Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 2007: 2008

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Shen Lang stood up unsteadily. The two ghostly spiders in front of him became more than ten centimeters in size and got into Shen Lang's sleeve.

A primeval forest scene, the forest is filled with a faint aura, trees shade, the sun is shining, the temperature is a little hot, as high as 40-50 degrees.

For ordinary people, the temperature is intolerable, but for monks, it has no effect.

"This should be a wasteland!"

Shen Lang thought secretly that the wilderness was located in the southernmost part of the ancient Lingjie. The climate was hot, and vast areas of virgin forests and mountains were intertwined.

Before that, the world-class transmission array in Tianxu city could choose the location when transmitting. Shen Lang directly chose the southernmost place, and it was indeed transmitted to the wilderness.

There are many races in the wilderness, and a large number of strange races are gathered. The territory is vast and sparsely populated, and the ethnic land of each race is very small. Even the largest race in the wilderness, the ethnic land is less than one twentieth of the Terran.

The most important point is that the cultivation of immortals in the wilderness is obviously weak. According to the Terrans, it is just a barbarian land.

In fact, it is not easy for a monk to walk in the wilderness in the period of transforming God, as long as he does not make a high profile and deliberately provoke the races in the wilderness.

Shen Lang rubbed his dizzy brain, flew into the air, released his consciousness, and looked around him.

It is a jungle hinterland with a mountain range in the south.

The land of Nanyuan is in the southernmost part of the wasteland, so no matter where you are in the wilderness, it must be right to go south.

Shen Lang released the purple cloud Zhang, the whole person sat on top of the cloud, rose to the sky, and quickly walked toward the south.

Shen Lang controls ziyunzhang's flight and thinks about his future plans.

Now that they have been transported to the great wilderness, the holy beetles don't know where they are, so they are unlikely to find the wilderness, and the monks of the Taiyi league are unlikely to pursue it.

His situation should be safe. Shen Lang plans to go directly to the land of Nanyuan to find yunzhangzi. He first gets the mental skill of the last six layers of Tiangang Chunyang sword code, and then thinks about his plan.

However, the great wilderness is too large. If ziyunzhang flies like this, it will take Shen Lang thousands of years to reach the land of Nanyuan. We must rely on the transmission array.

Moreover, to go to Nanyuan, we have to pass through several dangerous places. We need to be very careful. It is not so easy.

During the flight, Shen Lang releases his divine sense and pays attention to the environment below. He wants to find a small race to ask for directions, such as the location of the transmission array.

When ziyunzhang flies over the mountains in the south, Shen Lang is keenly aware that the spirit of the five elements here is stronger than that of other places, and there is fighting in the valley ahead!

Shen Lang stopped the purple cloud mountain and flew quickly towards the valley.

After a while, he saw a giant black bear thousands of meters long fighting with a giant golden centipede. The scene was extremely violent!

Black bear body hair like steel general, but now the body was stabbed in many places, blood dripping.

The golden centipede, like a python, entangles the black bear. Its legs are like sharp spines, deeply penetrating into the black bear's flesh and blood.


The black bear was extremely angry, and released a large number of magic flames. He was frantically struggling with the golden centipede.

But the more he struggled, the more tightly the golden centipede tied, leaving a deeper wound on the black bear's body, blood splashing.

Shen Lang shrunk his eyes. He knew the golden centipede. He was a famous ferocious insect "golden backed centipede" in the ancient spirit world.

This insect is also a kind of fierce beast. It has no intelligence, is fierce, and likes to eat flesh and blood. It mostly comes from the hinterland of the jungle. The fighting power is comparable to that of the monks in the middle and later period.

As for the black bear, Shen Lang doesn't know what kind of race he is. He looks like a demon monk, and his breath is probably in the middle of transforming into God.

In the current situation, it was obvious that the golden backed centipede had the upper hand, and his whole body was not hurt. The black bear is scarred all over. Although it looks more and more fierce, it is estimated that it will not last long.


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The golden backed centipede opens two huge jaw teeth and bites fiercely at the black bear's neck.

The black bear grabbed the golden Centipede's jaw teeth with his thick hands. He tried his best, but he still couldn't hold on.

At this critical moment.

The black bear noticed the breath of Shen Lang and exclaimed: "help, Daoyou! I'm the little master of the magic bear family. As long as the Taoist friends are willing to save me, the magic bear family will pay a lot of rewards. I'm very grateful! "

Shen Lang's eyebrows raised, demon bear clan?

Shen Lang has heard of this race. It seems that it is the last one among the 37000 small tribes in the ancient spiritual world, which is even weaker than the fire ant tribe.

In any case, he just came to the wilderness and needed to find a guide. Shen Lang simply chose to go.

"Blood turns nine!"

With a low drink, Shen Lang directly transformed into a golden Horned Dragon. The scales and folds of the Golden Dragon on his body glowed, sending out a palpable breath.

The golden backed centipede felt the strong breath of the golden Horned Dragon, and made a sharp whistling sound in its mouth, which seemed to be a little irritable.The golden Horned Dragon approached directly, opened its wide mouth and fangs, and bit at the head of the golden backed centipede with lightning speed.


The golden Horned Dragon bit off the carapace of the brain of the centipede, and the blood spattered like a fountain.


After being hurt, the golden backed centipede shrieked, released the black bear, and transferred his hatred to Shen Lang. The golden backed centipede swings its sharp legs, and its tail swings toward the golden Horned Dragon like a whip.

Jinjiao dragon is not willing to be outdone. There is a layer of golden blade storm on the sharp dragon scale, which is also thrown at the golden backed centipede.


The golden backed centipede was defeated by the golden Horned Dragon. It was thrown away by the sharp iron tail of the golden Horned Dragon. It hit the mountain wall heavily and made a dull sound.

Affected by the violent vigorous wind, the black bear retreated more than ten steps.

Seeing the Jinjiao dragon after Shen Lang's transformation, the black bear was startled and exclaimed, "Jinjiao clan!"

When did this high-level race come into the wilderness?

The golden backed Centipede's legs were slashed by the tail of the golden Horned Dragon. It struggled to get up and flew towards the golden Horned Dragon.

Fearless, the golden Horned Dragon scuffled with the golden backed centipede, and soon gained the upper hand.

In the same realm, the comprehensive combat power of Jinjiao Jiaolong is much stronger than that of Jinbei centipede, and the golden backed centipede is soon devastated and dying.

Shen Lang turned back to the human body and raised his right hand to the golden backed centipede.

The next moment, the golden beetle pattern on the back of Shen Lang's hand releases the golden light of the sun.

Then, a magical scene appeared.

The huge golden backed centipede was sucked in by the golden beetle pattern on the back of Shen Lang's hand and disappeared out of thin air.

The owner of the holy insect tower can lock the fierce insects into the tower. This golden backed centipede is the level of deification and can be taken away by the holy insect tower.

The only requirement is that the captive killer must be in a state of extreme weakness and little resistance.

Shen Langgang is just testing the ability of the holy insect tower. It works!

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