Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 1932: 1933

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The weight of the trapped dragon lock itself is extremely amazing, so it can cut off half of the barren mountain so easily.


Laochenzi's old face was as earthy, and his mouth was full of blood.


Originally, he saw the defense of the great ape broken, and the old face of luochenzi also showed a ferocious sneer. He thought that he could finally kill the boy and avoid future trouble.

But to his surprise, the great ape stood up again and broke free from the Dragon lock!

Strong contrast, people caught off guard! Falling dust son muddy old eyes are full of unbelievable color.

"It's over

Huaikong immortal and other three monks in the transformation period trembled all over, their eyes showed despair, and their hearts were filled with endless fear.

The reason why Fenghuangshan has been able to remain the first school in Longyuan mainland for more than 100000 years is largely due to the shortage of Lingbao trapped in the Dragon lock.

Even if a monk in the period of transforming the spirit, he would turn pale when he mentioned the lock of the trapped dragon.

In history, Fenghuang Mountain has met with powerful foreign enemies, but none of the monks in Huashen period can escape from the shackles of the trapped dragon lock, which can be called an invincible magic weapon in the human world.

Today, even the trapped dragon lock can not trap Shen Lang, the strength of the other side is simply too strong to be ridiculous. This kind of terror combat power has gone beyond the scope of the early stage of deification!

"This person is not what we can deal with. We can't fight the enemy. Run away!"

With bloodshot eyes, luochenzi finally realized how terrible Shen Lang's strength was. He directly offered a sacrifice to Yufeng Zhiyuan and roared to the three monks in Huashen period, including huaikong immortal.

Huaikong immortal and other three monks in the transformation period were also terrified and immediately sat on the Yufeng Zhiyuan.

Falling dust son has no time to take back the trapped dragon lock, so he controls Yufeng Zhiyuan and tries to escape.

"Want to run? All to me

Seeing that the four monks in the transformation period of luochenzi wanted to escape, Shen Lang's mouth let out a roar of rage and immediately changed into the posture of a golden Horned Dragon.


Jinjiao dragon quickly approached Yufeng Zhiyuan. There were layers of golden blade storms on the Dragon scales. The Dragon directly swung the dragon tail like a blade and chopped at the four Huashen monks on Yufeng Zhiyuan.

The four men had no intention of fighting, so they wanted to escape to heaven. The attack of Jinjiao Jiaolong came too fast, and the four men were in chaos at one time and could not defend well.

At the end of the boat, the immortal Tonghui saw the Golden Dragon's tail attacking, and trembled with fear. In a hurry, he condensed a spiritual shield.

With a dull sound of "boom", the sharp tail of Jinjiao dragon directly broke the spiritual shield condensed by the immortal Tonghui, and directly hit the flesh of Tonghui immortal.


The Tonghui immortal only had time to make a final scream, and his whole body was split into rice sized meat dregs by the golden blade storm carried by the dragon tail.

Seeing that the real man Tonghui was killed in an instant, the other three monks were scared out of their wits. Falling dust son, who wanted to control Yufeng Zhiyuan's escape, was shocked and slowed down.

"Shenfeng sword array!"

Shen Lang continued to display the Shenfeng sword array, and countless sword lights were like waves of waves, enveloping Yufeng Zhiyuan.

The remaining three monks, such as luochenzi, were trapped by this strange array of swords. Their mood fell to the bottom of the valley, and their faces showed deep despair.

They have been scared by the Shenfeng sword array. They feel that this is really over and they can't escape!

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"Rao Spare my life! You have amazing powers. I don't know Mount Tai. I beg for your life Huaikong immortal was so frightened that he simply knelt down and begged for mercy.

Seeing that immortal huaikong actually begged for mercy, luochenzi's old face was as black as the bottom of a pot, and he roared: "huaikong, you are such a timid elder in the transformation period of Fenghuang mountain. You are so timid that you are not afraid to be ridiculed by others!"

Immortal huaikong turned a deaf ear, and his face was overcast and he sent out a message: "falling dust son, if you want to die yourself, don't pull me up."

Meanwhile, wanmiao immortal could not resist the pressure and begged for mercy from Shen Lang and said, "spare me! I can ask you to ban divine arts and serve as your servant for a hundred years

Seeing the exaggeration of wanmiao immortal, immortal huaikong gritted his teeth and said, "I would also like to serve as a servant of Daoyou for a hundred years!"

Falling dust son's face changed several times, and finally his old face turned red. He also gave in and said, "old I'd like to be your servant too

This scene almost didn't amuse Shen Lang, and the old dog of luochenzi just said that he was so righteous and awe inspiring. At the critical moment, he was still holding his tail.

It is true that the longer people live, the less they want to die. These old people will do anything to survive.

Unfortunately, Shen Lang is not a soft hearted person.

"Ha ha ha, you three old rubbish, even if you give it to me as a servant, I don't want to die!" Shen Lang laughs wildly and urges the Shenfeng sword array to strangle three people.

"Whew, whew!"

The sword light in the sky is like a storm, and the three people's eyes are splitting and they are extremely afraid.

Shen Lang has completely moved his heart to kill, and it is no use begging for mercy.Three people are not willing to die like this, trying to resist for a while.

Under the impact of the huge wave of sword light, falling dust son, whose spiritual power was almost exhausted, could not hold on for the first time. His body was strangled and destroyed by the Shenfeng sword array, and his body turned into a piece of blood mist.

Seeing that luochenzi was killed, the rest of huaikong immortal and wanmiao immortal were scared to feel numb and their hearts were shaking.

The two men lost their fighting spirit, defending and begging for mercy at the same time.

"Thunder Dragon, come out!"

Shen Lang turns a deaf ear and displays the sword light of Shenfeng sword array.

Countless sword lights merge into a golden Thunder Dragon with several kilometers in length. The Thunder Dragon flies toward huaikong immortal and wanmiao immortal with almost weird speed. The fierce thunder sound carries a powerful power of destroying the heaven and the earth!


Innumerable sharp golden sword light instantly broke the two people's defense and ground their bodies into powder!

At this point, all six monks in Fenghuang Mountain were killed!

Far away watching the battle, lefil was stunned. She knew that Shen Lang's strength must be excellent, but she never imagined that men's strength was so terrible.

Kill six monks in Fenghuang mountain with their own strength Lefeyre doubted whether Shen Lang was in the early stage of transforming God. Otherwise, how could his fighting power surpass so many monks in the same realm?

Shen Lang has always been a mystery in her eyes. She hasn't seen Shen Lang for more than 20 years. This man has become more and more mysterious.

Lefei took a deep breath and calmed her mood. She flew towards Shen Lang with Qi Xuan Qin in her arms.

At this time, Shen Lang has recovered his body and collected some booty. The trapped dragon lock that fell under the barren mountain was also recognized by Shen Lang with blood.

This bitter battle has benefited him a lot. He not only got these trophies, but also has a great increase in his ability!

After the breakthrough of Shengyang's fighting Qi, his ability has been increased to ten times. Shen Lang's physical recovery can be compared with his self-healing body!

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