Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 1985: 1986

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In keeping with the defense mechanism of Bibo mirror, Zhao Zhigang sacrificed his life energy to re sacrifice the Huolin sword, and tried his best to inject massive spiritual power into the sword.

The fire Lin sword released the fire light as strong as the sun, covering all the surrounding scenery. The suffocating heat wave rose and swept around, half of the palace turned red!

"Zhongpin Honghuang Lingbao?"

Shen Lang was surprised. He didn't expect that the commander of Xuanfeng guard had such an amazing magic weapon.

In the ancient spirit world, although the second-class Honghuang Lingbao is a rare top-level treasure, there are still one or two of them that can be mixed well.

The second-class Honghuang Lingbao is not a concept at all. Its power is at least three or four times that of the inferior Honghuang Lingbao. Even the later monks of the common God may not have one!

"Hum, Terran boy, you have a lot of treasures."

The five color Golden Toad looks slightly sideways. The giant sword in Zhao Zhigang's hands is also the top level in the middle-class Honghuang Lingbao.

"Fire Lin sword, kill me!"

Zhao Zhigang's face was ferocious, and the fire Lin sword in his hand was floating in the air, releasing thousands of fire lights, which turned into a magic spirit of huoqilin with a body length of several hundred meters.

Huoqilin is very beautiful. It has a dragon head and a horse body. It is covered with gold flame. It has sharp claws and wings on its back. It looks like the scorching sun. It makes everything around it red! It exudes a sense of overwhelming oppression.


Huo Qilin opens his dragon head and roars up to the sky. He runs into the five colored Golden Toad directly, carrying the rolling heat wave.


The frightening sound of the explosion was like a landslide, and the whole treasure house was shaking, as if there had been an earthquake of magnitude 10.

The burning flame swept around the hall, and the five Xuanfeng guards quickly put up their spiritual shield to resist the erosion of the flame.

Zhao Zhigang used his 12 point strength to hit this move, which was even as powerful as a monk's all-out attack in the later period of transforming God.

After a series of explosions, the five color Golden Toad is still safe and sound, but the golden light wall on the surface of the body has already had dense cracks!

Zhao Zhigang's face is very ugly, his own level of attack, even the other party's weak body aura are not broken?

"Man boy, you've pissed off Ben Di!"

The five color Golden Toad looks ferocious. It emits a golden storm from its mouth. It radiates gold in the tuyere. It contains extremely powerful destructive power!

Zhao Zhigang was startled and yelled in panic: "come on, attack this monster together!"

Five Xuanfeng guards attack at the same time, and Zhao Zhigang bravely urges the fire Lin sword to fight back.

"Dong Dong Dong Dong!"

For a moment, the golden storm collided with the attacks of various kinds of spiritual treasures of the great famine. The sound of explosion was continuous and dazzling.

Shen Lang is still watching in the dark, looking for the time to start.

He found that the five color Golden Toad did not seem to be as powerful as he thought. At the same time, facing the six Xuanfeng guards, the five color golden toad could at most not fall behind.

Zhao Zhigang and other attacks, from time to time also fell on the toad.

Because the body of the five color Golden Toad is sealed, his strength can only play a few thousandths, and he can only release the body protection aura with extremely weak power.

With this level of body protection and aura, it is no problem to defend a single monk in the deification period. However, it is still a bit unbearable to face the strong attack of six spiritual transformation monks at the same time.

Soon, "click" a crisp sound, the body of the five color toad was finally broken, the body suffered several attacks, but only a few traces of blood, not even minor injuries.

The body of the five color Golden Toad was extremely hard. Even if he stood there and let the six Xuanfeng guards fight, the other party could hardly cause any serious injury to him for a while.

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"Die! You all have to die

It is a great insult to the five color Golden Toad's fury and being wounded by a group of dregs in the transformation period.

The toad's attack became more and more fierce, and the five Xuanfeng guards struggled to support it.

Zhao Zhigang is also afraid. His intestines are full of regret. He knew that he would run into such a tricky monster. If he was killed, he would not enter the treasure house.

Shen Lang's eyes shrunk as he watched the battle. It is estimated that the six spiritual monks will not be able to hold on.

Although the strength of the five color golden toad can not be exerted, as a demon cultivation in the later stage of the combination, the spiritual power of the toad is so huge that it is unimaginable that it consumes all the energy to kill the six sacred wind guards.

When the five color Golden Toad spared no effort to release the attack, Shen Lang suddenly turned back and launched a sneak attack!

"Holy worm tower, go!"

Shen Lang's face was ferocious, and he made a violent drink in his mouth. Then he poured spiritual power into the holy insect tower which had already recognized the Lord.


The holy insect tower that absorbs spiritual power immediately releases dazzling golden light, just like a hot sun rising slowly!

The five color Golden Toad who was attacking saw this scene and couldn't help but lose color and roared: "boy, what do you want to do?"

The five color golden toad has lived for countless years. His mind is extremely high. He can react instantly. Shen Lang can activate the holy insect pagoda, which shows that he has refined this tower for a long time, but he has never told himself.It turns out that the son of a bitch is trying to sneak in!

Shen Lang turned a deaf ear and poured spiritual power into the holy insect tower as much as possible.


Soon, the bottom layer of the tower was opened, and seven or eight light beetles the size of watermelon flew out.

"Come on, kill him for me!" Shen Lang quickly gives orders to the fierce insects flying out of the holy insect tower.

"Hiss, hisses!"

A holy light beetle made a furious whistling sound. The golden horn on the top of his head released a dazzling golden light, and fiercely ran into the five colored Golden Toad.

"Son of a bitch, how dare you attack the emperor!"

The five color Golden Toad found that he had been cheated, and the anger in his heart climbed to the extreme!

Seeing Shen Lang's sudden defection, the five Xuanfeng guards are a little confused about the situation.

Zhao Zhigang is also a Leng, turn to roar: "good opportunity, kill me!"

As soon as the voice fell, the six men attacked the big toad harder. Anyway, it was right to kill the toad.

Although the five color Golden Toad was furious, he was not very flustered in his heart, because with Shen Lang's cultivation level, he could only release a small number of evil insects in the transformation period, which would not threaten him.

Although the beetle's power is amazing, it only leaves a tiny wound on the flesh of the Golden Toad after hitting it for more than ten times.

And the attack of the six Shenfeng guards, the five color golden toad can basically resist it, which is not worth mentioning. Both attacks pose no threat to the toad's body.

"Human scum, do you really think you can threaten Ben Di if you take down the holy insect tower? Ignorance! I will not be a demon if I don't tear you into pieces today

The emperor of the giant toad clan was cheated by a human garbage. The breath of five color Golden Toad gas was not smooth. He wanted to peel Shen Lang's skin and drink his blood.

Shen Lang sneered: "old toad, don't be too confident. I'll let you taste the taste of ten thousand insects eating body!"

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