Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 2013: 2014

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There are two emperors and empresses of Lianhua nationality, each of which governs the clan lands on both sides of the north and the south. There are often conflicts among them.

Xiaodie's mother is called "Xuelan emperor empress" in Lianhua family, and Zichen's mother is another queen of Lianhua family, who is honored as "Queen of seven Jue emperor".

The two emperors and empresses were both monks in the period of syncretism, and they were the only two monks in Lianhua family. Their accomplishments were in the early period of syncretism.

The relationship between the two emperors and empresses was not harmonious, and the friars of Lianhua nationality stood in the northern and southern parts of the territory.

But since the fierce insects came, the two emperors and empresses reached a consensus, put aside all contradictions and personal feuds, and led the monks of the clan to resist the fierce insects' attack.

Since the last war, Xuelan emperor was seriously injured. Now, almost all the things in Lianhua clan are in the charge of empress Qijue.

Shen Lang is afraid to hear, but he can't believe that Zichen's mother is such a terrible existence.

If the empress of the seven Jue emperor knew that she had killed her son, she would have skinned herself

"Master Shen is relieved. Zichen was hiding when he came out just now. The friars of the clan didn't notice him and would not suspect him. Even if the seven Jue emperor really sent someone to find out the clues, the little girl will take the initiative to take the responsibility, and certainly won't let the childe have the worry of his life! "

Xiaodie said solemnly.

Shen Lang didn't want to let a woman take responsibility for himself, but it was indeed a disaster. He had to say, "I hope it won't happen."

After a while, they flew to the border of Lianhua nationality.

All kinds of high tower sentry and the camp buildings built of solid crystal stones come into view.

"See you little princess!"

Seeing little butterfly flying to the border camp, the friars of Lianhua nationality who guarded the border bowed down and saluted one after another to show their highest respect.

For the sake of the whole Lianhua family, empress Xuelan did not hesitate to sacrifice his life to fight against the fierce insects in the mating period. The monks of Lianhua family were deeply moved and highly admired the empress Xuelan.

As the daughter of snow orchid emperor, Xiaodie is naturally treated by the monks of the lotus family.

The friars of Lianhua nationality who patrol the border are not lower than those of yuanyingqi. Shen Lang is shocked. This Lianhua family is worthy of being one of the 300 great families in the ancient spiritual world.

If it was not for the small number of people, Lianhua would not have been at the bottom of the top 300.

In addition to a large number of patrol yuanyingqi friars, the border camp also has two commanders at the early stage of deification.

"You are guarding the border. You have made great efforts. Please get up quickly. Xiaodie came here to return to Tianxiang Palace by means of transmission array. " Little butterfly said, quite Princess bearing.

"Little princess, please wait a moment. My subordinates will start the transmission array immediately." A black robed nun at the beginning of the transformation immediately clasped her fist and then flew to a crystal building on the right side of the camp.

Another white robe commander at the beginning of the transformation turned his eyes to Shen Lang beside Xiaodie and couldn't help asking, "little princess, do you dare to ask this Taoist friend?"

"He is a distinguished guest of our Lianhua clan, so don't worry about his identity." Xiaodie's right way.

"I see. I've met this Taoist friend."

The commander didn't ask more questions and gave his fist to Shen Lang.

"I've met you."

Shen Lang also saluted the commander.

Not long.

The former lady in black flew over and bowed to Meier: "little princess, the transmission array has been activated and can be transmitted at any time."

"Thank you."

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Little butterfly nodded slightly and led Shen Langfei into the crystal building in the camp.

After they leave.

The white robe commander frowned: "the noble guest just now didn't have the spirit of wood spirit. Is it possible that he was a human friar? What's the problem with a friar

Generally, the spirit flower, grass and wood that have been cultivated into flesh body will have obvious wood aura, which can only be hidden by the monk of Lianhua family during the period of refining deficiency.

The black robed woman on one side corrected her color and said, "no, this distinguished guest brought by the princess is definitely not a human friar! You also know that my body is black lotus, and I have a keen sense of the spirit. Just now I realized that the power of the spirit of this noble guest is extremely strong. The strength of the spirit has exceeded that of the monk at the peak of transforming God, and even close to the strong one in the period of practicing deficiency! "


The commander in the white robe was a little unbelievable, showing a look of great surprise.

"It is impossible for a monk of the Terran family to have such a terrible spirit power. As powerful as our lotus loving family, the top blood may not have such amazing soul power. Maybe this noble guest is also one of our kind. In short, we should not neglect the guests brought by the little princess The nun in Black said.


The commander in white nodded solemnly.


Shen Lang and Xiao die send out by transmission array.

"Whoosh" sound, two people came to a palace, surrounded by mountains, quiet and beautiful, surrounded by a wonderful garden.

Colorful spirit flowers bloom in the garden, the spirit of trees lush, branches cross sparse, green leaves mellow.In front of us, the hall stands high and is made of white jade crystal. It is gorgeous and holy, and there are branches like violets on the wall, giving out a refreshing fragrance.

On one side of the square stands a white jade stele with a height of dozens of meters, on which are carved three elegant characters: "Tianxiang Palace".

Xiaodie is preparing to lead Shen Lang in.

Suddenly the door of Tianxiang palace opened and a group of friars came out.

The first is a beautiful woman with a phoenix crown and a purple gauze skirt. Her facial features are extremely exquisite, but the wrinkles around her eyes can still see the traces of years. Her whole body exudes a kind of supercilious temperament, which seems to have been developed over the years.

After the beautiful woman, there were nine Chinese monks, male and female, all of whom were young and indifferent.

Shen Lang's hair stood up. Instinctively, he felt that this group of people was not ordinary. He carefully released his divine sense and looked at the group of friars in front of him. Suddenly, there was a big wave in his heart!

Shen Lang, the nine Chinese monks behind the beautiful woman, can still see their accomplishments in the period of practicing deficiency. As for the beautiful woman herself, Shen Lang can't even see what her accomplishments are.

This can only explain a point, in front of this purple dress woman, is the great ability of fit period!

Considering that there are only two emperors and empresses in Lianhua family, isn't she Empress of the Seven Lost emperors?

"No No way

Shen Lang was sweating all over. He met the last person he wanted to meet so soon.

One side of the small butterfly psychological quality is not as good as Shen Lang, is pale, scared petite body are a burst of shiver.

Xiaodie tried to suppress her fear. She bowed slightly and bowed to the beautiful woman: "Xiao Xiaodie, I've seen After the emperor Qijue, there are all the elders. "

"Little butterfly, don't be so gentle and afraid. My aunt won't eat you. The one next to you is not the friar of our Lian Hua clan, is he? "

As soon as the voice fell, the eyes of emperor Qijue turned to Shen Lang.

Shen Lang was excited all over. He felt that there was a kind of storm like atmosphere in the eyes of emperor Qijue. As if all his secrets were seen through by the beautiful woman in front of him, he could not help but turn pale.

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