defensive power has reached a staggering level.

After the opening of the mountain protection array, it effectively blocked the attack of the royal family and Mohist union friars in Tianshui.

Jinghong fairy and the three monks of Mo nationality launch an attack with all their strength to attack the array barrier.

However, no matter how strong the defense of the five elements Beidou array is, it can't resist the crazy attack of the four spiritual transformation friars, and the external prohibitions collapse one after another.

"Tut, this innate five element Big Dipper array has too strong defense power. I'm afraid the day lily will be cold when we get into the center of Wanyao forest! The three Taoist friends are amazing. Increase the attack strength and break the array quickly

While attacking the multicolored screen of the array, the Jinghong Fairy on the giant spirit boat yelled to the three monks of the ZEMO nationality.

The three monks of the Mo nationality were very gloomy. Naturally, they could see that this set of mountain protection array had hundreds of barriers. It was extremely strong, and it was not easy to break through for a while.

"So far, we don't want to keep it. Let's sacrifice the spiritual treasures of Honghuang!"

With a deep drink, Mo Xuanfeng took the lead in sacrificing the magic wand of Honghuang lingbaotian, and hastily urged him up.

Under the support of huge spiritual power, the Black Skull Head of the wand of heaven burst out with a huge black light.

"Du Tian Hunyuan magic light!"

The black light formed a column of light and blasted towards the barrier of the five element Beidou array.


The roar of fury came, and the multicolored barrier was bright and dark, and it broke into pieces directly.

The magic light of Dutian Hunyuan destroyed a barrier, and the huge spirit boat quickly moved towards the depths of the Banshee forest, and soon met a new barrier.

Next to Mo Xuanfeng, the silver haired old man (i.e. Mo Chen, the second elder of the Mo clan), followed him to offer a rusty copper sword. The copper sword burst out a dazzling yellow light and bombarded towards the colorful barrier.


There was another burst of explosion, which made the world change color.

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Judging from the power of this copper sword, it is also a treasure of great famine.


Another barrier was destroyed.

Today, there are less than 20 barriers left in the five element Beidou array, and the giant spirit boat is rapidly approaching the center of the forest of ten thousand demons.

"Sunflower giant, kill me!"

Mo Fei, the third member of the Mo clan, who was the blonde old man who was just shouting, offered a blue pearl and threw it into the air, and played a huge amount of spiritual power.


I saw that Pearl immediately gushed out a huge amount of water, like a waterfall rushing out. The water quickly converged into a giant about several thousand meters high!

The giant's body is made up of water. If you take a closer look, there is still water splashing on the surface of the body. The Pearl offered by Mo Fei is also a spiritual treasure of the great famine, which can summon the illusory spirit "kuishui giant".


Sunflower water giant is like a monster, his mouth also gives out a dull roar, momentum is amazing.

The giant waved his thick fists and smashed them into the colorful barrier.


Earth shaking heavy dull sound sounded, surging force so that the space is twisting and shaking.

Kuishui giant's brute force is not even weaker than Qingshan giant ape, and its power is amazing.Another colorful barrier was smashed by sunflower giant, "click" a split, immediately collapsed.

In this way, the three monks in the period of transforming the spirit of the Mo nationality did not hesitate to spend a lot of spiritual power to urge the Honghuang Lingbao to break the array. The barrier of the congenital five element Beidou array was destroyed one after another, and only the last ten layers were left.

The last ten layers of barrier just cover the land of the Tianhu and feiluan.

At the moment, the sky in the dark clouds whirling out of the colorful glow, the black phoenix has obviously reached the important juncture of impact ten steps.

The three monks of Mo nationality were more and more anxious in their mind.

"What about your Tianxin lamp? Don't you have to save your ashes at this time? " Mo Xuanfeng saw that the startled fairy just wanted to help them, but he had some reservation. His face suddenly became gloomy.

"My Tianxin lamp needs lamp oil to activate. It can't be used for the time being before it can be condensed." Jinghong fairy gnawed her teeth.

"Don't cheat me! Can't Tianxin lamp use its own blood essence as lamp oil? Hurry up, I won't repeat it again! " Mo Xuan wind denounced the way.

Jinghong fairy's face became very ugly. She had been forbidden by the dark wind for 20 years. If she had the heart to resist, the only thing waiting for her was life rather than death.

Just when she was ready to spray blood essence and activate Tianxin lamp.


After the demon, the wind attack led several ten big demons, and thousands of high-level monsters came from the north with the fastest speed, and the formation was mighty!

Fox King Fenghuo, leijiao Fenglei, huaziling are also in the team.

Seeing their own home was slaughtered, all the demon monks were ferocious and ferocious!

"Jinghong, you dare to attack my demon forest. You are really looking for death. Today I will let you have no return!" The wind blows and is furious, looking at the dead a large number of demon clans, her heart is dripping blood.

"Ha ha ha, the wind blows. Are you kidding? Take a good look at the situation! There are four spiritual monks here. It's easy to kill you! The wind blows, now beg for mercy, I can still leave you a whole body The startled fairy laughed wildly.

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